Eagle Pair wrote:
"Hi Gary and LPF members,
We appreciate your feedback and support over the years from the forum. Our aim is to provide a safe and affordable option for the laser operators and hobbyists.
Sorry that it took a day to reply since we received the email from Gary about the post on LPF. We had to check some history data to come back with a valid answer to the questions.
First thing first,
1. The dip of OD at around 505nm for the EP-1 models.
When we received the first email from Gary, we were confused by the chart where the numbers from upper and lower X axes does not match. 480nm is where we normally see the fluorescent effect on the model when a UV band light source is shined on it.

However on review of the data and we confirmed that there was a design flaw that was overlooked by us in the filter made by us prior to 2020. The main area that we designed this filter was to be used with 532 and 1064nm, where both main wavelengths are tested and verified with LPM at a military level laser laboratory here in China. We are happy to support an exchange program through Gary for anyone that had an earlier version EP-1 filter to change to the new EP-1. We can also support Gary to send the new EP-1 filter to “why_you” to verify the dip was removed.
P.S. We have never received any communication directly from “why_you” for any other information as he mentioned that he attempted to contact us, apart from the communication through Gary. If we had the photo of 515nm laser with 532nm laser next to it, we would definitely have a look at this problem sooner.
2. EP-15 at 1064nm with 1% transmittance.
We have looked through our historic data and current batch in production, there is no evidence that 1064nm at 1% transmittance. We have done another test today and the result as follows. You are welcome to proof otherwise with a simple LPM test, 1% transmittance at 1064nm and OD7 can be easily identified. Which does bring the question of the tested sample origins. Again we are happy to send another pair to the member “spirit” to verify in the lab he tested in.

3. CE Marking wording.
Manufacturer’s evidence is commonly used in all notified body for CE. They do not simply just take any report from anyone, there is a process to verify the claims. Please let us know if you would like to know more. Both of the following section are from other manufacturer’s published certificates.
Here’s a section of ECS conformity for your information:

And a DIN CERTCO conformity:"