This whole thing is just the LPF mob mentality all over again. It happens with every person that tries to sell stuff here, Clif experienced it firsthand.
To be honest, I think it's more of sellers wanting to keep people from cutting into their profits more than it is about protecting the members. While I know that's not true for all, cutting the throat of potential competition is a factor for quite a few.
It was also mentioned earlier in this thread that some sellers can justify higher prices on their builds because they're exceptional builders. There is only so many things you can do to make a handheld good, and it's not going to get any better regardless of your skill level. So lets not let our heads get too big with our sweet laser building skillz.
To the other sellers:
Ryan hasn't scammed anyone yet (That i'm aware of) and just because his price is higher than yours, doesn't make it unreasonable. I say this because If I were able to sell lasers, they would be a LOT cheaper than any of yours, and they would be just as good in quality.
Oh, and RE's $375 laser can also be purchased
HERE for $599.99
Just saying.....
God Bless You Moh... I've been reading this thread with amazement.
First, I get it. Ryan does come across as arrogant. He's clearly a really bright kid who knows that and perhaps thinks a bit highly of himself. He is young and he doesn't have the perspective of some of us older members.
Going from 0-60 in a month is ambitious, but while I haven't chosen to sell on here and I'm not quite ready to sell even if I decided to do so, I've built a few pretty decent lasers (custom heat sinks, modified pills, etc...) that I could have sold and I've only been here since Dec 11. It IS possible for someone to come up to speed fast if they are smart and organized and ambitious.
Do I think Ryan may have overdone it? Yeah. Does he deserve this blitz? Really?
Dave, you seem very worried about the AlertPay thing. I think you are jumping on the "scam" side of the issue too quickly. It really seems obvious to me (maybe I am being naive, but this is my take) that Ryan had a potential buyer in NZ and when he found out the cost of shipping according to paypal's rules, then he quoted the buyer a high shipping cost and the buyer balked so he tried to come up with a cheaper alternative.
All this talk of referral fees and scamming seems a bit out of character with someone who wants to try to sell here. It would only take one scam like that to end any chance of selling on this forum. It just doesn't make logical sense to me that he is trying to scam. He just wanted to find a way to keep the sale to NZ alive and get around high shipping fees.
I also think some of Ryan's post are being misread, but I'm not going to dissect each one and defend it. I will say that on the Internet, everything SEEMS way worse than the writer intended most of the time. I have a friend that you could send and email that said, "hope you are having a good day!" and he would read it in some sort of negative or confrontational tone.
Another thing that is interesting to me... I have been a member of corvetteforum for over ten years and you are not allowed to bash the price of someone's "for sale" listing there. I understand that it is different here, but it certainly isn't a universal thing. Lots of places, if someone wants to charge a specific price for something, then the buyer decides whether it is worth it without a lot of (potentially biased or "conflicted of interest") comments from the gallery.
Ryan shouldn't have to explain his prices. Buy, or don't buy. It isn't like you can't scan this section to see what other builds have sold for in the past.
I could go on, but I think Ryan stepped up with the video. He laid it out there and as Moh said, he hasn't scammed anyone yet. If you are a seller and can do better, then it appears that this forum allows you to step in and say, "hey, I'll build that for less.". So do that if you want. But don't get mad if someone does it to you on a sale sometime.
In closing, I won't name names - but apparently at least one member has gotten his feelings hurt by Ryan and now you are going to "stalk" him and post negative remarks in every "for sale" that he posts? Really? Is that even allowed?
Seems like it would be easy enough to step back and see if his builds are good, and if they aren't then he can fix them or make good to the buyer or be banned.
I'll go put on my flame suit now. I'm really going to miss Moh around here.