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FrozenGate by Avery


Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

Arrrgghhhh I so badly want a 473... but I just don't have that kind of cash to spare (especially after buying myself that 500mW greenie). A 473 is next on my list!!
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

Last bump.

$599 shipped and it is yours!
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

150$ and :takeit: !!! last offer !

Man you even wrote me a PM with this offer.. this thread is NO playground! :rolleyes:

I paid >$900 shipped for this laser, so $599 shipped for this near new unit is more than reasonable IMO!
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

@ LOMOKO, only SERIOUS OFFERS should be posted. This is one reason I prefer to do MY business via PM.................... rob
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

Thank you ROB for clarifying this.

$599 for a >65mW GLP-473nm and it is yours!
+ Priority shipping is also included here :)

PM me if you´re interested :wave:
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

The 473 wavelength is one of my fav, rare to find such a potent 473. Its beautiful.
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

The 473 wavelength is one of my fav, rare to find such a potent 473. Its beautiful.

It is :)

I´m sure that the person who is going to take will be amazed by this color!
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

I can't understand why NOBODY hasn't picked this gem up yet. Watch, after it sells, there will be 4 or 5 Members looking for that exact same laser. GOOD LUCK & HAPPY HOLIDAYS to Y&YF, DJNY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rob
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

Just dropped the price to 589dollars till 31.12.2010

After this the price will go back to 619dollars!

Still a great deal for an overspec 473nm GLP-50 IMO

Merry Christmas :wave:
Last edited:
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

@ DJNY, Hey buddy, the only reason I can think of that this gem hasn't sold yet is,
people are broke right now 'cause of the MASSIVE EXPENSE that the CHRISTMAS SEASON has become. If you don't mind me dropping a suggestion to you, here it is. A lot of people didn't get paid just BEFORE CHRISTMAS. I know that a couple of places that I used to work at, made us wait to get paid 'till AFTER CHRISTMAS, but BEFORE the NEW YEAR, just 'cause that was when the pay period dictated, (that SUCKED)
Maybe you should extend your HOLIDAY price drop to include the 1st FULL WORK WEEK in JANUARY, until 01/07/2011. This way you'll be sure that the Forum Members
have received at LEAST one, post HOLIDAY, pay-check while your drop in price is still in effect. AFTER 01/07/2011, THEN you can raise the price back up (IF you still have it for sale). O' course you can do as you please, this was only my un-asked for $0.02
GOOD LUCK with your sale, whatever you plan to do, & a HAPPY NEW YEAR TY&YF !!!
Your pal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rob
Re: FS: GLP 473nm aka Aquarius

I owned a laser like the one being sold here, & it was pulsed, but IIRC, I read somewhere that one of the leading laser mfgr's had developed a 473nm laser like the one being sold on this thread, that was NOT PULSED. The only drawback that was mentioned was a shorter battery run-time. Sorry, but I don't recall the manufacturer's
name.................................. rob
