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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You don't understand how it works, sure you could enforce UBC's on any gun sold after the enact date as the dealer sale leaves a record, but any guns owned prior to the enact date could have been sold prior to the enact date or not, so without registering all existing guns ( half a billion of them +++ ghost guns and older guns before serial numbers were ever required. ) you can't know if a private sale happened before the enact date or after, but you can enforce UBC's on all new guns sold after the enact date.

You don't understand how it works, sure you could enforce UBC's on any gun sold after the enact date as the dealer sale leaves a record, but any guns owned prior to the enact date could have been sold prior to the enact date or not, so without registering all existing guns ( half a billion of them +++ ghost guns and older guns before serial numbers were ever required. ) you can't know if a private sale happened before the enact date or after, but you can enforce UBC's on all new guns sold after the enact date.

Anyone who sells a gun after the unviresal background checks are enacted will suffer in prison for many years. If one tries to do that, they will face an untenable postion.
You are still missing the point.
If person A sells person B a gun they have owned for 10 years, how will you know if they sold it 1 day before enactment or 1 day after enactment ?

You could use the infinite power of AI and the comprehensive cell phone spy network that is already constantly collecting data, but many person to person sales would be impossible to know about unless all 500,000,000+++ existing guns were registered and that's not going to happen because people can't trust government and won't...... I know, it will be a big time felony not to register, well we are the jury and it is our duty to nullify unconstitutional law until said law is struck down by the courts.
You are still missing the point.
If person A sells person B a gun they have owned for 10 years, how will you know if they sold it 1 day before enactment or 1 day after enactment ?

I'm sure this won't catch everyone, but long prison sentences will deter many. Prosecutors have many ways of proving their cases. Just ask Donald.
Trump is not a good example, Trump was a victim of political lawfare not the surveillance state.
Maybe ask Murdaugh who killed his wife and son and would have slithered out of it if not for the cell phone and onstar data.
Trump is not a good example, Trump was a victim of political lawfare not the surveillance state.
Maybe ask Murdaugh who killed his wife and son and would have slithered out of it if not for the cell phone and onstar data.

Trump was conviced in part because the prosecution had phone calls, text messages and the like. They also had 11 checks signed by Trump. He wanted to make the case all about his political persecution. How'd that work for him?
If not for a jury of 85% Biden supporters and the shaky jury instruction along with a conflicted judge and hitman prosecutor ( who ran for office on getting Trump ) ( denied Trumps rights ) ( denied a venue change ) Trump would not have been convicted of a past the statute of limitations book keeping law bootstrapped into a felony on never before tested grounds that will likely be overturned on appeal if it's not overturned on grounds of Presidential immunity ( we will find out in September )
If not for a jury of 85% Biden supporters and the shaky jury instruction along with a conflicted judge and hitman prosecutor ( who ran for office on getting Trump ) ( denied Trumps rights ) ( denied a venue change ) Trump would not have been convicted of a past the statute of limitations book keeping law bootstrapped into a felony on never before tested grounds that will likely be overturned on appeal if it's not overturned on grounds of Presidential immunity ( we will find out in September )

Presidential immunity is only for acts in office. This ALL happened before he became president.

Here you go again. What about this? You said Harris never crossed the border to go after criminals.

Presidents are never prosecuted on silly little book keeping laws much less big crimes, hell every congress person is guilty of insider trading, they are all criminals, none of them are ever held accountable unless the deep state wants them out and then all it usually takes is a threat, just like Mayor Andrew Cuomo and so many others, but Trump refused to back down, so don't act like this is anything but political.

I can't read that politico article without signing up for an account which I am not going to do.
Harris is a knob gobbler and a nasty cackling moron who doesn't respect our rights or the office she's running for, she would never serve the people, just her wealthy supporters.
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Presidents are never prosecuted on silly little book keeping laws much less big crimes, hell every congress person is guilty of insider trading, they are all criminals, none of them are ever held accountable unless the deep state wants them out and then all it usually takes is a threat, just like Mayor Andrew Cuomo and so many others, but Trump refused to back down, so don't act like this is anything but political.

This was a prosection brought by NY state. Not some "deep state". And Trump faces more charges in both state and federal courts. He IS a criminal.
I can't read that politico article without signing up for an account which I am not going to do.
Harris is a knob gobbler and a nasty cackling moron who doesn't respect our rights or the office she's running for, she would never serve the people, just her wealthy supporters who want us to all own nothing and be happy.

Alvin Bragg brought the case against Trump, he is the NY AG and he ran for office on ( I WILL GET TRUMP ) and he trampled Trumps rights and invented new legal theory bootstrapping a past the statute of limitations state book keeping charge into a felony.... actually charged a felony for every check, every phone call, it's fuking tyrannical abuse of our legal system.
Brought in a conflicted Trump hating judge ( not from the list where a judge was supposed to be randomly selected ) Denied Trump a change of venue, gave the jury some very sketchy instructions, failed to inform Trump of the crime until after then invented it ( untested legal theory bootstrapping a state book keeping charge into a felony ), ect....
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Harris has no jurisdiction across the border, that's just political speak attempting to make political hay for a useless knob gobbler who didn't even want to go to the freaking border.

I can't read that politico article without signing up for an account which I am not going to do.
Harris is a knob gobbler and a nasty cackling moron who doesn't respect our rights or the office she's running for, she would never serve the people, just her wealthy supporters who want us to all own nothing and be happy.

Alvin Bragg brought the case against Trump, he is the NY AG and he ran for office on ( I WILL GET TRUMP ) and he trampled Trumps rights and invented new legal theory bootstrapping a past the statute of limitations state book keeping charge into a felony.... actually charged a felony for every check, every phone call, it's fuking tyrannical abuse of our legal system.
Brought in a conflicted Trump hating judge ( not from the list where a judge was supposed to be randomly selected ) Denied Trump a change of venue, gave the jury some very sketchy instructions, failed to inform Trump of the crime until after then invented it ( untested legal theory bootstrapping a state book keeping charge into a felony ), ect....

That's strange. I didn't have to sign up to Politico. Never have. In fact, these papers have subscription rates. They don't just send stuff to your email.

It's not unusual for AGs to say they are going after known criminals. You are entitled to your opinion, but not the fatcs. They are what they are.
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Known criminals my ass, it's a political hit job, just like the Mar-a Largo raid, 2 sham impeachments ( Trump bashing festivals ) Busting down his lawyers door and seizing all documents...... this is where they came up with this book keeping charge, for the deep state alphabet agencies to have to go that far to find anything on Trump and manipulate it like this means the man is a freaking Saint.

I would like to see Maxine Walters or Chuck Schumer survive anywhere near this level of scrutiny.... the Clintons ... Har dee fucking har har.... murdering influence selling criminals would be brought up on a 3 digit number of charges.
