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FrozenGate by Avery

Sieg C0 Micro Lathe $73.00

Thanks for the video link! We need more videos and pics :).

I got a little post card type thing in the mail yesterday confirming my order. Maybe they do that for backorders? That seems weird. I have never ordered something online before and got something like that before.

I got one also, on Friday

FML! I ordered the lathe on the 13th and I just called Customer Service and they said," We don't carry it anymore, it has been discontinued". Lawl...
Did they say your order was cancelled because of it or that new orders will not be fulfilled?
Harbor Freight said that they do not charge you until they ship the item out of the warehouse. They don't carry the lathe anymore...

In a way its a good thing, because I have the funds for a 7" x 12" lathe with threading options and more spacing.

I will make my own hosts on it, maybe sell them :D
Try calling again, some reps just don't want to be bothered with anything. Be clear that you aren't calling concerning a new order but about an order that has already been confirmed. Hell tell them that even if you didn't receive any confirmation. Don't give up just at the 1st rep, I've gone through 3 reps often when dealing with issues (not specifically just merchandise orders). Some reps don't have a clue what they are talking about but either believe they know or just won't admit it.

I placed an order at the start of this thread and contacted harbor freight. They said it will arrive in the warehouse in two weeks.

Did you get an email like this?
from cs@harborfreight.com
to xxxxx@gmail.com
date Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 2:38 AM
subject Your Harbor Freight Tools Online# 9000000

Thank you for ordering from Harbor Freight Tools.
This is a copy of your order.
Charges are not final until the order is processed.
Your Internet Invoice: 9000000
Sub Total: 72.87
Tax: 0.00 (Tax Rate: 0.000%)
Shipping: 9.99
Handling: 0.00
Total: 82.86

Items Ordered :
1 95012-4VGA 72.87
4" x 5" Micro Lathe

A 7" x 12" lathe will certainly be better if you don't mind the cost over this one.

Halo --
I presume you are ordering one from your post. There are some neet 1/8 " cutting tools available at HF. What's your first project? Machining is almost as fun as lasers.
Sorry for the late reply HMike
Actually I wasn't plaining to order one but now I decided to get one for my cousin since it may be small but its still a nice deal. Even tho I tend to enjoy electronics & computer more, without a doubt machining is fun.
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Harbor Freight said that they do not charge you until they ship the item out of the warehouse. They don't carry the lathe anymore...

In a way its a good thing, because I have the funds for a 7" x 12" lathe with threading options and more spacing.

I will make my own hosts on it, maybe sell them :D

I got my 7" x 12" lathe as a present. Pretty sure it was off of ebay, but not positive. I will find out though because a lot of extras were included (drill chuck, live center, bits, gears, steady rests, etc.) and I was told the total with shipping was under $450, not positive though....girls like to lie about how much they spend. LOL. I will post the seller's link if I can get it out of her.

If any of you live near a metal supplier, check them out first before you order stock online. I bought a 6' piece of 1" diameter aluminum for $24 from a local shop. It would've cost double that if I had to pay for shipping, so it was worth the gas money to drive over and pick it up. Also, Harbor Freight sells a small cutoff saw for up to 1" stock for about $32 IIRC, and the blades are about $6 for a 5 pack. I'm still on my first blade and I have made enough 1" cuts to go through that 6' piece of stock.

A 7" x 12" lathe pays for itself very quickly if you consider how much heatsinks/hosts cost from other sellers. The only catch is the other tools you may find yourself buying afterward. (buffer, tap and die set, more lathe tools, etc)
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You got a power tool as a present from a girl?! :beer: And not just a random common tool but a 7x12 lathe with accessories even? Damn. She your girlfriend? I'd love to steal her :bumpit: since my birthday is close (ok half birthday) :bday:. Of course I would never really do so out of respect for a fellow lpf lover (& a wee bit of fear of meeting your ColdSteel Kukri). :D
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So, I got mine yesterday.

Lots of grit that needs to be removed. I'm in the process.

But to allay anyones fears about what it is capable of, I have taken a couple pictures after I cleaned the headstock and jaws.

Yes, the jaws are reversible as seen in the photo. Each side has a number stamped on the jaw. One side is for inside jaws, the other side is for outside jaws. You insert them into the headstock in the order listed for that direction. So, if you notice, jaws 1 and 3 go in reverse order depending on which direction they are.

Also, with the supplied chuck you can go to 2" or more, however it is with the jaws reversed and you would have about 1/4" holding the piece. That means you probably wouldn't be safe with anything over about 1" thick or so for that size. The other option is you could do it by turning between centers and not have an issue.

As I have time, I'm cleaning mine. but it seems excellent for the money.


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The one I ordered came today. Too tired to even start cleaning it. I want it tested & ready to go before I give it.
Halo --
I presume you are ordering one from your post. There are some neet 1/8 " cutting tools available at HF. What's your first project? Machining is almost as fun as lasers.
Sorry for the late reply HMike
Actually I wasn't plaining to order one but now I decided to get one for my cousin since it may be small but its still a nice deal. Even tho I tend to enjoy electronics & computer more, without a doubt machining is fun.
5 char min

First a post card confirming your order, now another one saying the order won't be fulfilled... They suck.
A little better inventory tracking would be nice. I could be wrong but I have a feeling the manufacturer can still supply them just fine & HF just isn't carrying them any longer.
Btw Google Groups: C0-Lathe (links to revived yahoo group as well) & Sieg factory pictures
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Getting close to holloween so a thread *resurrection* might seem a little more relevant :).

Just an update... It turned out to be a good thing that they didn't fulfill my order. Just got a bigger lathe last week. Got it assembled last night.

I do have to take the carriage off again though to adjust the saddle better. What a pain the saddle is turning out to be. The bolts to adjust it are in the way of the The bolts on the pinion shaft :/. You have to slide the carriage out, adjust it, slide the carriage back in, repeat, repeat, etc. I am sure there will still be lots of tweaks to the setup.

Btw... how is everyones c0 micro-lathe working out?


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