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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

My pronouns are kitten/kittenself. Any misgendering should promptly land a person in Gitmo for one of their famous sandwiches.

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They should pay for them to transition - transition into Cyborg Commandos that is. Give all detained illegal aliens to Elon Musk and have him implant them with mind chips that make them physically unable to disobey orders and augment them with cybernetic limbs and heavy weapons. Use these millions of mindless minions to create a grand army as their personal militia.
It's funny you mention this because upon reading red's response and how he and presumably virtually every other MAGA buy this load of BS hook line and sinker, I thought, why not go big or go home with the outlandish claims? Why not claim that Kamala would implant us all with a chip that controls our behavior or at least rats us out to authorities for any "crime think" like misgendering trans people. There's clearly no ceiling or limit in degree to the persposterous claims they will believe, so why not go all out and have some fun with it?

Let your MAGA freak flag fly!!! Take pride in your complete lack of self awareness and inner reflection!!!

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Are you a MAGA who's tired of all the woke and preachy ideology in your media? Do you long for a time when the entertainment you consume didn't do anything to try to make you a better person or think critically? Do you miss shows and movies that confirmed your existing perspectives and prejudice? A happier time when you could sit back, turn off your brain and just have a good old fashioned laugh? Are you living in a fabricated existence where you are the perpetual victim of nebulous others?

Well, Elon Musk, Dave Rubin, Larry Elder, JP Sears, and others have you covered. Do you need a patronizing laugh track to let you know when to laugh? We've got you. Do you lack the self awareness to realize that the show is structured like a sitcom, and sitcoms are where we observe and laugh at a zaney group's weird antics and behavior?

Then here is the perfect show for you. Yes this is a real show. Yes it was really made by the people i mention. Its not a leftist parody of right wingers. Honestly, theres no need to parody you guys, you do it for us. I'll just pour this in the trough and let you slop it up.

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Some guys on the internet do seem to think the vaccines and boosters create a nanobot network in your body that emits a Bluetooth signal for later manipulation, something to do with 5G networks too iirc. There's a few research papers talking about such a systems' plausibility however it's very likely not ready for primetime nor will it be for some years.

So the conspiracy is actually one step ahead already, right down to the laugh tracks etc.. Qanon style conspiracy nuts have roped "gangstalking" and "Havana syndrome" (schizophrenic episodes) into the theory as well so it's doing a lovely job of keeping people from seeking treatment for their schizophrenia or even beginning to rule out substance abuse that could be causing it. Yippee.
I'd never use the term conspiracy theorist as a pejorative. There are conspiracy theories that I believe in, like that 9/11 was an inside job and that JFK was killed by a conspiracy and coordination between the mob and Republicans at the time. I can't say I'm certain on all the details.

There's a difference between believing in any number of conspiracy theories and being conspiracy brained, which I think is a form of automatic contrarianism. It works like this: you become aware of some conspiracies that or true or have a degree of truth. Like the media lying to us, being owned by a small number of corporations and being beholden to their interests. This is true in my view, and it should rightly lead one to distrust the media. The problem is when your distrust of them is so great that you reflexively disbelieve anything they say, to the extent that the MSM could come out and announce that the sky is blue and you have to knee jerk disagree. This also makes people vulnerable to any tom dick or Harry with a contrary narrative, no matter how unfounded. That isn't to say that independent media aren't often right, but every claim should be weighed on its merits and evidence, which is harder work than just being told what to think. People of all political leanings can have this problem but trump masterfully used distrust of the media to cultivate his cult-like following and now you have polls where like 71% of his supporters say they trust his word over clergy, (fair enough) the media, (again, i kinda understand that even if i think even the media is more trustworthy than trump) but also even trust trump more than close friends and family. So that's part of how we came to have so many memebers of cult 45
It has now been reported that Taylor Swift's voter registration app has been visited more than 406,000 times.
It has now been reported that Taylor Swift's voter registration app has been visited more than 406,000 times.
That doesn't mean anything, her site gets lots of global visitors.
Plus anyone who registers could vote for or against the fake lying knob gobbler.
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What exactly is Taylor Swift's app going to prove. She has made her political opinions clear. She is a major influence on her fan base. So let me guess. The results of the poll will be incredibly unbiased? Right?

Elections should not be won based on influence of others. Whether that is from MSM or a celebrity. Think for your bloody self.

If >80% of the MSM is on one side. If celebrities with large fan bases are on one side. If celebrities/individuals from the other side are cancelled and discredited. If individual comments are hidden and deleted from the other side.

Then how much of the other side of the argument are you really seeing or being allowed to see exactly?

Simple point

Reasons not to vote for your next leader.

A) The person has a vagina
B) The person is of a certain race
C) A celebrity endorses them

Reasons for voting for your next leader

A) The person has policies you align with
B) The person is a capable leader of a party
C) You trust the person more than the other candidate to enact positive change
I'd never use the term conspiracy theorist as a pejorative. There are conspiracy theories that I believe in, like that 9/11 was an inside job and that JFK was killed by a conspiracy and coordination between the mob and Republicans at the time. I can't say I'm certain on all the details.

There's a difference between believing in any number of conspiracy theories and being conspiracy brained, which I think is a form of automatic contrarianism. It works like this: you become aware of some conspiracies that or true or have a degree of truth. Like the media lying to us, being owned by a small number of corporations and being beholden to their interests. This is true in my view, and it should rightly lead one to distrust the media. The problem is when your distrust of them is so great that you reflexively disbelieve anything they say, to the extent that the MSM could come out and announce that the sky is blue and you have to knee jerk disagree. This also makes people vulnerable to any tom dick or Harry with a contrary narrative, no matter how unfounded.
This statement of yours I actually agree with and have seen. Its one aspect of my own life that I am very careful about. It also goes the other way and people are totally trusting of what they see and hear and in fact should be sceptical.

See when you are lied to, and can see blatant bias and actions being taken to further that bias. It really does add further distrust.

I must say I frequent sites like /pol/ because the levels of censorship most people have become so used to in the past ten years is just gross to me. The internet is meant to be the Wild West, information is power.

In the past few days people have been talking about Haitians eating pets. Some of you here have denied it because your media commentators denied it. Let me tell you. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect. Hatians don't only eat pets, ducks, and geese from parks, etc. but in their home country 'pet' animals were driven to extinction, they sell and eat mud/dirt pies as actual food, they even very much participate in cannibalism. It exists, the footage of it exists. I am sorry people and the internet as a whole are so soft now that it's not acceptable to share facts, but I have seen live men being cooked against their will as well as clearly human parts being prepared for a meal. Cats are nothing to them, they don't understand the concept of keeping a pet. Our cultures can never align. That is all.
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I must say I frequent sites like /pol/ because the levels of censorship most people have become so used to in the past ten years is just gross to me. The internet is meant to be the Wild West, information is power.

In the past few days people have been talking about Haitians eating pets. Some of you here have denied it because your media commentators denied it. Let me tell you. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect. Hatians don't only eat pets, ducks, and geese from parks, etc. but in their home country 'pet' animals were driven to extinction, they sell and eat mud/dirt pies as actual food, they even very much participate in cannibalism. It exists, the footage of it exists. I am sorry people and the internet as a whole are so soft now that it's not acceptable to share facts, but I have seen live men being cooked against their will as well as clearly human parts being prepared for a meal. Cats are nothing to them, they don't understand the concept of keeping a pet. Our cultures can never align. That is all.

I dare you to post this information on a MSM channel on YT or social media. And see how quickly the comment disappears.
Taking down the deep state is the most important issue in America, after that the economy and foreign policy.
Only Trump can do the job.
Also many people don't understand how important our Bill of Rights is to our way of life, our Freedom and Liberty that we enjoy every day depend on our rights being observed by our legal system and again only Trump will insure and protect our Bill of Rights.

There is only 1 reasonable choice for President in this election and we all know it's Donald Trump.
