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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Trump agreed to a trap debate, Harris obviously had the questions in advance, everything she said came across sounding very scripted and it was 3 against 1, that said Trump made good points but he let his aggravation show a bit, I'm calling it a draw as it won't change anyone's mind, that's the truth, nobody will change sides because of it.

@ shakenawake ... Harris slept with a married man to get her start in politics.
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Trump agreed to a trap debate, Harris obviously had the questions in advance, everything she said came across sounding very scripted and it was 3 against 1, that said Trump made good points but he let his aggravation show a bit, I'm calling it a draw as it won't change anyone's mind, that's the truth, nobody will change sides because of it.

You are speculating again. Harris simply did a better job than Trump. No one got the quetions ahead of time. Harris is an intelligent person who prepared. Trump is just Trump.
You are speculating again. Harris simply did a better job than Trump. No one got the quetions ahead of time. Harris is an intelligent person who prepared. Trump is just Trump.
I disagree, you see everything through your TDS filter, but to me it looked very scripted and I pay attention to the details, Harris has a habit of speaking slowly, starts and stops a lot, but at the debate it was all memorized and practiced to sound judgemental, I have no doubt Harris and her team had the questions in advance, the moderator lady is a good friend of Harris as well..... but like I said it doesn't matter, nobody will change sides on account of it.

My big concerns are Harris appointing Federal judges who would rule against our Bill of Rights and Harris will support the military industrial complex, lets face it, the deep State dems want regime change in Russia, but Putin isn't going anywhere, but if he starts feeling the pressure, I'm afraid he would use nukes.

Also Taiwan hangs in the balance as well as Israel, I don't see Harris managing foreign policy very well at all.
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Inflation rates were just released for August. Inflation went down to 2.5%, down from 2.9% the month before. Most economist are looking for the Fed to cut interest rates next week.
I disagree, you see everything through your TDS filter, but to me it looked very scripted and I pay attention to the details, Harris has a habit of speaking slowly, starts and stops a lot, but at the debate it was all memorized and practiced to sound judgemental, I have no doubt Harris and her team had the questions in advance, the moderator lady is a good friend of Harris as well..... but like I said it doesn't matter, nobody will change sides on account of it.

My big concerns are Harris appointing Federal judges who would rule against our Bill of Rights and Harris will support the military industrial complex, lets face it, the deep State dems want regime change in Russia, but Putin isn't going anywhere, but if he starts feeling the pressure, I'm afraid he would use nukes.

Also Taiwan hangs in the balance as well as Israel, I don't see Harris managing foreign policy very well at all.

This is the thing with Trump and his supporters. They always claim a nuclear war is coming if Trump doesn't get elected. That is laughable.

Trump is all about "be afraid of minorities, immigrants, your neighbors, everybody."
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The Harris campaign raised $46 million in small donations just yesterday. Most during and after the debate.
Cut interest rates.... there already near nothing and IDC what the fed says, everything costs too dam much...... the fact the fed says prices are not going up as fast as they were, but going up none the less is no blessing for people struggling to survive.

Harris is likely going to lose, she's not believable, she's nasty and everyone knows it.
I disagree, you see everything through your TDS filter, but to me it looked very scripted and I pay attention to the details, Harris has a habit of speaking slowly, starts and stops a lot, but at the debate it was all memorized and practiced to sound judgemental, I have no doubt Harris and her team had the questions in advance, the moderator lady is a good friend of Harris as well..... but like I said it doesn't matter, nobody will change sides on account of it.

My big concerns are Harris appointing Federal judges who would rule against our Bill of Rights and Harris will support the military industrial complex, lets face it, the deep State dems want regime change in Russia, but Putin isn't going anywhere, but if he starts feeling the pressure, I'm afraid he would use nukes.

Also Taiwan hangs in the balance as well as Israel, I don't see Harris managing foreign policy very well at all.
I don't think Kamala needed to know the questions before hand to prepare, she just needed to know trump and she does. You're right her speech patterns were much less insufferable than usual though. Maybe some will change sides. Trump has said so many absurd any false things that would be easy to disprove in seconds there may be a few people who heard his pet eating and immigrant prisoner transing comments and think "WTF is this nut job on about?", but yeah, by now most of his supporters are acostomed to breathing his farts and have come to enjoy them.

You also see everything through your TDS filter and right wing media echo chamber. I have the same concerns about trump that you profess to have about Kamala, although I think they will both do the bidding of the MIC. Trump did their bidding last time, dont see why it would be different this time. Trump has already stated many intentions of violating the constitution and people's rights, like imprisoning flag burners, ending birthright citizenship. He is a fascist and fascists hate humiliation which is why he wants to open up the libel and slander laws making it easier to sue journalists. He's the one who is so thin skinned and anti free speech that he tried to sue Bill Maher for a joke.

What kinds of things do you think would make Putin feel pressure?

Do you think moving US nuclear submarines to the Russian coastline would? How about painting Chinese flags on US war planes and bombing Russian forces? Trump has said we should do both of those things in the past.

You guys were talking of bets earlier, here's one I would stake my life saving on: That trump will not end the Ukraine war within 24 hours of taking office. Hear me now, quote me later.

I will say, I have a friend who hated biden and trump and Kamala roughly equally. He had intended to vote for RFK and didn't believe me when I told him that guy was a crank and useful idiot planted by the GOP, but I was proven right. He watched the debate and told me I was right, he still doesn't like Kamala but said trump is so whacked out of his mind that he is going to begrudgingly vote for Kamala
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You obviously know nothing about the rules in the Domocratic party for candidates running for President. That's okay as we don't expect you to vote for anyone except Trump. But, he'll need far more than MAGAs voting to win.
While it may be technically acceptable in the rules, it's dishonest and an unprecedented slap in the face to democracy. I know you don't care about democracy though as long as orange man = bad, so why waste my time even replying to you? Lmao
