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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You can extrapolate to the extremes either way.... why not let government run it all ?
As in debt. as our Federal government is I can see them deciding by a points system who gets life saving treatment..... and if you have a dying family member who volunteers for " research " then you earn more points for your life saving treatment.

Hey What happened to Dad... did he get that kidney ?
No he's passed on, but he volunteered for research as he didn't qualify anyway and now I can get the biologic treatment for my itchy sphincter syndrome.
BTW did you get groceries today..... ohh, government cheese and rice huh...... well maybe we can score some meat if I can trap the neighbors cat before those freaking migrants get him.

Trump recently said he would make insurance companies and the government pay the $20,000 per procedure for IVF. How the hell is he planning on paying for that?
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Red only seems to extrapolate to extremes one way. Just like with single payer Healthcare, that Charlie kirk video. Dude wants programs like Nordic countries have and Charlie kirk changes the subject and acts like if we do that, then before you know it you'll have millions daed like under Stalin or Mao, ignoring that every developed country apart from he US had some form of socialized Healthcare and none have devolved to mass murder.

There's no functional difference e between limiting the profit of pharmaceutical companies and those who produce food. If trump had suggested the idea, you'd be all for it.
Trump's lawyers were in court today hoping to stop the $545 million he has been ordered to pay for defrauding banks by lying about the true nature of his assets.
Trump did much better than Biden and Harris is a fake with no business or economic accomplishments of her own, but tell us julian, what have you accomplished and how do you live, do you pay rent, buy groceries, pay property taxes ?

Trump has had his own business success, how does your business success compare ?
What would be your economic plan for the nation, would you tax your parents retirement savings to pay for socialism ?
Our nation is in a great deal of debt. So what would you do to remedy the situation and what social programs would you implement and how would you pay for it all ? Don't tell me you would tax the wealthy, that's a pipe dream that could never pay for universal healthcare/housing/income and I mean not a single one of those concepts.

Yes, we have great debt and Trump added to it by $8 trillion. Trump had no busuiness successes. He lost money on every project he ever started. He was an abysmal president and his failures still haunt us everyday.
Trump did much better than Biden and Harris is a fake with no business or economic accomplishments of her own, but tell us julian, what have you accomplished and how do you live, do you pay rent, buy groceries, pay property taxes ?

Trump has had his own business success, how does your business success compare ?
What would be your economic plan for the nation, would you tax your parents retirement savings to pay for socialism ?
Our nation is in a great deal of debt. So what would you do to remedy the situation and what social programs would you implement and how would you pay for it all ? Don't tell me you would tax the wealthy, that's a pipe dream that could never pay for universal healthcare/housing/income and I mean not a single one of those concepts.

It's actually quite humorous when you think about democrats taxing Sorros, Bloomberg and Zuckerburg enough to help pay for social programs such as universal healthcare/income/housing because we know that's not going to happen.
Democrats wouldn't even pass any tax laws without loopholes for their wealthy contributors.

What business successes? He had none! He was a failure at businsses as much as he was a failure as president. And, he's not added any policies that would benefit anyone except for the very rich.
