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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Lies ...... it's all you have when your candidate is the dud fudd Biden.

Almost everyone knows Trump is the liar. Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. Everybody know that as well. Trump has taken credit for overturning Roe v Wade. BTW, most scholars believed at the time that it was made law in 1973 that new law was the best of all things that could have happened. In fact, the decision was 7 to 2, unlike the overturning of this law. Many of these justices were Republican nominees.
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Wow... I just checked the news.....
It's obviously clear.....Even a month at Camp David wouldn't have helped Biden....
I guess you can't expect a Dead Horse to win the Kentucky Derby...
Looks like Mumbling Bumbling Stumbling Senile Old Man Democrat Liar Biden is Done.....
Sorry your horse didn't win the Debate Paul...;)

I'm not worried. Trump lied trough the whole dedate. Hardly anyone changed their minds.
I heard about the debate on the radio yesterday. So it didn't go well? Too much bickering on both sides?
Pretty terrible performance. Love when Trump gave him an opening to attack a weak point, abortion, and he brings up a woman killed by illegal immigrants.

It's sad to see that I think Trump is a bigger threat to democracy than the democrats do. Maybe when the polls showed that roughly 80% of his own party didn't want him to run again, they should've listened. The writing has been on the wall for a long time now, I knew he was old and feeble the last time around. Will be impossible to feel sorry for the dems when biden loses.

Imagine being such a toxic, lying, malignant, fascist P.O.S. that I'm still unfortunately gonna vote for Biden over Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if well over half of the people who vote for him share this sentiment. Actually, I think this was probably the case last time too.

America is gonna be in bad shape no matter what happens.

I guess the silver lining is after trump wins I can have a little fun watching his cognitive abilities continue to disintegrate. He's not that far behind biden in that regard

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Biden had a bad night. That happens to everyone. Trump IS an existential threat to democracy.
That he is, that he is. When trump wins and proceeds to destroy this country and the constitution with his project 2025 buddies, history will not look kindly on the party who could've run almost anyone else and handily beaten trump. Well, the history that manages to sneak past the American exceptionalist censors when conservatives dictate what is truth and history, that is.1000009582.jpg
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Trump first has to win. As we get closer to November I believe many disengaged voters will see things the way we do. He's also a convict and facing more charges. MAGAs aren't enough to get him elected.
You were wrong about Trump losing to Hillary Clinton and you're wrong about this too paul, you're wrong about a lot of what you say.

Just two days before the presidential debate. Can't wait to see Trump implode again on stage.
Yes! Trump has been saying that Biden can't string two sentences together, but the State of the Union showed that to be wrong. This should be good.
Well it was Good, that much you got right.... well kind of. 😝😜🤪
You lie paul, you just did..... again, but lies are all the dems have when they are running the dud fudd Biden again..... Now see if you can avoid petty bickering just to get the last word, either come up with something new to say..... or give it a rest.
Trump has lied so often you don't even care anymore. Where did I lie? You can also stop anytime you want to as well. Attacking me and saying I should quit is, again, nonsense.

Trump falsely claimed that the 1/6/21 attackers at the Capital were heroes and refused to say he would condemn them. He blamed Nancy Pelosi, of all people, for not requesting National Guard.
Trump lies like he breathes and to think otherwise is to be as deluded as it is to think that Biden hasn't lost a step.
