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Something creepy happened to me today

Jul 25, 2008
So, one of my friends invited me to come biking with them, along with two others, to the local McDonalds. After a long trip, we got to the McDonalds, but had to go past it for about a mile and pick up a few more friends. We finally got back to it, and started eating lunch. When we were about to get up to leave, three 17 year olds came up to us and said this: "Hey do any of you have any weed?" They kept talking to us, and eventually started to insult and harrass us.
Even worse, a fourth grader was with us. The manager came out and started joining in with the three guys! =O Eventually, the guys left, and went to their car and started talking. Then they went behind a car-wash next door. We left, and went around the corner, and they were all smoking pot! One of us knew it was pot, probably because his brother smokes it. (He's not really a close friend, and none of us like him much) They started to get pissed off now, and were moving closer to us. We ran at this point, and got on our bikes, and started peddling like hell! We had to make sure they didn't follow us, so we had to go through through a route that I've never been through before, and cut through a bunch of warehouse parking lots. We heard police cars ALOT when we were going through there, it was really weird.

That's almost as bad as when I went trick or treating at a pedophile's house.. This old guy wanted to take pictures of me and my friends (and he actually did) :-/.
if i was you i would've called the cops on the manager - and reported the people that were harassing you as well - I sure as hell don't want the person overseeing food cooking to be stoned :P
MarioMaster said:
if i was you i would've called the cops on the manager - and reported the people that were harassing you as well - I sure as hell don't want the person overseeing food cooking to be stoned  :P
The manager wasn't smoking, but the other guy's were, the manager stayed in the resturant.
Manager probably gave (sold) it to the kids  :P

Just b/c he wasn't smoking with them, doesn't mean he wasn't smoking out back  ;D
Jimmymcjimthejim said:
That's almost as bad as when I went trick or treating at a pedophile's house.. This old guy wanted to take pictures of me and my friends  (and he actually did) :-/.

I wouldn't eat the candy from that house...

And LRMNmeyer: That is pretty scary. If I were you, I would carry my laser with me in public places from now on...

Slightly-related story:Actually, on Halloween, I was trick-or-treating with my friend (I know, I know, I'm too old, but it was my last year!), and this group of 5 really skimpily-dressed girls and one guy wearing a robe, all about my age, started making fun of my friend and I. I threw a piece of candy at them and yelled sarcastically, "Happy Halloween!" and walked away to a couple of houses. We came back out from the long driveways and they started making fun of us again, and at least one of the girls was smoking something, probably weed but maybe a cigarette. As we turned up a hill, my friend yelled, "Hugs not drugs!" and I yelled "Tobacco is wacko!", starting a long chain of yelling back random comments at them. "Marijuana why'd ya wanna?" "Cocaine dead brain!" "Exposive compulsive disorder!" Anyway, they started to follow us up the hill. Eventually, they caught up to us as we were at the door of one house, and I said to them, "You can have this one." In some kind of a voice that was probably intended to seduce us, they asked if they could join us. I told them no, and they started calling out, "Why not? It'll be fun!" and other things like that. They even tried to hide and sneak up on us to join up, while one of them was peeing in some random person's yard. Nice, huh? Anyway, wanting to get rid of them, I pulled out my 5mW green and started shining it on the ground, getting closer towards them. I told them it was a burning laser and could fry their eyes out in a single hit, and they retreated, talking about how they had seen the videos on Youtube. Anyway, as we passed them a final time (They had gone back to their "base" at the park, which was the center of many streets and why we had to walk by them so much), I threw another piece of candy at them and yelled, "Charity!", then shined my laser at the ground and trees a little bit. They swore back, and my friend and I walked down the road, laughing.
Jimmymcjimthejim said:
That's almost as bad as when I went trick or treating at a pedophile's house.. This old guy wanted to take pictures of me and my friends  (and he actually did) :-/.

LRMNmeyer said:
So, one of my friends invited me to come biking with them, along with two others, to the local McDonalds. After a long trip, we got to the McDonalds, but had to go past it for about a mile and pick up a few more friends. We finally got back to it, and started eating lunch. When we were about to get up to leave, three 17 year olds came up to us and said this: "Hey do any of you have any weed?" They kept talking to us, and eventually started to insult and harrass us.
Even worse, a fourth grader was with us. The manager came out and started joining in with the three guys! =O Eventually, the guys left, and went to their car and started talking. Then they went behind a car-wash next door. We left, and went around the corner, and they were all smoking pot! One of us knew it was pot, probably because his brother smokes it. (He's not really a close friend, and none of us like him much) They started to get pissed off now, and were moving closer to us. We ran at this point, and got on our bikes, and started peddling like hell! We had to make sure they didn't follow us, so we had to go through through a route that I've never been through before, and cut through a bunch of warehouse parking lots. We heard police cars ALOT when we were going through there, it was really weird.

sounds like some nerds were messed with, lol
Niko said:
[quote author=Jimmymcjimthejim link=1225674517/0#1 date=1225674740]That's almost as bad as when I went trick or treating at a pedophile's house.. This old guy wanted to take pictures of me and my friends  (and he actually did) :-/.

As soon as we walked up to his house, he offered us candy or a $1 bill (he said he was running low on candy..). All my friends went for the $1 bill, but he gave us candy anyways. He then asked us if we were on the baseball team, and said that we were looking scary.. even though we had shit costumes; mine was some bath robes being dressed as a jedi (it was the best thing I had  ::)). That's when he pulled out his camera, and took pictures of us.. My friend put his mask on, my other friend put his hoodie on, and my third friend fake sneezed as the picture was taken  :D. We then got the hell out of there.. :o

rocketparrotlet said:
[quote author=Jimmymcjimthejim link=1225674517/0#1 date=1225674740]That's almost as bad as when I went trick or treating at a pedophile's house.. This old guy wanted to take pictures of me and my friends (and he actually did) :-/.

I wouldn't eat the candy from that house...

And LRMNmeyer: That is pretty scary. If I were you, I would carry my laser with me in public places from now on...

Slightly-related story:Actually, on Halloween, I was trick-or-treating with my friend (I know, I know, I'm too old, but it was my last year!), and this group of 5 really skimpily-dressed girls and one guy wearing a robe, all about my age, started making fun of my friend and I. I threw a piece of candy at them and yelled sarcastically, "Happy Halloween!" and walked away to a couple of houses. We came back out from the long driveways and they started making fun of us again, and at least one of the girls was smoking something, probably weed but maybe a cigarette. As we turned up a hill, my friend yelled, "Hugs not drugs!" and I yelled "Tobacco is wacko!", starting a long chain of yelling back random comments at them. "Marijuana why'd ya wanna?" "Cocaine dead brain!" "Exposive compulsive disorder!" Anyway, they started to follow us up the hill. Eventually, they caught up to us as we were at the door of one house, and I said to them, "You can have this one." In some kind of a voice that was probably intended to seduce us, they asked if they could join us. I told them no, and they started calling out, "Why not? It'll be fun!" and other things like that. They even tried to hide and sneak up on us to join up, while one of them was peeing in some random person's yard. Nice, huh? Anyway, wanting to get rid of them, I pulled out my 5mW green and started shining it on the ground, getting closer towards them. I told them it was a burning laser and could fry their eyes out in a single hit, and they retreated, talking about how they had seen the videos on Youtube. Anyway, as we passed them a final time (They had gone back to their "base" at the park, which was the center of many streets and why we had to walk by them so much), I threw another piece of candy at them and yelled, "Charity!", then shined my laser at the ground and trees a little bit. They swore back, and my friend and I walked down the road, laughing. [/quote]
Damn you and your awesome stories..
Rangedunits said:
What u all has against weed?
Mainly: It's illegal; bad for your health; you are looked down upon; costs alot of money for something you burn; etc I know it's better for you than tabacco, but that is dumb to use too.
I dont spend money if u sell half of what u buy! I could get a prescription for my insomnia prooblem. Im off rolled 3 blunt 2.5g
LRMNmeyer said:
[quote author=Rangedunits link=1225674517/0#12 date=1225686740]What u all has against weed?
Mainly: It's illegal; bad for your health; you are looked down upon; costs alot of money for something you burn; etc I know it's better for you than tabacco, but that is dumb to use too.[/quote]
I could have sworn they used it to stop tumors and cancer and help stop Alzheimer's :-?
