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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I'm really glad cops are wearing body cameras today, lot of shady crap used to happen from what I have heard.

It sure did. Especially in certain states. Miranda was actually convicted in Arizona of kidnapping and rape. In 2022 this SCOTUS ruled that one cannot sue the police if they don't read you your Miranda rights.
They can't use anything you said if they didn't read your Miranda rights and still so many people don't heed the notice that you have the right to remain silent, I will suggest even if you are innocent that you should keep your answers short as some agencies will use perjury traps over the most mundane things.
From what I read earlier they are down to something like 10 small groups of only a few dozen people each, less than 500 people in total, so they are pretty much gone for all practical purposes.

They were financially dismantled long ago via. lawsuits, so there's no big national org. just fragmented hangers on..... so I have read anyway.

From Wikipedia

note: 1920's it was a democrat clan....


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I don't know that the proud boys are officially KKK...... but I don't know anything about them, still I haven't seen anything to say they are specifically KKK.
I don't know that the proud boys are officially KKK...... but I don't know anything about them, still I haven't seen anything to say they are specifically KKK.

Hardly anyone calls themselves Klan any longer. They were sued into nonexistence. Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys etc. are what they call themselves now.
Watching Bill Maher and he said, "watching only Fox News make you less informed than watching no news at all." :ROFLMAO:
Today is the 2 year anniversary of Dobbs that overturned Roe v Wade. Before that only 15% of American voters thought this might be a problem. Now 73% do.
Once I had been told that US kids evolve until they are 10 and then they are just getting larger.

I always thought that was a joke, until I saw DT entering the stage and the cockroaches creeping from their hideouts to praise him. :oops:

Even my 5 year old nephew is smarter than that guy. DT just has the luck to sit on a big pile of money. As we all know: Money makes you look smart and grants you the license for pussy grabbing.

Obviously a good percentage of the US citizens seem to fall into the same category, if HE is your hero. Unfortunately this election is not just the US. You really can ruin your country on your own, as you like. But it's the election of the next "Big Rocket-Man", insisting to push his will and rule the world, so it will hit all of us, if you again elect a narcissistic child for president. :mad:

Too bad. This once has been the country of hope and endless possibilities. Smart people working together to build a nation and a future. A nation that put men on the moon. Now this is a whining kindergarten dumping all knowledge and common sense into the kitchen sink. Moon landing? FAKE!!11!1!. Evolution? FAKE - THE LORD WILL COME AFTER YOU1!!1! (and if not HE, then I will gladly help out).

Oh what a pitty that this "smart guy" did not try to prove his theory about "kitchen disinfect will easily kill the virus in your body".

The history of US presidents:

Well, we in Europe had this moment in history in the 1930, when a frustrated nobody with a big idea gathered the masses to "make Germany great again". But I confess, we seem to have the same problem here again. Possibly a side effect of COVID - it weakens the brain. And this brain disease is pandemic too ...

So back into Medieval Ages, where everyone who REALLY is smarter than you is burnt at the stake and where one with the biggest club is the one who defines "truth".

I can only hope that it will finish us off quickly and for good, so that nature can finally carry on without us. 😭
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I don't care if it's a test or not that did not relate to sarcasm in anyway. Do not make threats again.
