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I believe after Ukraine defeats Russia it would be in everyone's best interest if they were allowed into NATO. But, that is up to the members.
Our deep state dems provoked this war because they want Putin out, it's also costing us a fortune and so many young Russian and Ukrainian men are dying.

You think Ukraine will defeat Russia ?
Really ?
Putin will use nukes before he surrenders, there is no winning, but Trump can negotiate peace.

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Our deep state dems provoked this war because they want Putin out, it's also costing us a fortune and so many young Russian and Ukrainian men are dying.

You think Ukraine will defeat Russia ?
Really ?
Putin will use nukes before he surrenders, there is no winning, but Trump can negotiate peace.

:ROFLMAO: You gotta be kidding! Trump has no policies. He is only interested in staying out of prison. After Ukaine wins their war with the invader, they should be asked to join NATO, but they will only get in IF the members decide to let them in. Trump only cares about granting territory to Russia. He is the last person we need.
Nonsense, you are full of crap paul.
Trump can in fact negotiate peace, it's Harris who has no foreign policy, she's a tool of the deep state who will do as told, but Putin is not going to wait forever, if we don't reelect Trump, Putin may be forced to do something drastic, we need Trump to keep us out of nuclear war.
Nonsense, you are full of crap paul.
Trump can in fact negotiate peace, it's Harris who has no foreign policy, she's a tool of the deep state who will do as told, but Putin is not going to wait forever, if we don't reelect Trump, Putin may be forced to do something drastic, we need Trump to keep us out of nuclear war.

:LOL: You guys are all the same. Divide and concur. Trump is the last person anyone should want back in the White House. He has no policies beyond staying out of prison. It's gonna happen anyway. Might as well get it out of the way. What a dumb ass!

BTW, I watched Harris in Arizona today. She made an articulate case for electing her as President. She also made a great case for not allowing Trump back in the White House.
Harris is the last person anyone should want to elect, especially when so many people are losing their lives and a world faces the threat of nuclear war or even nuclear fallout, there are too many people dying from cancer as it is, not to mention food additives which Kennedy is correct about, Harris has no plan to deal with any of it, but Trump who is partnered with Kennedy has a plan and I trust these men with our lives much more than Harris who I can't trust at all, she's a tool and a fake, she's dangerously unqualified for the job.
Harris is the last person anyone should want to elect, especially when so many people are losing their lives and a world faces the threat of nuclear war or even nuclear fallout, there are too many people dying from cancer as it is, not to mention food additives which Kennedy is correct about, Harris has no plan to deal with any of it, but Trump who is partnered with Kennedy has a plan and I trust these men with our lives much more than Harris who I can't trust at all, she's a tool and a fake, she's dangerously unqualified for the job.

That's nucular war. :LOL: There is no way that Putin is going to launch any weapons agains the west. It's called mutual assured destruction for a reason. People have always died from something. Death always wins. Trump has no intention of trying to find a cure for all cancers. He's only in it for himself.
Well you were wrong about everything else you said too..... or is everything you say just a joke...... OIC you're 100% levity, I get it now.
Gawd I thought you were really forehead deep in the democrat kool-aid, good 1. 1727505906845.png
Maybe he was joking, like you ?
Actually I don't mind if Trump mispronounces words from time to time, that's not what's important, what's important is that we save lives, save fortunes and save ourselves from potential disaster, Thank God for President Trump.

If there is a god, he doesn't want anything to do with Donald Trump. Trump has no policies. He only cares about staying out of prison. That's your criminal candidate. With all the Republicans who don't want him back, I don't see him winning in November.
You don't have much vision then, because Harris is a danger to the lives of all Americans, Putin is threatening nuclear war if Ukraine attacks Moscow and Harris has no foreign policy other than licking boot of the deep state dems who want Putin out, but Putin isn't going anywhere.

We need Trump to end the war, not Harris who went to Germany and announced we would bring NATO to Ukraine 2 days before Russia invaded, Harris has no business serving as POTUS.
You don't have much vision then, because Harris is a danger to the lives of all Americans, Putin is threatening nuclear war if Ukraine attacks Moscow and Harris has no foreign policy other than licking boot of the deep state dems who want Putin out, but Putin isn't going anywhere.

We need Trump to end the war, not Harris who went to Germany and announced we would bring NATO to Ukraine 2 days before Russia invaded, Harris has no business serving as POTUS.

Trump can't end the Ukraine war as he is only going to give Russia exactly what they want. Zelenskyy won't allow that. We shouldn't either. The US has aways been a leader of democracies the world over. What an asshat Trump is.
No, Trump will negotiate an end to the war because he's not trying to force regime change like the dem deep state, it needs to happen ASAP, too many young men both Russian and Ukrainian have died and we have spent a fortune while being in debt, talk about a waste of money, Trump is the answer, Harris would just lick deep state boot while people continue to die..... It's Harris who went to Germany 2 days before the invasion of Ukraine and announced the US would push NATO into Ukraine against Putin's warning not to, Harris was the messenger who started this bloody and expensive war.
