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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling my powerful 445 Maglite build! $250

Mar 26, 2012
Hello, i have finished building my maglite build and i am ready to start another :)
I just need to sell it first. It has a flexmodP3 driver set at 1.75A. M-140 Diode. I will be accepting paypal. my skype is yahnbaron so i can show you a video of it in action :)
The color of the host is a dark grey(smoke). It should be doing around 1.8W with the included 3 element lens but i could a G1 lens if you want to get the power above 2W(I'm getting it lpmed soon). Just add $45.


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If you want to sell this, it is ideal to take a picture of the laser next to a piece of paper with your username and the date. You're new here so people may not take your word that you actually have this laser.

Also, you may want to say what lens is in this laser. A G lens vs a 3 element lens has significant output differences, and a difference in what people will pay for your laser ;)
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No, he's talking about what his driver was set too... Just because its at 1.7A doesn't mean his laser is 1.7W. You need to go do some learning before you continue to jump into peoples post and belittle them.

+1 :beer:
1.7A...? You mean 1.7W? LOL.

No, i was talking about the current the driver is feeding into the diode. This build is doing 2W+
It is using a 3 element lens.

EDIT: beat me to it :P

and if anybody is doubting me, skype video call me and i will do a personal demonstration :)
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No, i was talking about the current the driver is feeding into the diode. This build is doing 2W+
It is using a 3 element lens.

cool so can we please get a lpm picture and a picture of the laser on next to a paper with your user name and date?

it may sound like a hassle but people will hassle you until you do this :crackup:
cool so can we please get a lpm picture and a picture of the laser on next to a paper with your user name and date?

it may sound like a hassle but people will hassle you until you do this :crackup:

I dont have an LPM, but i bought this diode from rocket689 and he claimed it to be "very efficient."

EDIT: about the picture thing, i can take one, i will do it later. I can do a personal skype demonstration if wanted...
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Man wish i could get this. I would love a stronger laser with a better duty cycle. GL on the sale, i love the maglite host.
This maglite build should have a GIANT heatsink and with that Flexmod driver, it probably runs unlimited duty cycles. Good luck on the sale!
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This maglite build should have a GIANT heatsink and with that Flexmod driver, it probably runs unlimited duty cycles. Good luck on the sale!

I normally keep it at a 3 minute duty cycle, thats when it gets warm :)
Wouldn't wanna go any higher lol
cool so can we please get a lpm picture and a picture of the laser on next to a paper with your user name and date?

it may sound like a hassle but people will hassle you until you do this :crackup:

There you go, i added pictures :P
I'm running 30 watts of LED on a heatsink a little smaller than this one in a maglite with a duty cycle of about 5 min on max... This thing can go on forever... but since you don't have an LPM you shouldn't be guessing what power it's putting out.

Instead, you should agree to ship to a reputed middleman that can test the actual output, and verify that everything is working correctly, then shipping to the buyer. Should help you get more interest.
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Nice build. Nice use of the P3 driver.
Firstly though you should NOT be stating specific output powers for a laser you are selling without having LPMed the build upon completion. If you want to claim this to be a 2W laser for selling purposes then you NEED to have it LPMed and post the graph. If you cannot get it LPMed with data logging then a video of the testing will also work.
Until that time you need to clearly state in your First post that this laser has NOT been LPMed and you do not know the output.
If you need help I will LPM the laser for you and email you the power graphs (usually test the lasers 3-5 times get 3-5 graphs and post the average but that's up to you)
I am also in California so shipping to me and back to you shouldn't take more than 4-5 days total. I will even offer to pay the return shipping back to you :)
Secondly what power source does this laser run on?
32600s will fit a stock 2D maglite with stock switch and modified tailcap spring. I believe some 32650s should fit and others not. You can also fit 26000s in there if you slip a spacer in.

Unless, he modified this further than Jay's kit.

EDIT : Obviously... I shoulda specified (2) of each of the described batteries .... oh well OP came back to answer... /fail
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This is modified. It is running off of 2 protected 32650s. yobresal, I might just have to do that :)
