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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Yeah, but Harris isn't talking about gender at all like Clinton did. There is huge enthusiasm behind her and Walz. We never had a Black President before Obama. He was the first. Harris will be the first woman President as Trump is not only the oldest man running. He's unqualified to occupy the White House as was seen from his only time in office. I really don't understand why Republicans continue to run him. He is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats. Watch him lose for you yet again.
Elon Musk should invade Brazil. First a massive orbital bombardment with the full arsenal of Space X, followed by cyborg infantry invasions across multiple fronts and beach amphibious landings using millions of Cybertrucks. Depose their far left government and make it instead a hub of Ultra Nationalism.

Elon Musk should invade Brazil. First a massive orbital bombardment with the full arsenal of Space X, followed by cyborg infantry invasions across multiple fronts and beach amphibious landings using millions of Cybertrucks. Depose their far left government and make it instead a hub of Ultra Nationalism.

Actually with a new government there they have a good reason to ban Elon and his authoritarian ideas. He should just stick to staying off that platform and trying to control everyone.
I've about just had enough of this planet.
The US needs to wake up and realise there is a massive global agenda vs 'far-right' politics.
I don't care what your views are and where you align. Even if you are far to the left. You can't ignore that something is wrong with what is going on. Censorship, degradation, labelling, voter manipulation, tactical denial of power.

In the politest way possible. Get you head out of your ass and start looking at other countries.
US politics has deliberately been made to consume everyone. Its so strong it even has a high place of importance in countries outside of the US. But this is stopping people from focusing on what is going on around them. Actually stop and look at global politics, and you might just start seeing patterns emerging. And you'll be able to apply it to your own politics before its too late.

This is Germany right now.

In the UK, Labour just won their majority with only 33.7% and never was there a threat of them not having enough to govern or any requirement to form a coalition.

Even in the British media, they are trying to scare us by saying this will be the first far-right party to get into Germany since the Nazi's. They will do anything to make aligning with them look wrong.

So the UK, France and Germany have all faced media manipulation techniques to sway and demonise right leaning parties.
And when things aren't going how they should. We start seeing tactics come into play that stops them actually gaining power.

You'll 100% start seeing this pattern re-emerging in Canada within months, as they gear up to their own election next year.

Democracy is an illusion as we are not being given a fair election when it comes to the political opponents.

We are not at the stage of assassinating or locking up our opponents yet, but we are really not that far away from that.

It actually isn't far-fetched anymore that our polls could be tampered with in order to guarantee a 'far-right' loss in the elections.
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his authoritarian ideas. He should just stick to staying off that platform and trying to control everyone.
The irony is strong here.
In the last 5 years alone, so many actions have taken place that are designed to take away freedom of speech and expression.

The fact people like you so actively and blindly support these actions is why we are in a huge mess. And its getting worse year on year.
I've about just had enough of this planet.
The US needs to wake up and realise there is a massive global agenda vs 'far-right' politics.
I don't care what your views are and where you align. Even if you are far to the left. You can't ignore that something is wrong with what is going on. Censorship, degradation, labelling, voter manipulation, tactical denial of power.

In the politest way possible. Get you head out of your ass and start looking at other countries.
US politics has deliberately been made to consume everyone. Its so strong it even has a high place of importance in countries outside of the US. But this is stopping people from focusing on what is going on around them. Actually stop and look at global politics, and you might just start seeing patterns emerging. And you'll be able to apply it to your own politics before its too late.

This is Germany right now.

In the UK, Labour just won their majority with only 33.7% and never was there a threat of them not having enough to govern or any requirement to form a coalition.

Even in the British media, they are trying to scare us by saying this will be the first far-right party to get into Germany since the Nazi's. They will do anything to make aligning with them look wrong.

So the UK, France and Germany have all faced media manipulation techniques to sway and demonise right leaning parties.
And when things aren't going how they should. We start seeing tactics come into play that stops them actually gaining power.

You'll 100% start seeing this pattern re-emerging in Canada within months, as they gear up to their own election next year.

Democracy is an illusion as we are not being given a fair election when it comes to the political opponents.

We are not at the stage of assassinating or locking up our opponents yet, but we are really not that far away from that.

It actually isn't far-fetched anymore that our polls could be tampered with in order to guarantee a 'far-right' loss in the elections.

Wow, you have bought all the far-right narratives. Elon Musk wouldn't have the problem he's having if he would just stop trying to control everyone. He now has a ban in Brazil, a huge country that has a democratic government. Musk has called that government illegitimate and not democratical,ly elected. What do expect them to do?
Elon Musk is not the authoritarian, the current regime in Brazil are. They are the ones demanding censorship and threatening their own citizens with colossal disproportionate fines for even using a VPN to access Twitter.

Elon Musk has put his own skin on the line many times for free speech, if he hadn't bought Twitter then all of big tech would be monopolized under the far left and anything remotely conservative or right leaning would be censored.

As usual demonization of anyone/anything conservative or right leaning as Far Right.
Wow, you have bought all the far-right narratives. Elon Musk wouldn't have the problem he's having if he would just stop trying to control everyone. He now has a ban in Brazil, a huge country that has a democratic government.
It’s not just ‘narratives’ if you actually see them happening. It’s not storytelling pointing them out. The only storytelling is the chapter of history we are writing ourselves.

The first three I’ve been directly involved with. The others I’ve indirectly seen.
Brazil doesn't have a First Amendment like we do here. The prior government was a far-right one. Elon Musk has taken to calling the now democratic government illegitimate, illegal and not democraticly elected.
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Democrats are such disgusting liars !

Trump was invited to Arlington cemetery by the family of fallen troops and they asked Trump to take a PERSONAL grave side pic with them for their PERSONAL photo album, NOT CAMPAIGN RELATED !

Biden and Harris were invited to attend too, they didn't.

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Democrats are such disgusting liars !

Trump was invited to Arlington cemetery by the family of fallen troops and they asked Trump to take a PERSONAL grave side pic with them for their PERSONAL photo album, NOT CAMPAIGN RELATED !

Biden and Harris were invited to attend too, they didn't.

That's bull shit. In fact Afghanistan was as much Trump's fault as Biden's. He removed 50,000 troops leaving only 2500 behind. And Trump made a campaign video. Who does a thumbs up at a gravesite? Dumb ass Donald Trump, that's who.

This shows a total disregard for history. You are uninformed. You make no sense when you post. I would say more, but you get my drift.

You know what? I doubt yu understand your ignorance. To blame Blacks for the way they were treated by Whites make it seem that Blacks weren't property and had any say in they way they were treated by Whites. That is total ignorance.
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No black person alive today was ever owned by a white person as a slave, not legally, not in the USA.

White people or any color of people who are alive today are not responsible for what anyone anywhere did before they were even born.
I'm not blaming blacks, just pointing out that the new DEI hire Messiah is in fact not black and closer to being one of the oppressors herself rather than oppressed.

My posts make plenty of sense to myself and others I think. Don't forget to take your medicine this morning pal.
