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FrozenGate by Avery

Review: KD 150mW Baton Style Green Laser

Benm said:
You ordered the 200 mW here
And if you, did you get it, and is it any good?

I ordered the CR2 version, that is like KD50 but with a big head and better construction. Yes, the one in your link..

It was shipped last week. I checked the tracking today, and it is at the customs since yesterday. If they let it through smoothly, it will be here tomorrow. If they look inside and see the price, then all i'll get tomorrow is a letter asking for an invoice. :( Too bad KD includes prices inside...

I kinda hope it will preform better, than my KDX200 and RominsenDX200 frankenstein lasers. Not that they are bad, but i was hoping for more.

One person did already get it two weeks ago or so, and registered on the forum, just to answer someones question about it. I asked about the currents and learned that it is peaking at 1A or so from a primary CR2.

Also, the guy mentioned he does notice it getting slightly warm, and weaker after a while. When my RDX200 swings between 135 and 100mW i don't really see a difference, so that could be a bad thing...

Beachbumbora started a thread about it, as well as Razako. In one of them that person answered a few questions, and i will review it, when i get it.
mikeeey said:
I thought KD doesnt ship via EMS? why is it at the customs?

EMS is NOT the only shipments that get checked at customs. It just gets checked more often and more carefully.

so what is the chance of air mail getting checked? i never knew that lol.
mikeeey said:
so what is the chance of air mail getting checked? i never knew that lol.
Out of the 10+ lasers I ordered from dx none of them were taken by US customs. All of the lasers from Kai were untouched too.
mikeeey said:
so what is the chance of air mail getting checked? i never knew that lol.

That would depend on where you are, what the "threat" level is there, who is running the inspection station that day, how hot it is, whether there is a football game on, if the local store was having a sale on beer, etc.

In other words, there is no way to accurately predict if a package will get looked at or not.

I think that EMS gets checked more often because the bad guys don't like to wait for their packages ;)

daguin said:
[quote author=mikeeey link=1210024232/48#52 date=1211499117]so what is the chance of air mail getting checked? i never knew that lol.

That would depend on where you are, what the "threat" level is there, who is running the inspection station that day, how hot it is, whether there is a football game on, if the local store was having a sale on beer, etc.

In other words, there is no way to accurately predict if a package will get looked at or not.

I think that EMS gets checked more often because the bad guys don't like to wait for their packages ;)

lol, i have no idea what washington laser laws are, but im sure my package will be fine, that is, when it finally comes.
yaya dx 200 shipment delayd to ship till the 30th :| maby should have gotten the one from kd?
mikeeey said:
I thought KD doesnt ship via EMS? why is it at the customs?

Everything goes through the customs in every country. But i'm from Slovenia, and our customs are the most ANAL in this solar system, if not the universe.

They ask for invoices, and proof that the prices on the invoice are real (credit card statement), they even go online to check the prices!

I have most problems with them, when i import for my company.. They simply don't understand, that i get lower prices as a licensed distributor, than the MSRP they can find online..

They are really killing me sometimes.

With KD and DX i have been very lucky so far. They have opened up several of my packages, but never asked me for anything, just forwarded it. I was hoping it would be the same from PSX-BOY, since it's China, but i had to pay heavy custom fees and taxes on my diodes.. :(
YES, Good news, my oder status has now changed to ORDER PENDING ;D

That means it is getting packaged and soon to be on its way!!!

Oh, I can't wait and knimrod you are doing much to help feed my craving HINT HINT, videos please? ::)
Nice review, I dont like the description on KD however where it says " No IR filter for maximum output " lol


Diachi said:
Nice review, I dont like the description on KD however where it says " No IR filter for maximum output " lol

You should understand, that that doesn't mean for more total output of IR+green.

The reason they don't use IR filters is because they take away some green as well (4 - 6%).. So if a manufacturer uses a filter, they have to make the green more powerful in order to classify as a certain power after the filter..

Otherwise, most of the IR is blocked by the way these are built. And the little IR left is highly divergent. You should be much more worried about the green hitting your eyes.
