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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I'm not blaming blacks, just pointing out that the new DEI hire Messiah is in fact not black and closer to being one of the oppressors herself rather than oppressed.

My posts make plenty of sense to myself and others I think. Don't forget to take your medicine this morning pal.

Of course you think that way. Harris is Black and has always identifed as such. Trump and Vance are the GOP idiots.
Harris is NOT black, she's a fractional black at best albeit a small fraction, Harris is for the most part an Indian American and Black Americans who care about their future should be voting against Harris !

On border policy alone as illegal immigrants are getting all the resources that poor black Americans need.
Harris is NOT black, she's a fractional black at best albeit a small fraction, Harris is for the most part an Indian American and Black Americans who care about their future should be voting against Harris !

On border policy alone as illegal immigrants are getting all the resources that poor black Americans need.

Yeah, good luck with that. Harris has the support of so many more than Trump Vance have. The border is so very much better than it was ever under Trump.
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Yeah, good luck with that. Harris has the support of so many more than Trump Vance have. The bordor is so very much better than it was ever under Trump
What the hell is a bordor ?

Trump is going to win and every day when you awake and realize it has happened, realize it wasn't a bad dream, just as you feel that weight in the pit of your stomach and the despair starts to set in, think of me laughing at you and saying " I told you so " because people don't want to see their friends and family getting locked up for misgendering some cross dressing freak, people don't want to give up their Freedom of speech, people don't want to live a new recession due to a Harris admin. and her inane wealth redistribution policy.

Remember paul...... I TOLD YOU SO ! 1725297596143.png
The thing that winds me up about these laws is the blatant double standards.

White Scum = Ok
Replace with other ethnicities = Hate Speech

Call me Kirsty = OK
Call trans Paula the wrong name including his old name = Hate Speech

Insult Christianity = OK.
Insult other religions = Hate Speech

Insult Men = OK
Insult Women = Misogyny

All Black team = OK
All White team = Discrimination

Black pride = OK
White pride = Racist

Need I continue

Many many more real world examples out there.
What the hell is a bordor ?

Trump is going to win and every day when you awake and realize it has happened, realize it wasn't a bad dream, just as you feel that weight in the pit of your stomach and the despair starts to set in, think of me laughing at you and saying " I told you so " because people don't want to see their friends and family getting locked up for misgendering some cross dressing freak, people don't want to give up their Freedom of speech, people don't want to live a new recession due to a Harris admin. and her inane wealth redistribution policy.

Remember paul...... I TOLD YOU SO ! View attachment 78538

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will lessen the pain of Trump dragging you down yet again. I expect it will also cost you the House and we will keep the Senate.
The thing that winds me up about these laws is the blatant double standards.

White Scum = Ok
Replace with other ethnicities = Hate Speech

Call me Kirsty = OK
Call trans Paula the wrong name including his old name = Hate Speech

Insult Christianity = OK.
Insult other religions = Hate Speech

Insult Men = OK
Insult Women = Misogyny

All Black team = OK
All White team = Discrimination

Black pride = OK
White pride = Racist

Need I continue

Many many more real world examples out there.

That's because the liberals think we all owe a debt. for the country's past racism, we should all be happy to virtue signal by taking it on the chin.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will lessen the pain of Trump dragging you down yet again. I expect it will also cost you the House and we will keep the Senate.
LOL in your dreams paul..... That won't happen unless dems cheat the vote count.
With as radical as Harris/Walz are, having a dem congress........ things could get messy.
That's because the liberals think we all owe a debt. for the country's past racism, we should all be happy to virtue signal by taking it on the chin.


LOL in your dreams paul..... That won't happen unless dems cheat the vote count.
That's because the liberals think we all owe a debt. for the country's past racism, we should all be happy to virtue signal by taking it on the chin.


LOL in your dreams paul..... That won't happen unless dems cheat the vote count.
With as radical as Harris/Walz are, having a dem congress........ things could get messy.

Yeah, you guys continue to call eections stolen, though there is NO EVIDENCE of that. That's why the courts didn't side with you in 2020. They won't in 2024 either.
Trump wasn't given " standing " in his suit about illegal State voting law changes because of covid, also dems can't change those state voting laws without a vote this time. ;)
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Also let's start this society already lol. View attachment 78540

That's really interesting. I guess that effect is some kind of evolutionary holdover from back when humans were still hunter gatherers and were a fully tribal species. Saying/doing something that is true but unpopular that would upset the group at all could literally get you kicked out of the tribe. Unless you were big and tough enough to attempt to go it alone, it'd be much better to just agree with not cause conflict.

This has certainly been a very double edged sword as you can imagine, but I was always far to the side of not caring what other people thought, I was fine with having and expressing what I thought, even if it was a very unpopular opinion that would likely ruffle feathers. Which in the past probably would have got me killed, I am not some big tough macho alpha male that could go out and kill a Woolly Mammoth with his bare hands if I got from booted from the tribe. lol Worst case these days though I get deplatformed and cancelled on social media. :LOL:

Femboys are freaking based. That's a clip from one of my favorite YouTubers called 'no cap on god' lmao I love it.

Truer words have not yet been spoken in this thread. :LOL: Seriously considering stealing his look, just saw that Astolfo maid version costume when looking through the anime cosplays last week. :ROFLMAO: That is great Youtube channel, hadn't heard of him before, thanks for posting, just subscribed. :cool:

