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FrozenGate by Avery

Scammed by scarlefwolf031

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I ship from Canada all the time... kinda have no choice :whistle:

If this guy shipped with UPS and NOT USPS, they would know EXACTLY
where that package is.

The fact that he is hiding the tracking info says it all. You cannot produce
that which does not exist. I bet he cant even produce a receipt, let alone

My guess is he never shipped anything (I know, mr obvious is being obvious).

Or was it shipped with USPS / Canada Post for 8$ and no tracking?

I wonder it this scared boy have considered how long time it would take the police to go from this virtual paypal/creditcard to him, in case he actually did use it?

Internet anonymity, sure. :D

How can this elusive and mysterious tracking number be given to paypal, and now suddenly not be available for anyone else?
It's simple Toke.... It does not EXIST....

I hear that his PayPal account has been frozen...
He won't be able to use it until the last Claim has
been delivered or a refund is issued...

Yeah, scarletwolf, if you think your "safe" on the internet to steal peoples money, JUST because you never have to see them face to face, you are sadly mistaken. People have been twisting the internet how they like it, and to find out whatever they want about you, for a long time. So don't think your gonna get away with this kind of thing forever. Just know, karma is a bitch, and you'll find that out someday. I see you going bad places little boy
It turns out that tucker-boy is not as good at this internet anonymity thing as he thought.
Nasty, ain't it. :D
I am not quite sure what to do with his name and address, ideally ANM should have his paypal account too and use it to file a complaint with Canadian police.

Does anyone know some good 4Chan stunts?
Just sign him up for all kinds of free trials. They'll throw so many bills at him that his credit will be tanked for years. You can also place adds in all kind of sick places to point freaks to his house. Man, there are lists of shit storms you could throw at him, and he cant do anything about it.

But some advice for the OP, get the police involved and put a mail fraud case against him.
Hey Wolf, does this look familiar?


Little pig, little pig, let me in.
Yep i am lol, you guys think i would ever use my real name on an email lol, they call me mike, Dave, Sam, John, Owen, Tucker, i have so many it's not funny as for the image i wish i could buy a house that looked half that good lmao.

I look fwd to talking to a police officer within Canada, seeing as i have not boken any Canada Laws, is sent the mail. and if it dose not arrive dose not mean shit, the only thing the op can do is file a Law Suit, I have already contacted my police Dept about this issue seeing as you guys keep saying call the cops and i am assured i am in the right here, in fact I don't even need to prove i sent it you must prove i did not. seeing as i put the item in the mail i have not done anything rong, sure you can file a suit for miss Rep.

As for you dumb Fuckers who think you found anything out about me all i can say is lmao , i hop you understand that when those's people find out you send people to there house you'll be the ones charged with herassment and that is a charge in Canada

so here is what you must prove

One provide one peace of Proff that i did not mail the item, cause in Canada you must prove your case beyound a resenable dout and you will never be able to do that,

Also for someone to file charges in canada they must be able to file a complate and i have the right to face my accusser, i look fwd to the op spending his money to come to Canada and then find out that i am right and can not be Charged for a Crime as i did not commit any crime.

so yes Tech I am still Laughing my fuckin ass off at you dumb fuckers who think you found something out.

it's not agenst the law to hid who i am online and to protect my idenity they give paper out here in Canada tell people to hide who you are online. as for child porn that's somthing tottal diff and there is founding to track the people down.

Provide one Crimenal Code of Canada Area that you think i can be charged under. and how you plane on proving somthing that is not true.

also note that filing a report that is found to be note true will be used in a slander case that you can be held for up to 10,000$,

so keep up your works, hell i never even had the SL sent to me lol it was sent to a friend who then mailed it to me. lmao enjoy your selfs looking me up and hey stop by if your ever in my town i would love to see you big bad forum boys in my home town lol. just remember to as for, Dave, Mike, Owen, Sam, Cory, Preston, David, Eron, o ya and my fav Tucker LMFO

Yep i am lol, you guys think i would ever use my real name on an email lol, they call me mike, Dave, Sam, John, Owen, Tucker, i have so many it's not funny as for the image i wish i could buy a house that looked half that good lmao.

I look fwd to talking to a police officer within Canada, seeing as i have not boken any Canada Laws, is sent the mail. and if it dose not arrive dose not mean shit, the only thing the op can do is file a Law Suit, I have already contacted my police Dept about this issue seeing as you guys keep saying call the cops and i am assured i am in the right here, in fact I don't even need to prove i sent it you must prove i did not. seeing as i put the item in the mail i have not done anything rong, sure you can file a suit for miss Rep.

As for you dumb Fuckers who think you found anything out about me all i can say is lmao , i hop you understand that when those's people find out you send people to there house you'll be the ones charged with herassment and that is a charge in Canada

so here is what you must prove

One provide one peace of Proff that i did not mail the item, cause in Canada you must prove your case beyound a resenable dout and you will never be able to do that,

Also for someone to file charges in canada they must be able to file a complate and i have the right to face my accusser, i look fwd to the op spending his money to come to Canada and then find out that i am right and can not be Charged for a Crime as i did not commit any crime.

so yes Tech I am still Laughing my fuckin ass off at you dumb fuckers who think you found something out.

it's not agenst the law to hid who i am online and to protect my idenity they give paper out here in Canada tell people to hide who you are online. as for child porn that's somthing tottal diff and there is founding to track the people down.

Provide one Crimenal Code of Canada Area that you think i can be charged under. and how you plane on proving somthing that is not true.

also note that filing a report that is found to be note true will be used in a slander case that you can be held for up to 10,000$,

so keep up your works, hell i never even had the SL sent to me lol it was sent to a friend who then mailed it to me. lmao enjoy your selfs looking me up and hey stop by if your ever in my town i would love to see you big bad forum boys in my home town lol. just remember to as for, Dave, Mike, Owen, Sam, Cory, Preston, David, Eron, o ya and my fav Tucker LMFO


What a waste of skin and oxygen.....
Children will be children....

What mail are you talking about.... You said UPS Tracking
number.... Ohhhh you're starting to slip up...
The true sign of fear....

You have no clue as to Canadian Law.... you Scamming
Hey Expert....the OP doesn't need to come to Canada...
All he needs is a Proxy...
One day you will wake up to the smell of coffee... in
some cops cup...

Oh BTW... learn to spell better than a 4th grader...or
are you under some kind of emotional stress...???

Thanks for the invite... I've saved your post... just in case

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your an idiot scarlet. down right i-d-i-o-t
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What a waste of skin and oxygen.....
Children will be children....

What mail are you talking about.... You said UPS Tracking
number.... Ohhhh you're starting to slip up...
The true sign of fear....

You have no clue as to Canadian Law.... you Scamming
Hey Expert....the OP doesn't need to come to Canada...
All he needs is a Proxy...
One day you will wake up to the smell of coffee... in
some cops cup...

Oh BTW... learn to spell better than a 4th grader...or
are you under some kind of emotional stress...???

Thanks for the invite... I've saved your post... just in case


Jerry you may want to check your law, any person charged with any crime has the right it face there acusser and to have them on the stand and examemend by there lawyer,

On top of that no crime was Commited and the OP verifed that with paypal when he closed his paypal dispute, and payapl has verfied that the op was told that you do not close nay dispute untill you are 100% happy with the deals, but that's beside the point.

the Burden of Proff is on the Prerson claimng wrong doing. not on the person who is being accused, and that is why i did not post shit here. and if i said ups so what, the item was mailed thats all that matters. but i'm done here you guys keep thinking how you want and when a police officer comes to my house i'll Contact my lawyer and go to court and file for charges to be dismissed on lack of edvadace as i have done nothing wrong. then i'll move that all this hear say on this forums be dismissed as just that as you never know who is on the other end of a computer.

when all is said and done i will win the case as i have not borken any Candian Laws, the 2nd person you say i scamed got a full refound when requested, so you might want to contact that big mouth and ask him, his money is back in his paypal account that is not a crime.

this Op closed his dispute and i had already closed my paypal account before the dispute as i only needed it for selling my laser that i sold.. once i closed my account there is no way to refound the buyer. and seeing as i mailed the item, i will not refound shit to him.

I don't give two fucks what you think you know about Canada and the Law i Have a Lawyer in my family and once again i am told i have done nothing wrong

sure the way i did bizzness was not right, and i acted wrong and might not be nice, but the fact dose not change that the item was mailed, and that's a fact.

the buyer confermed that he was happy when he closed his dispute, and now i think he has the laser and is just trying to get his money back if that is not the case then in fact

the buyer needs to first file a case in country and have his police dept fwd it to the Canadian Police Dept, and then the Candian Police would Look over all the info and de side if i did brake any laws within Canada if they deside did they would come and give me a notice to attend court, and then the lawyers will have there hearings.

i would be proven not guilty and the charges will be dismisted, then i would file a suit for flase arrest and Slandered, in fact let me find out how to serave the borad owner for allow this kind of Slander online. i do belive they are responsible for this,

have fun i'm done posting enjoy your shit talking and hypeing

I'll Leave it at this See you in Court .
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