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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Kamala Harris..... democrats replaced brain dead old fudd Biden with can't find the border Harris...... and you think you have room to critique Trump ?
Seriously, if dems ran anyone worth a flying flipp, then I might be concerned, but Kamala Harris...... LMFAO

I'm going to watch the debate tonight. Walz told Harris that debating wasn't his strong suit, but Vance has so much baggage that it might equal out. We shall see. ;)
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You can disregard anything you want and come to false conclusions, it doesn't mean you can piss down my back and make me believe it's raining.

I know for a fact democrats have attacked our 1st amendment rights harder than republicans and don't give me that flag burning BS, that's like someone saying they have the right to walk around yelling the N word...... sure they do, but it's very offensive, just like burning our flag is to so many people.

There is no way in hell voting for Harris/Walz would be more beneficial to protecting our 1st amendment than voting for Trump, it's just not the case unless flag burning is what you care about.

Since when did having pride in your country make you a fascist ?
Seems like fascism is highly subjective.
Thanks for proving how disingenuous you are. The flag burning was only one of many attacks on the first amendment from trump which I have laid out. But yeah, you should care that he wants to make it illegal, even if it pisses you off. It's protected speech. Just like you have your panties in a bunch thinking Kamala will criminalize misgendering someone. That offends some people, just like flag burning offends you, but you don't give a shit because you only care about YOUR rights, not the rights of others. Unlike you and other conservatives, I am consistent. I said that your should have the right to be a hateful bigot and misgender someone, that it should be protected speech, even though I don't like it. Also, I'd bet a large sum of money that Kamala won't try to criminalize misgendering someone, nor support legislation introduced by anyone else that does so. Loving your country is subjective I suppose but I would argue that if you care more about a symbolic piece of cloth than about the rights and freedoms of the people who constitute the country, you have your priorities out of whack and have lost the plot.

No, garden variety nationalism doesn't make someone a fascist, being offended at the flag being burned doesn't make someone a fascist, but imprisoning flag burners is something a fascist would do.

I have been clear about what characterizes fascism. Your inability to argue against what I actually claim and instead against a strawman, I will take as another victory.

Trump would absolutely sign a national abortion ban. I know because he has said that women getting abortions need some sort of consequence
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