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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Thanks Avery

He's NOT giving away ANY LASERS. Just a simple case of some good ole fashioned, Horse trading is all........... rob
Yea show us what your running now. Rob if you need some lasers I'll get home and take some shots. I need to thin the heard I'll make you some sweetheart deals.

Look for a PM here shortly (tonight or tomm.) I kinda know you situation.
Thanks jander. I'll be looking out for that PM. maybe WE can do some "horse trading" too ?
I feel like a dufus asking this, but can anyone tell me of an easy way of moving photos from my PC's PHOTO GALLERY to here for others to see ???
Thanks, rob
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Easiest option is to upload them to a photo sharing service. Personally I use photobucket, but there are loads of them.

After you upload the pictures there, just right click on the image from the website, select Copy Image URL, and use the image tags, or insert image button:

Insert Image Button:

So to upload this:

You would need to have this on your screen:
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I used PHOTOBUCKET, but when I selected a photo by Right clicking on it, there was NO
"COPY IMAGE URL" selection for me to choose, WTF & IDK & I FEEL SO STOOOOOPID !!!
I'll try again tomorrow. Right now I'm about to throw this PC against the wall, LOL !!!
Thanks for your help G. You're a righteous dude ! rob
Photobucket is a little different, to get the picture URL from photobucket, pic the picture you want and select A.


They make it even easier though, to have the picture show up here on the forum just click B, and paste it here on the forum.

Don't go throwing computers around... the don't like it :p

Well, a new day, another try, LOL !!!! Hang onto your butts (JURASSIC PARK ?)


AHHH evidently I have met with some success. This was taken in my bedroom with the lights off, but with the TV on. I guess I shoulda shut the tube off, or bothered to get the fog machine set up. But, as you can see, the 'DOT' looks very nice & symmetrical. (Distance of ~ 10 Ft.) If you look hard, you can even see a faint trace of the lasers beam. Not bad for a < 5mW laser with the 'DOT' only ~ 3 Ft. from the TV. NO ????
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This is a snap of the laser in its factory box. As you can see, Avery was kind enough to include 2 batteries along with the laser. AVERY, YOU'RE A RIGHTEOUS DUDE !!!!!!
After I meter this little gem, I'll post the ACTUAL mW out-put of this sweet-heart.
Me-thinks it is OVER 5 mW's------------------ rob

Much thanks to Gennady for his help with the up-loading of these PIX. Thanks G.----------------- rob
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