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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

While it may be technically acceptable in the rules, it's dishonest and an unprecedented slap in the face to democracy. I know you don't care about democracy though as long as orange man = bad, so why waste my time even replying to you? Lmao

Why are you wasting your time?!

Harris is a fake, I wondered if she was wearing a hearing aid type receiver inside her ear with someone feeding her lines.
Fifty seven million people wtched last night's debate.
What does that exactly mean?

USA has a population of 333mil.
17% of the US population watched it.

UK has 67mil and Spain has 48mil. So 115mil between them.
24.2mil UK watchers and 13.6mil Spanish watchers, so 37.8mil (33%) of the combined population tuned in to watch none other than ...

the final of Euro 2024 where Spain beat England. Yes football had nearly double the following.

For a country so absorbed by its politics, it wasn't actually wasn't watched by that much of the population.
How about painting Chinese flags on US war planes and bombing Russian forces?
You have to be really dense to suggest this was going to be something that is truly suggested. That was a obviously a joke. No western government would ever get away with carrying this forward as a real proposal let alone carry the act out.
:ROFLMAO: The conspiracies never quit with you, do they?
I'm an outsider so I'm not going to speculate on whether an earpiece was present or not. I'll leave that to you guys, because frankly I don't really care.
But from the limited talks I have seen of Harris. She isn't a natural speaker when it comes to making an sensible and concluded point.
And I remember correctly, she couldn't answer a question on inflation coherently at all which is a pretty standard topic now considering the economy.
So did she have help in that debate? It is likely tbh.
I waste my time because your shilling for the left makes me legitimately sick. Left ideology is /the/ imminent threat to ALL western civilization and values, Christianity, legally being white, having an opinion that the news didn't give you, and freedom of speech. It's more for my own peace of mind, I know you're not gonna change yours.

You have to be really dense to suggest this was going to be something that is truly suggested. That was a obviously a joke. No western government would ever get away with carrying this forward as a real proposal let alone carry the act out.
Coming from a guy who suggested injecting disinfectant and using UV light inside the body and nuking hurricanes, hard to tell.

Hopefully you're right and he was joking. Articles say his audience was laughing, hopefully because it was a joke and not because they actually thought the idea of Russia and China fighting eachother due to a false flag by the US was funny.

I don't think he was joking about the nuclear submarines though


It's really simple, Trump is the candidate of change, Harris is more of the same old thing what's failed us the last 3.5 years.

Harris want's to fund gender transition surgery for detained illegal immigrants and make mis-genderind someone ( saying their pronouns wrong ) a hate crime.

This is the new change Harris wants to bring, it's not what we need.
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Turns out the Taylor Swift endorsement has also come with a voter registration, which got more than 300,00 hits. Bet Trump wishes hae actually got Swift's endorsement.
Cling to the little shreds of hope paul, Bidens emergency replacement isn't what democrats voted for, she won't even get all of Biden's base.
Harris want's to fund gender transition surgery for detained illegal immigrants and make mis-genderind someone ( saying their pronouns wrong ) a hate crime.

They should pay for them to transition - transition into Cyborg Commandos that is. Give all detained illegal aliens to Elon Musk and have him implant them with mind chips that make them physically unable to disobey orders and augment them with cybernetic limbs and heavy weapons. Use these millions of mindless minions to create a grand army as their personal militia.
I miss heard and therefore posted wrongly. It turns out 67 million watched the debate last nith.
Anyone who wants me to say their gender pronouns has to say mine, mine are ( I'm an asshole ) and ( sorry to bother you ) each spoken as one word each time you address me...... so it's: I'manasshole sorrytobotheryou ....then whaddever you wanna say.
Mine are now Felis/Catus. It should henceforth be a hate crime to mis-species someone. Also anti cat species-ism is to be a federal crime. This will hopefully prevent them from getting eaten as well. :ROFLMAO: 🐱 :ROFLMAO:
