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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

A 20 year old is a brand new voter brainwashed in our liberal schools, hardly a solidified Republican, the idiot is probably upset about the climate change boogeyman......... but don't get it twisted, it's the constant barrage of liberal lies and Trump hate flooding the mainstream media and social media by democrats who will say anything to sway voters, this is the effects of the lefts identity politics and the preaching of Trump hate !

p.s. Thomas Matthew Crooks may have registered to vote as a Republican, but he has never voted in a Presidential race before, however he did donate to Act Blue a liberal democrat fundraising site.

He was a registered Republican. You can't blame his education for that, nor any liberalism at any school he may have attended. MAGAs are always the victim.
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Hello, My first post, let's make it a good one!

Well, It turns out the so-called "assassin" was the 20-year-old Thomas Crooks who is/was a registered Republican, Right-Wing gun nut, Wearing a pro-gun "DEMOLITIA" Demolition Ranch tee shirt, and using the Right-Wing's beloved weapon of choice the AR-15! So the MAGA monsters tRump, Fox "News", and the Republicans have created are now turning on their creators...
You think this was a good first post? A good first post would be perhaps an introduction or something laser related. Are you a returning banned member?
Maybe his daddy wanted him to register as a republican, you don't know and it doesn't mean jack shit, a 20 year old who's never voted for any President isn't an established Republican or Democrat.

Oh Yes I can blame the liberal schools and the constant Trump hate spewed by the left, you democrats say the most atrocious things to fear monger and gin up hate.

You paul constantly accredit Trump hate as a reason he won't win, you say many people won't allow Trump to be President again..... is this violence what you had in mind ?

Thomas Matthew Crooks also won a $500 award in high school for science and m

Yes we have all read that in the news paul, what's your point ?
Maybe his daddy wanted him to register as a republican, you don't know and it doesn't mean jack shit, a 20 year old who's never voted for any President isn't an established Republican or Democrat.

Oh Yes I can blame the liberal schools and the constant Trump hate spewed by the left, you democrats say the most atrocious things to fear monger and gin up hate.

That's ridiculous! Even if he hadn't voted in a presidential race he was registered as a Republican. There are no rules that say anyone registered to vote is not an established Republican. That's just spin as you wanted him to be a Democrat.
Democrats are to blame for ginning up Trump hate, spewing lies and hyperbole, exploiting racial and gender identity as well as twisting what Trump says into something it's not.

There's no rule that says anyone registered as a republican is actually a republican..... hell I have crossed party lines to vote against democrats I don't like, I have registered as a democrat to do this and then voted for the Republican president...... there's no rule that says you are either based on how you last registered, but donating to a liberal democrat org. says a lot more.
Democrats are to blame for ginning up Trump hate, spewing lies and hyperbole, exploiting racial and gender identity as well as twisting what Trump says into something it's not.

There's no rule that says anyone registered as a republican is actually a republican..... hell I have crossed party lines to vote against democrats I don't like, I have registered as a democrat to do this and then voted for the Republican president...... there's no rule that says you are either based on how you last registered, but donating to a liberal democrat org. says a lot more.

Donald Trump used hyperbole often. He has lied so often that everyone is used to that. You can't spin this away by saying you've registered as a Democrat. I seriously doubt you ever have. Crooks was a registered REPUBLICAN!
You think this was a good first post? A good first post would be perhaps an introduction or something laser related. Are you a returning banned member?
I think it was an ok first post compared to the posts leading up to and after the tRump shooting.

No, I haven't been banned and I am an adult.
Crooks did make a $15 contribution 3 years ago to a left leaning group before he may not have even been able to vote yet. But, now he was a registered Republican.
Crooks did make a $15 contribution 3 years ago to a left leaning group before he may not have even been able to vote yet. But, now he was a registered Republican.

You have added nothing to the conversation by repeating the same thing paul, you are just arguing like an angry spouse with no valid point to make..... NO VALID POINT paul.

Trump will be reelected, plan on dealing with it.
Crooks did make a $15 contribution 3 years ago to a left leaning group before he may not have even been able to vote yet. But, now he was a registered Republican.
He did register as a Republican on 9/28/2021 and last voted on 11/8/2022 although it is not known who he voted for, his dad was a Libertarian and his mom was a Democrat, he was an outcast who got bullied almost daily for wearing military and hunting "camo" type clothes to school and liked the AR-15, sure sounds like a Republican to me?
He did register as a Republican on 9/28/2021 and last voted on 11/8/2022 although it is not known who he voted for, his dad was a Libertarian and his mom was a Democrat, he was an outcast who got bullied almost daily for wearing military and hunting "camo" type clothes to school and liked the AR-15, sure sounds like a Republican to me?

Sounds like a Republican you say........ well if he was a Republican........ then why would he....... shoot Trump ?

Ott-ohh..... your little theory just fell apart.

Maybe he was one of those elusive Trump hating Republicans paul keeps talking about, but he knew he couldn't vote for Biden, so maybe he thought he could get a new Republican candidate this way ?

If there are Republicans who won't vote for Trump, they likely won't vote for Biden either.

p.s. Biden's not getting a 2nd term, sorry.... not sorry, he's just not.
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Sounds like a Republican you say........ well if he was a Republican........ then why would he....... shoot Trump ?

Ott-ohh..... your little theory just fell apart.

Maybe he was one of those elusive Trump hating Republicans paul keeps talking about, but he knew he couldn't vote for Biden, so maybe he thought he could get a new Republican candidate this way ?

If there are Republicans who won't vote for Trump, they likely won't vote for Biden either.

p.s. Biden's not getting a 2nd term, sorry.... not sorry, he's just not.
You just said you "have registered as a democrat to do this and then voted for the Republican president" so why is it so hard for you to realize there are real Republicans who hate tRump???
Sounds like a Republican you say........ well if he was a Republican........ then why would he....... shoot Trump ?

Ott-ohh..... your little theory just fell apart.

Maybe he was one of those elusive Trump hating Republicans paul keeps talking about, but he knew he couldn't vote for Biden, so maybe he thought he could get a new Republican candidate this way ?

If there are Republicans who won't vote for Trump, they likely won't vote for Biden either.

p.s. Biden's not getting a 2nd term, sorry.... not sorry, he's just not.

There are many Republicans that hate Trump. Many have said they plan on voting for Biden as this election is too important. Normally, they would vote for a Republican, but never Trump.
I think it was an ok first post compared to the posts leading up to and after the tRump shooting.

No, I haven't been banned and I am an adult.
The trump shooting is irrelevant. Usually people join a laser forum to talk about lasers not politics. Gotta make sure you aren't a returning banned member. I find it hard to believe that you found this place specifically for political discussion. All I'm saying
