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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

The inflation rate, not the cost of goods which went up by 2.4% on top of already being too dam expensive.

Thank God for President Donald Trump, Trump will keep us out of nuclear war and I don't care one dam bit if we see regime change in Russia or not...... not one dam bit, Trump will put America 1st and that's what we want, it's one more reason why Trump will win.

The inflation rate, not the cost of goods which went up by 2.4% on top of already being too dam expensive.

Thank God for President Donald Trump, Trump will keep us out of nuclear war and I don't care one dam bit if we see regime change in Russia or not...... not one dam bit, Trump will put America 1st and that's what we want, it's one more reason why Trump will win.

Actually, the inflation rate went down to 2.4% from 2.5% the month before. Doanld Trump got his economy from Obama who had given him 75 moths of employment increases after the disasterous Bush administration. Remember 2008? Yeah, that was a disater. Trump did nothing to increase jobs as his first three years mirrored Obama's last three years.

rofl I can imagine a whole group storming McDonald's. Just hundreds of them. All 500lbs land whales on mobility scooters. Some of them capsizing and tipping into mud puddles or hitting cacti as they collide with each other while racing for the Double Big Mac with Bacon. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Actually, the inflation rate went down to 2.4% from 2.5% the month before. Doanld Trump got his economy from Obama who had given him 75 moths of employment increases after the disasterous Bush administration. Remember 2008? Yeah, that was a disater. Trump did nothing to increase jobs as his first three years mirrored Obama's last three years.

You do understand that the cost of goods is still going up on top of already being too dam expensive, the inflation RATE going from 2.5% to 2.4% simply means everything is still getting more expensive only at a slightly slower rate of increase.

Obama got less votes than Trump.... Trump got more votes than Obama and I doubt Kamala will get as many votes as Obama did..... Trump is going to be sworn back in come 1/20/25, best prepare yourself paul.
You do understand that the cost of goods is still going up on top of already being too dam expensive, the inflation RATE going from 2.5% to 2.4% simply means everything is still getting more expensive only at a slightly slower rate of increase.

Obama got less votes than Trump.... Trump got more votes than Obama and I doubt Kamala will get as many votes as Obama did..... Trump is going to be sworn back in come 1/20/25, best prepare yourself paul.

The inflation rate under Trump was over 2% as well. It only fell to 1.9% bcause he mismanaged the covid pandemic. The rate reduction by the fed should help bring down prices. That is how this works. Also, Harris is going after corporations that price gouge like grocery store chains.
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Harris would reduce quality and reduce choices by squeezing manufactures, it won't fix the problem which is government printing money and spending money it never collected in tax..... basically our federal government steals the value of our dollar by printing/spending money this way, under Harris consumers would suffer, but Trump would restore our economy because Trump understands economics, Trump is a businessman and that is exactly what we need to fix our economy issues, we don't need Harris making things worse which she would no doubt do..... the idiot cock gobbler couldn't even oversee our Southern border, she has no business running our country.
Donald Trump has been doubling down on his tarrifs lately. Everyone should know these are just another tax on U.S. citizens. He has taken to praising the 1890s as these were when tarrifs were used the most leading to the 1893 depression. Look it up if you don't believe me. This should scare the shit out of everyone who lives here. Donald Trump was the worst businessman that ever lived. He has no understanding of business.
You see tariffs raising consumer prices but don't understand how government price fixing would do the same.
Only difference is tariffs on foreign producers will empower US manufacturers to be competitive and in short order reduce prices by virtue of mass production...... fact is foreign governments subsidize their exporters so they can drive our companies out of business, Trumps tariffs are a good idea and will create American jobs.

You paul don't understand business, basically you don't get something for nothing, you can't squeeze lower prices out of manufacturers by mandate without product quality suffering, they have to cut something, eventually they will go out of business and we will get government cheese made under contract that will cost the taxpayers more to subsidize.... which will include government corruption and graft.

I get it .... Americans are too fat, so the globalist want to take over our grocery stores and drive producers out of business by supposedly mandating lower prices, what a fucking nightmare that will be for us consumer citizens, how about government tighten it's fucking belt and stop stealing us blind, stop printing money they have no right to spend, stop pushing regime change in Russia because Hillary is butthurt she lost.

If the American people are stupid enough to fall for democrat lies, then we will all pay for it.
The Trump bibles Donald Trump has been selling were made in China! You can't blame Trump as they are stamped in a place he would never look. on the inside. :LOL:
Trump isn't overseeing the ordering of election time swag, his campaign workers deal with that, and it's all made in China, so is all the Harris/Walz swag.
You see tariffs raising consumer prices but don't understand how government price fixing would do the same.
Only difference is tariffs on foreign producers will empower US manufacturers to be competitive and in short order reduce prices by virtue of mass production...... fact is foreign governments subsidize their exporters so they can drive our companies out of business, Trumps tariffs are a good idea and will create American jobs.

You paul don't understand business, basically you don't get something for nothing, you can't squeeze lower prices out of manufacturers by mandate without product quality suffering, they have to cut something, eventually they will go out of business and we will get government cheese made under contract that will cost the taxpayers more to subsidize.... which will include government corruption and graft.

I get it .... Americans are too fat, so the globalist want to take over our grocery stores and drive producers out of business by supposedly mandating lower prices, what a fucking nightmare that will be for us consumer citizens, how about government tighten it's fucking belt and stop stealing us blind, stop printing money they have no right to spend, stop pushing regime change in Russia because Hillary is butthurt she lost.

If the American people are stupid enough to fall for democrat lies, then we will all pay for it.

No, it is you who doesn't understand. Trump is the worst president we have ever had and Mark Milley called him a facist to his core just today. Trump can never be allowed in the White House again.
You see tariffs raising consumer prices but don't understand how government price fixing would do the same.
Only difference is tariffs on foreign producers will empower US manufacturers to be competitive and in short order reduce prices by virtue of mass production...... fact is foreign governments subsidize their exporters so they can drive our companies out of business, Trumps tariffs are a good idea and will create American jobs.

You paul don't understand business, basically you don't get something for nothing, you can't squeeze lower prices out of manufacturers by mandate without product quality suffering, they have to cut something, eventually they will go out of business and we will get government cheese made under contract that will cost the taxpayers more to subsidize.... which will include government corruption and graft.

I get it .... Americans are too fat, so the globalist want to take over our grocery stores and drive producers out of business by supposedly mandating lower prices, what a fucking nightmare that will be for us consumer citizens, how about government tighten it's fucking belt and stop stealing us blind, stop printing money they have no right to spend, stop pushing regime change in Russia because Hillary is butthurt she lost.

If the American people are stupid enough to fall for democrat lies, then we will all pay for it.
I think you're leaving out some things and just mostly wrong and here's why.

There are so many things that get imported that we either do not have any current capacity to make here, or can not make for some reason like needing resources that don't exist here as much as in other countries, or being some type of food that no climate in the US is suitable to grow etc. So there will be no incentive to source such products here, or it will be impossible. Even in many cases where it is possible in theory, it won't happen. Like so many textiles are made in Bangladesh. Those workers are paid next to nothing, even the US state with the lowest minimum wage is orders of magnitude higher wages, the companies will still make the shirts in Bangladesh because even the 20% tarrif won't be enough to justify paying American workers to do it, to say nothing of the capital costs needed to build the factories here. Americans won't work for Bangladesh wages. So textiles will simply be more expensive under trump, by at least 20%, and inflation won't stop. This is just one example. Even if a company did start making textiles here and paying American workers, their labor costs would still demand that the price is much higher than we currently pay, and higher than what we have plus 20% as well. So, it's a retarded idea on multiple levels.

Regarding price controls, if the cost of making things is taken into consideration and only the profit margins reduced, I don't see why this won't just mean less profit margin and don't see any reason it intrinsically reduces quality. There's no law of the universe that says that profit margins must be exorbitant or capitalists won't bother. If you're worried about subsidy, I have terrible news. So many industries are ALREADY subsidized a ton. Like corn, beef, chicken, oil, and many many more. Socialism for the rich, fully supported by Republicans. And democrats too to a large extent I suppose.

I actually think tarrifs can be a useful tool for products where there is existing competition in the US, but it needs to be intelligently targeted. Doing a blanket 20% is dumb as hell and will be a huge system shock

Then theres the conversation about capitalism needing foreign workers with minimal rights to exploit for cheap labor and how they encourage repressive governments to keep those people disempowered so that they can protect their profits. This is why the rich fearmoneger about a one world government or one world unity. They fear workers around the world uniting. Why should a Bangladesh citizen's labor be worth any less than an American's? Aren't all men created equal? If workers all realized how governments and religion stoke fears of other nations and races and use this to divide people so they don't unite against the capital owning class, the jig would be up. Also, we wouldn't need to spend such huge numbers on the military to protect those corporate profits, which is what militaries and police largely do.

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

-Smedly Butler, marine corps general
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