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Post #34 #66
lightspace ascent-x series - Page 2
Sure!! Despite I'm a fan of cylindricals (less looses), IMO prisms are easy to work with when going with 4 or more MM diodes (except reds, of course).
So, yes, Nichia 1W green can be easily corrected with prisms for 1-1,5mrad
For 4 diodes...multiple options all depends on budged, size required, beam specs...
We all know lots of possible setups: cyls vs prism, llll vs ---- vs ll+PBS+ll vs l over l +PBS+another set+only ONE cyl pair (like we do on P73 reds) etc etc
We could take long long time analysing each option but for me, for a handheld device, where size is a MUST (thus simplicity) and we are not rich...(me not!!) I would like to go with:
*****3-layer lens (8mm EFL):
Taking into account we are going to end with high beam expander (increasing gaps), it is good to start with a 'reasonable' expansion before knife less prism expansion required=thinner gaps after prism
-G2+knife edge----more prism expansion required----fatter gaps :undecided:
-3-elements+knife edge----less prism expansion required---thinner gaps:wave:
on the other side.... G2 less losses BUT more losses on prisms (high prism expansion required)
3-elements: more losses BUT less losses on prisms (less prism expansion required)
BUT, As I said...we are going to END with HIGH spherical B.E., so we need thinner gaps before expansion...for me, no doubt...3-elements here.
*****'Standard' side knife edge: llll
yes, yes, PBS more energy density...vertical stacking better FF beam profile...I know...BUT I said simple, affordable, small footprint...robust!!!
so 4-in-line diode host, same weight, and 4 mirror mounts for side-knife bolt+prism mirror type...or angled flexmounts with flat bounce mirrors..etc
-So we now have llll and 1,8mrad
*****PRISM CORRECTION 2-3x magnification
With 2x expansion....we get 0,9mrad...not bad :beer:. Have not data here, but not high losses at 2x prisms setup...If I remember.....5-8% ?¿?
****Then HIT the BE....for example 10x to get 0,09mrad and a really fat beam..I expect 60mm (very very aprox...not tested)