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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Talk about projection...... just because grocery chains are not small business, doesn't mean small business won't get hurt by government price fixing.
If we get grocery price fixing, I will bet you price fixing ends up making our choices less and quality less while our end cost is no less.
Drug prices have to include R&D but there is gouging until there are generics, still if government is to take over pricing new medications they had better fund research as well, or there may be no more new medications.

paul you ignore everything I said and accuse me of having no argument but the pointing out of your piss poor grammar, what a joke you are paul, didn't you just critique my run on sentences recently..... hypocrite much.

Trump will win, or we will all lose, but no matter who wins millions of Americans will fight for our rights.
Trump is campaigning and winning new voters, also your polls have a big uncredited margin of error.
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Talk about projection...... just because grocery chains are not small business, doesn't mean small business won't get hurt by government price fixing.
If we get grocery price fixing, I will bet you price fixing ends up making our choices less and quality less while our end cost is no less.
Drug prices have to include R&D but there is gouging until there are generics, still if government is to take over pricing new medications they had better fund research as well, or there may be no more new medications.

paul you ignore everything I said and accuse me of having no argument but the pointing out of your piss poor grammar, what a joke you are paul, didn't you just critique my run on sentences recently..... hypocrite much.

Trump will win, or we will all lose, but no matter who wins millions of Americans will fight for our rights.
Trump is campaigning and winning new voters, also your polls have a big uncredited margin of error.

Like I said, 37 states already have laws against price gouging. Harris just wants to make it federal. Biden got prices down on drugs by allowing Medicare to manage them through thier large numbers of members. I think that was a good thing. Trump promised to do it, but never did. He promised a lot that he never delivered on.
Harris will fuck it up, whatever it is, just like our southern border, Harris is an existential threat to our democracy because she has no respect for our Constitution, she is a cackling buffoon with a superiority complex...... ever notice how she speaks like she's talking to a bunch of children ?
She still hasn't done a real interview or answered any real questions, everything we have seen of her has been scripted, Harris is a comprehensive fake who can not oversee our economy or foreign affairs, at best she's expected to be a tool for the deep state dems who will get a surprise if Harris is elected, she will turn on them, mark my words if we get Harris in time the deep state will find a way to get rid of her and make Walz their puppet, because Kamala has a nasty side...... furthermore I bet the deep state will exploit whatever they do to get rid of Kamala and blame others..... that's if she gets elected, BIG IF.
Harris will fuck it up, whatever it is, just like our southern border, Harris is an existential threat to our democracy because she has no respect for our Constitution, she is a cackling buffoon with a superiority complex...... ever notice how she speaks like she's talking to a bunch of children ?
She still hasn't done a real interview or answered any real questions, everything we have seen of her has been scripted, Harris is a comprehensive fake who can not oversee our economy or foreign affairs, at best she's expected to be a tool for the deep state dems who will get a surprise if Harris is elected, she will turn on them, mark my words if we get Harris in time the deep state will find a way to get rid of her and make Walz their puppet, because Kamala has a nasty side...... furthermore I bet the deep state will exploit whatever they do to get rid of Kamala and blame others..... that's if she gets elected, BIG IF.

She did an interview on MSNBC today. Trump is still pushing tarrifs of anywhere from 10% to 200%. Even the most conservative ecomonists believe this is the worst of all things that could come to pass. There is no "deep state". That is just Trumpy crap for everyhing that people believe is wrong. Harris will make a great President. You'll see.
No she won't and Trumps tariffs worked, sometimes simply the threat of tariffs worked, Trump is a great negotiator and a businessman who understands economics, now that Trump has graduated from his 1st administration learning curve he will do Great things for our economy and boy do we need it, but Harris....no, just NO !
There is no "deep state".

Like I said, 37 states already have laws against price gouging. Harris just wants to make it federal. Biden got prices down on drugs by allowing Medicare to manage them through thier large numbers of members. I think that was a good thing. Trump promised to do it, but never did. He promised a lot that he never delivered on.
Also we have been over this lie as well, the drug prices reduction was a sham, very little was actually accomplished other than your insulin which was by a different mechanism, we have already been over this yet you continue to tout a lie.

p.s. Their not thier.
Also we have been over this lie as well, the drug prices reduction was a sham, very little was actually accomplished other than your insulin which was by a different mechanism, we have already been over this yet you continue to tout a lie.

p.s. Their not thier.

You can call it a lie, but that doesn't make it true. My overall drug prices went down significantly. I only pay $4.50 for a 90 day supply of of all my drugs. That may not seem significant to you, but it was to me. Also, my out of pocket expenses have been lowered to only $2,000. That is much less than before. Trump lies so often that his supporters don't even see it any longer.
You lie paul, constantly, you are the single most dishonest person I have ever known, I doubt anything you say is true, I doubt you pay 4.50 for all your drugs unless your only drug is insulin in which case you have just displayed your dishonesty yet again by saying " I only pay 4.50 or a 90 day supply of ALL MY DRUGS " which suggests you get more than 1 thing.... so which is it, are you a liar or are you a God dam liar ?

Prove anything you said is true, got a receipt ?

Better yet just name your drug supplier, you use an online supplier right, this should be easy to check.

AHH I bet you also use the PAP prescription assistance program..... not exactly what everyone pays paul.
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You lie paul, constantly, you are the single most dishonest person I have ever known, I doubt anything you say is true, I doubt you pay 4.50 for all your drugs unless your only drug is insulin in which case you have just displayed your dishonesty yet again by saying " I only pay 4.50 or a 90 day supply of ALL MY DRUGS " which suggests you get more than 1 thing.... so which is it, are you a liar or are you a God dam liar ?

Prove anything you said is true, got a receipt ?

Better yet just name your drug supplier, you use an online supplier right, this should be easy to check.

AHH I bet you also use the PAP prescription assistance program..... not exactly what everyone pays paul.

Yeah, I suspected you might say as much. And, no. I won't post my reciepts here. You wouldn't either. I use a pharmacy and an online drug supplier. The online is Optum. Now, show me your reciepts for anything. I hardly care what. Just anything with your name on it. :LOL:
A 90 day of insulin can't even be manufactured, transported, stored, sold and delivered for 4.50..... you are a charity case... and a liar, not a typical consumer of a 90 day supply of insulin.

According to the web an average insulin user with either medicare or private insurance pays out of pocket 63.00 for 30 days or 189.00 for a 90 day supply of insulin.
One hundred forty officers were injured during that "peaceful" protest. Others were killed. I call that more than jack shit.

This is another lie, no officers were killed on jan 6th, not a single one, Ashley Babbit was killed by a capital policeman and a police man died days later from a heart attack, but ZERO officers were killed on Jan. 6th, that is just another LIE!
This is another lie, no officers were killed on jan 6th, not a single one, Ashley Babbit was killed by a capital policeman and a police man died days later from a heart attack, but ZERO officers were killed on Jan. 6th, that is just another LIE!

Others died in the days afterward. They still count. Trump is the problem that has be defeated. He is a liar and an asshat.
Nope, one capital policeman died days later from a heart attack, that does not " count " as a mostly peaceful protest related death, NOPE WRONG AGAIN paul.

Within 36 hours of the Jan. 6th protest,( other than Ashley Babbit the only person who died on Jan. 6th, ) one died of a drug overdose and three died of natural causes not related to the protest.

How does it feel to be caught being so completely full of shit about everything you say and to be caught being a chronic liar ?
Most medicine R&D is publicly funded.

Why not take your free market arguements all the way, go big or go home. Get rid of all anti-trust laws, allow monopolies. Let one corporation control all of a given commodity and let them bleed the world dry and get even richer than theu already are. After all, if theyre not allowed to price gouge us, they would go broke and we'd have our choice limited more than monoculture already has or something.
You can extrapolate to the extremes either way.... why not let government run it all ?
As in debt. as our Federal government is I can see them deciding by a points system who gets life saving treatment..... and if you have a dying family member who volunteers for " research " then you earn more points for your life saving treatment.

Hey What happened to Dad... did he get that kidney ?
No he's passed on, but he volunteered for research as he didn't qualify anyway and now I can get the biologic treatment for my itchy sphincter syndrome.
BTW did you get groceries today..... ohh, government cheese and rice huh...... well maybe we can score some meat if I can trap the neighbors cat before those freaking migrants get him.
