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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

That's my point. You can't extroplate information that doesn't exist in your poll. That PBS poll asked IF people would change their vote because of the conviction. Look for one that asks if Trump was fairly tried and convicted. You'll be amazed.

Less than 1/2 thought Trump was guilty and it's not going to make any difference, the cackling knob gobbler won't win.
Less than 1/2 thought Trump was guilty and it's not going to make any difference, the cackling knob gobbler won't win.

Yeah, keep disparaging Harris. That has worked well for Trump. He isn't even trying to gain any new voters. You think MAGAs alone will be enough to get him elected? They aren't. And no, less than half said that they would change their vote.
Donald Trump has been reinicted in his contrivence to stop the election of Joe Biden today. He is facing the same four charges he faced before troday. He took to social media to complain about this. I cannot wait for him to be senenced next month for his 34 felonies. He is facing so very many more.
Yeah, keep disparaging Harris. That has worked well for Trump. He isn't even trying to gain any new voters. You think MAGAs alone will be enough to get him elected? They aren't. And no, less than half said that they would change their vote.

Show me where it said this: ( no, less than 1/2 said they would change their vote ) ......

It didn't, the headline was :

Guilty or not guilty, Trump verdict won’t sway most voters, poll shows​

Show me where it said this: ( no, less than 1/2 said they would change their vote ) ......

It didn't, the headline was :

Guilty or not guilty, Trump verdict won’t sway most voters, poll shows​

Exactly! It asked if voters would change their votes on Trump being convicted. That is a far cry from do you think Trump was fairly tried and convicted. The difference being that many are Democrats that wouldn't vote for Trump if you held a gun to their heads.
Exactly paul, nobody is falling for the deep state lawfare and Harris won't win.
Exactly paul, nobody is falling for the deep state lawfare and Harris won't win.

Keep telling yourself that. Harris is the new change candidate. She has the momentum to take this all the way to November. Trump isn't even trying to get new voters. You think MAGAs alone will get him elected? It won't as this isn't even all the Republicans out there. There are double digits of Republicans who plan, at least for now, to vote for Harris.
Harris is running on nothing but hype, she's a globalist sycophant and a cackling moron who could take us all the way to WWIII.
Trump knows how to build a strong economy, a strong border and sound foreign policy, Trump will clean out the deep state globalist and appoint Constitutional judges, Trump will make America Great Again.

Trumps base and a growing number of black voters as well as moderate voters will see Trump sworn back in come January, all that nonsense you are talking about Republicans for Harris is just that, nonsensical contrived hype that will never come to fruition.
Harris is running on nothing but hype, she's a globalist sycophant and a cackling moron who could take us all the way to WWIII.
Trump knows how to build a strong economy, a strong border and sound foreign policy, Trump will clean out the deep state globalist and appoint Constitutional judges, Trump will make America Great Again.

Trumps base and a growing number of black voters as well as moderate voters will see Trump sworn back in come January, all that nonsense you are talking about Republicans for Harris is just that, nonsense.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It isn't even close to the truth. But, MAGAs wouldn't know that if it bit them on the ass. Trump hasn't tried AT ALL to gain new voters. You think Blacks will vote for him when a Black woman is running against him? You are fooling yourself.

Did you even see the link I put up that showed 238 Republicans that plan to vote for Harris? That's stupid.
Harris can't even answer questions, won't do an interview, lets see if she even does a debate.
She's a radical socialist nut and a threat to American democracy, a radical socialist threat to liberty and our way of life, Harris is driving voters to Trump, voters from every race, gender, rich and poor, young and old because they see the threat a radical socialist like Harris is to our independence, yes paul black voters too, you don't give black voters enough credit to think for themselves, they don't like illegals flooding in and getting benefits they never had.

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magabois are 'fascist' right? lol. Polish femboys make the wildest memes in our current timeline.

Also after reading that Kamala is the "gobble gobble slurp" candidate my base nearly shifted however then I remembered we were talking about Kamala and I nearly puked.
Harris can't even answer questions, won't do an interview, lets see if she even does a debate.
She's a radical socialist nut and a threat to American democracy, a radical socialist threat to liberty and our way of life, Harris is driving voters to Trump, voters from every race, gender, rich and poor, young and old because they see the threat a radical socialist like Harris is to our independence, yes paul black voters too, you don't give black voters enough credit to think for themselves, they don't like illegals flooding in and getting benefits they never had.

You don't keep up with the news. She scheduled to do an interview tomorrow night on CNN. Most voters, including new voters are going for Harris. And Blacks most of all. The under 35 votes are gong for Harris BIG TIME.
Why paul? Because she has brown skin and a uterus ? If that's what out country has become, then maybe we deserve what would follow, however I think not, I think most voters can see a cackling socialist extremist for what she is and vote against her.

Haaaaaa..... That CNN interview with Walz by her side ...... is that a PRE - RECORDED INTERVIEW ????
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