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Selem 2013

Yeah I replaced the green in it with a new module but could never get it aligned correctly. Most of the green was missing the galvo I think.

The one I saw had a green installed that barely did anything, and we had another to replace it. However the markings weren't clear on what was what so we didn't want to take that chance and possibly blow the PJ.

Len mailed them, I don't know what they said back.
I'll wait for Len to get back. I assume he is still driving back to Texas.

I have a couple pics of laser shows, a couple vids of them, and 3 videos of us getting a line out of a krypton, and of us creating an external cavity with the krypton using an external mirror.

I can upload whatever you wanna see :)

I went hunting on line and through the entire 1981 Issue of "Gas Lasers".

Only thing I have close is a Xe+ line. The plus means singly ionized, not neutral. So that did not happen in your tube, you would need a high energy pulsed tube to see a Xe+ line.

I did find two obtuse references to a neon spectral line at 609, but not a laser line. Now some Hene lines do show up as spectral lines when not lasing, but very few.

I'm still digging. But I can't find it and Sam can't find it.

I checked the likely impurities, nothing there either.

This means we need to get your laser aimed into a spectrometer, a very high resolution spectrometer. I need that wavelength to at least three digits after the decimal point.

If REO does not know, and I'd ask them if I were you, there may have been a line not listed or ever published lasing.

I even tried the national spectral databases, and they have EVERYTHING listed back to the 1920s and earlier.

Read here for my current findings. Testing it with a monochrometer soon.

I have CRC's "Gas Lasers". Found it for $40 on Amazon.

Anyway, pg. 501 lists all of it's radiative decay lines, one of which is 609.6nm. It's also in the NIST database. I've done countless hours on this.
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GREAT Speedy I will help you get with others from Florida if you want-

I am saying now i want to go to 'burning man' instead but very likely i will opt for my fifth year at SELEM -- ATM only focus on your transportation- the rest is ez- rides from the airport are not hard to get and often are free-no real need for a car at the event at all. No one ever gets stranded at the HIE unless you need to sleep til 10 am & whose fault is THAT!!??

pics going up as soon as i find my cameras--lol
Sleeping in is not hard to do. After going to bed around 5am every morning, and getting up at 830, Sunday I just died. Slept in til 1241 and woke up to knocking on the door. It was bad.
I remember hearing it several times, and I finally realized it wasn't my dream, but real life, so I got up to check it.

The venue closes at 2, then we all hang out in the conference room til 3-5. That night I got to my room at around 530 after a buddy there was rolling and hitting on me. Long story short, I was glad to see the door open to my room after I woke them up at 530 (lol no hard feelings man!)
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the venue closes at 12 midnight-
check out is at noon for the HIE the knocks were most likely from housekeeping.

Setting up and taking down all the gear ,scafolding, trusses etc takeS a lot of work and sadly I saw way too many standing about and visiting- if you want to help, THEN you need to ask- AS THOSE WORKING WILL NOT. personally I would rather you go stand around out of our sight. This year I cannot remember a single newcomer asking me if i needed help- I had to ask and that should not be happening IMHO.

We had so much work to do that several items never went up- like the six mirror balls- I brought nine lasers just for those and could have left them all at home had i known we would be so short on helpers & help. I never stopped working my first year.
I am NOT posting this to hear any feedback from those who came and did not do much helping- it is here so those coming back or newcomers in 2014 will know that we need more helpers.

About staying up all hours after the shows- DUH!
you know how much sleep you need- it is a crappy excuse to do very little helping because you failed to get much sleep.

IF you insist on replying to my post PLEASE get with me VIA PM- I know what I saw and did not see. This is not personal or something new- I have made four SELEMs and see it every time. Ask anyone busy working if they need a hand and then you will know what to do at SELEM.-- talk is cheap.

V/R hak
We weren't kicked out til around 2 or later. That's when we had to leave. That's 2am NC time, not Tx time.

Friday was lame, expected our roomie to wake me up with him. Didn't get to the venue til lunchtime. Next day I left a note to take us at 830, best 3 hours of sleep ever.

Anyway, yeah, I agree on the help. Being the 19 year old, there were people always joking about getting me to carry things since I still had my youth. Went from helping set up the whitelight in the auditorium, to filling in the ion room, loading up the club, carrying those HUGE subwoofers (holly cow!) etc etc. I didn't even see the mirror balls. Would have loved to set that up as that would have been awesome.

If you can get there Thursday, and NOT late like I did, that'd be great. I had my flight arrive at noon (earliest landing available) so I could set up, didn't get there until 1530...

Still though, had an awesome time!
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I stand corrected on the 'kick-out' time in the past i don't think many stayed much after 12. What would be ideal IMO would be allowing some of us to stay there overnight like we were able to do at TEXLEM.

helping carry stuff BTW was no joke and applies to about everyone who was standing around while others were busy working--

I have yet to turn down any help offered. I also did not turn down any donations offered to help get Sam to the event- and I am still hoping a few who appreciated his being there will step up. being a true SAM_FAN means more that spending a lot of time with him at the event. PM for my Paypal..

maybe SELEM 2014 another fan will take over the chore of getting Dr Sam there- then you will see how much fun not is not.

BIG TY to Bungy without his help i would have had to cancel the plan to have Dr sam at SELEM-
ps if you enjoyed seeing/meeting Sam please find a post by 'Bungy' and +rep him.

personally i would prefer a donation over a +rep.. ....just sayin'
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Len, how much of Sam has been covered? I didn't even know it was paid for by others... PM incoming for your PP.
