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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

What business successes? He had none! He was a failure at businsses as much as he was a failure as president. And, he's not added any policies that would benefit anyone except for the very rich.

Stop lying paul, we know your TDS is eating your heart out.

A very stable genius who solves the economy very bigly. Right

Trump did much better than Biden and Harris is a fake with no business or economic accomplishments of her own, but tell us julian, what have you accomplished and how do you live, do you pay rent, buy groceries, pay property taxes ?

Trump has had his own business success, how does your business success compare ?
What would be your economic plan for the nation, would you tax your parents retirement savings to pay for socialism ?
Our nation is in a great deal of debt. So what would you do to remedy the situation and what social programs would you implement and how would you pay for it all ? Don't tell me you would tax the wealthy, that's a pipe dream that could never pay for universal healthcare/housing/income and I mean not a single one of those concepts.

It's actually quite humorous when you think about democrats taxing Sorros, Bloomberg and Zuckerburg enough to help pay for social programs such as universal healthcare/income/housing because we know that's not going to happen.
Democrats wouldn't even pass any tax laws without loopholes for their wealthy contributors.
Trump did much better than Biden and Harris is a fake with no business or economic accomplishments of her own, but tell us julian, what have you accomplished and how do you live, do you pay rent, buy groceries, pay property taxes ?

Trump has had his own business success, how does your business success compare ?
What would be your economic plan for the nation, would you tax your parents retirement savings to pay for socialism ?
Our nation is in a great deal of debt. So what would you do to remedy the situation and what social programs would you implement and how would you pay for it all ? Don't tell me you would tax the wealthy, that's a pipe dream that could never pay for universal healthcare/housing/income and I mean not a single one of those concepts.

It's actually quite humorous when you think about democrats taxing Sorros, Bloomberg and Zuckerburg enough to help pay for social programs such as universal healthcare/income/housing because we know that's not going to happen.
Democrats wouldn't even pass any tax laws without loopholes for their wealthy contributors.

How many times are you going to repost this? I think three is enough.
Trump did much better than Biden and Harris is a fake with no business or economic accomplishments of her own, but tell us julian, what have you accomplished and how do you live, do you pay rent, buy groceries, pay property taxes ?

Trump has had his own business success, how does your business success compare ?
What would be your economic plan for the nation, would you tax your parents retirement savings to pay for socialism ?
Our nation is in a great deal of debt. So what would you do to remedy the situation and what social programs would you implement and how would you pay for it all ? Don't tell me you would tax the wealthy, that's a pipe dream that could never pay for universal healthcare/housing/income and I mean not a single one of those concepts.

It's actually quite humorous when you think about democrats taxing Sorros, Bloomberg and Zuckerburg enough to help pay for social programs such as universal healthcare/income/housing because we know that's not going to happen.
Democrats wouldn't even pass any tax laws without loopholes for their wealthy contributors.
Give me a sec, I’ll respond after I finish making dinner using my groceries in my apartment
You know, Merrich Garland's DOJ indicting another Democrat is just proof that Donald Trump wasn't singled out for prosecution. Everyone gets his time in court, and if guilty, will be found so.
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You know, Merrich Garland's DOJ indicting another Democrat is just proof that Donald Trump wasn't singled out for prosecution. Everyone gets his time in court, and if guilty, will be found so.

No, Trump is a victim of political lawfare and Adams may be as well, Adams was likely told to retire but refused...... remember when Cuomo said he would not resign.... then days later he " changed his mind " the deep state is dirty as hell, they will invent something to take you down with if you don't comply.

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Maybe. Or if you're very dumb like Trump, then they don't even need to invent anything. Trump, the poor poor victim. He's the best victim. many people are saying this

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Maybe. Or if you're very dumb like Trump, then they don't even need to invent anything. Trump, the poor poor victim. He's the best victim. many people are saying this

Nucular. That is something he has said. Just don't drop the soap in the prison shower. :LOL:
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Yea it's real funny, a big joke..... I bet you wouldn't think it was funny if a Republican State AG who ran for office on " I'm gonna get Obama " charged Obama ( while he was running for reelection ) with a past the statute of limitations State book keeping misdemeanor and bootstrapped it into 34 felonies, denied a change of venue when 85% of jurors were supporters of the other candidate and said AG brought in a special judge not on the roster who hated Obama and had a conflict of interest...... I bet you would be singing a different tune, so what's that make you ?


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85% of the jury supported Biden? Dang, if only trump's lawyers had an opportunity to reject some of them, like in some sort of selection process or something. Oh wait.... they did

Also, 85% huh? So 10.2 of them. So that means only 1.8 jurors were not biden supporters according to you. How can one person be only 80% non-biden supporting, or how can one person be 20% biden supporting? If according to your fantasy land beliefs it is 10 biden supporting jurors and you don't want to use decimals in your percentage, then 83% is what you should say. (It would be 83.3 repeating technically)
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Trump was fairly tried and convicted. He is now a convict. It likely won't be the last time either. Why in the world would you run a convicted criminal? It's your own fault really. Judge Chutkan is holding an evidentiary hearing. We may acually see much of Jack Smith's case before the election.
85% of the jury supported Biden? Dang, if only trump's lawyers had an opportunity to reject some of them, like in some sort of selection process or something. Oh wait.... they did

Also, 85% huh? So 10.2 of them. So that means only 1.8 jurors were not biden supporters according to you. How can one person be only 80% non-biden supporting, or how can one person be 20% biden supporting? If according to your fantasy land beliefs it is 10 biden supporting jurors and you don't want to use decimals in your percentage, then 83% is what you should say. (It would be 83.3 repeating technically)

The original jury pool was 200 people 170 were Biden supporters, 170/200 = 85%

p.s. It's amazing the amount of disinformation/misinformation with the election getting close, because before Trumps hush money trial there were articles everywhere about the deep blue jury pool, but now there's so called debunking of what was the news, amazing.

" Half of prospective Trump jurors said they can’t be impartial. "​

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The original jury pool was 200 people 170 were Biden supporters, 170/200 = 85%

p.s. It's amazing the amount of disinformation/misinformation with the election getting close, because before Trumps hush money trial there were articles everywhere about the deep blue jury pool, but now there's so called debunking of what was the news, amazing.

" Half of prospective Trump jurors said they can’t be impartial. "​

I don't know where you get your information about the jury, but that Biden v Trump isn't available anywhere. The press wasn't allowed to know what the politics of jurors might have been. I suppose some speculated, but that is just that...spectulation. No one knows what the politics of the jurors were. Also, Trump's lawyers were allowed to strike jurors without cause as often as the prosecution was and neither used all of them. Trump is to blame for the case put on for his defense. He was too caught up in the optics for the election than his case.
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