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UK BBC News fact checker.


And this is the 'verification' we have to decide the truth.

In the UK we've known for years we have to watch some (not all) Chinese takeaways because of cat/dog meat. And some communities having pets go missing in swarms.

Lol the closest to MSM sites I get is tolerating the left wing BS spouted here constantly so I can share facts with other like-minded people.. y'know how the Internet was intended to be used!
>9 yrs ago
Well I think the internet is both good and bad depending on what it is we're talking about. It is anarchy though isn't it
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I must say I frequent sites like /pol/ because the levels of censorship most people have become so used to in the past ten years is just gross to me. The internet is meant to be the Wild West, information is power.

In the past few days people have been talking about Haitians eating pets. Some of you here have denied it because your media commentators denied it. Let me tell you. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect. Hatians don't only eat pets, ducks, and geese from parks, etc. but in their home country 'pet' animals were driven to extinction, they sell and eat mud/dirt pies as actual food, they even very much participate in cannibalism. It exists, the footage of it exists. I am sorry people and the internet as a whole are so soft now that it's not acceptable to share facts, but I have seen live men being cooked against their will as well as clearly human parts being prepared for a meal. Cats are nothing to them, they don't understand the concept of keeping a pet. Our cultures can never align. That is all.

This is irresponsible as the Haitians in Spingfield Ohio have been there legally and are now being persecuted for something that even the city manager and chief of police say never happened there. This hasn't stopped Donald Trump from floating this conspiracy. He showed up in Pennsylvania with Laura Loomer, a conspiracy theorist who has said the 911 attack was an inside job.
Karl Rove on Trump saying Kamala Harris is dumb as a rock said, "Well, what does that make him?" :ROFLMAO:
Isn't there something in basic forum etiquette about not posting so many pointless empty posts in a row without a single reply even? Edit is your friend. :)
Rules don't apply to this subsection apparently because despite saying not to make personal insults everyone chose not to listen and I don't feel like banning everyone.
Okay 👍 sweet.

I live in the the most right wing town in America, Trumpville (We changed our name to celebrate Trump's 2016 win) Nobody has ever voted for a Democrat in our town since its founding in 1828. In the 1944 presidential elections, "FDR's polio" won the popular vote, Hitler came in 2nd and Dewey in 3rd. When came back from a tour with the Army (Russian of coarse, I ain't serving in no DEI US Army) I was shocked to see Harris-Waltz signs in every yard. I asked my Dad, George Lincoln Rockwell III what happened. Now my dad's no namby pamby liberal, He works 18 hours in a coal mine and comes home to beat his wife every night. On his weekends if he's not at church he's out hunting baby seals with his whomping club. He said son, ever since Kamala took control, the economy has been fixed, we've not had a war and everything just runs right. Then the town mayor, Adolf Pinoche Babykiller popped by to let me know that he didn't leave the Republican party, it left him, Trump and plan 2025 were just too darn radical, JD Vance was Weird and January 6th was in fact both an insurrection and worse than 9/11. Then Donald Trump himself appeared and let me know even he was hoing to vote for Harris because she earned it and was a better choice and he would drop out but that "he legally still has to run" Then we all did Republican things together like saying the N word and guns. So if you are a Republican you should just stay home this year. If Trump can't even win his own vote we already lost.

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Even if they do eat cats in Haiti, and I don't know if they do or not, that doesn't mean they would here, still need evidence and from what I've seen there is none.

The 9/11 messes with me. Every leftist I am personally friends with believes it's an inside job, but online, hardly any leftists seem to believe it. Strangely, it's pretty much all right wingers. This is odd to me as if you believe it was orchestrated, the perpetrators were Republicans, at least for the most part. In a group I'm in, it's sort of bipartisan, or people who hate both parties. Every now and then someone will post that they think Trump will uncover the truth about it. I tell them that he had 4 years to do that and did nothing, and he is friends with rudi guliani who said if you think building 7 was demolished you need psychiatric help, but there are other people who agree with me that those who think Trump will reveal the truth are delusional. I think there are people who believe it for bad reasons. Like the automatic contrarianism I mentioned. Tons of qanon types believe it and I think they're insane on virtually everything else they believe. When people like Candace Owens talk about it it makes me question whether I am the one who has been fooled and is conspiracy brained, because i dont agree with her on much else and think she is a nazi apologist (friends with Kanye West who said on Alex Jones show that he Loooooooooooves hitler). I just keep coming back to the physical evidence, a building can not fall at free fall speed or virtually free fall without explosive assistance, nor can steel melt into liquid from open air hydrocarbon fires, nor a large number of other evidence i wont get into.

Maybe it's a broken clock right twice per day type of situation. All I can do is do my best to look at the evidence and learn what I can and see what makes sense to me. i have to give credit where due although i cant help but wonder about motive with people like candace ownes. We're all limited in the information we can get. I am decidedly leftist, but I bet I can name more conservative commentators off the top of my head than any of you.
