Ah, it's probably a matter of time before the laws for laser pointers in the U.S. prohibit laser pointers at any power, only allowed for tools. Of course, that is a slippery slope as pointers can be tools too.
I have one remark about a statement posted in the thread:
but if you got caught lying to the government... That's some pretty serious sh!t.
The government lies to us, the people who allows them to have power over us on a regular basis simply because they are above us, due to OUR choice to allow it, coupled with their ability to act with impunity due to the power they have.... We have an illusion going on in this country that the people we elect to "represent" us are not above us or the law, that's false, if you put someone in charge of the law and vote them to represent you, you have placed them ABOVE you as well as the law by that very act, IF they have enough power. Who has the most power as an individual in the USA? Maybe the president? Has he been lying to us and making illegal changes far beyond what executive privilege can allow by law? YES HE HAS... Why? Because we put him in a position of power where he can get away with it and no one is stopping him! I believe his example will result in others having less respect for the law and due to this more and more corruption in our government. Even for myself, I have less respect for laws after our own president can break it with impunity, lies to us and manipulates us to get what he wants. Well, we the people have been honest for the most part, but with that kind of example, I expect a trickle down of that morality to cause far more damage than he has himself through those acts.
It's time for change, actually, far beyond the time for change. I am not sure our system can work for us anymore, only take from us, but I don't have a solution in mind right now either, except perhaps to start with a flat tax for EVERYONE and EVERY company to help level the playing field and stop the fricken hidden taxes on everything except perhaps alcohol, tobacco, and non medicinal pot. One thing that miffs me off is having to pay for government services, i.e. licensing etc., we already pay for government, at this rate we will be paying on top of our taxes for most of government function someday. Want to make a police report? That's fifty dollars please, this is what is coming. If you research the real tax rate we pay you will see we have become slaves to the government, to the system who allows us just enough of a portion of our earnings to keep the system going while they print money like wild to feed into the stock market in attempt to keep our economy from crashing on their watch. Well, time is coming for that crash, it can't be avoided and that's when we have the opportunity to affect deep sweeping changes with our government, maybe, because they KNOW THIS and have been preparing to fight back to allow their buddies to stay in power. Caution though, in this world it seems when you take down a bad guy (i.e. lying power grubbing politician) who clawed their way to the top, due to the vacuum, someone who couldn't otherwise do so themselves can be allowed a way in, but will be far worse.
Quite the little anti-government what is wrong with the world rant a?
What is the best answer to these problems? It starts with us individually, it is true, we can't change the world without starting at home first. Be the change in the world you want to see, liberation is ours if we choose to live it.