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Review Compilation - All Reviews In Just One Thread!

Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Perhaps you should add the opto 150 vs olike 150 to the o-like section too, maybe as a red review
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Perhaps you should add the opto 150 vs olike 150 to the o-like section too, maybe as a red review

I think it'd be better if we didn't repeat the reviews in different companies. Also, that review favours opto over olike, that's the reason I added it to Optotronics :)
Thanks for the idea, though, I'm open to all ideas you can get!
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

This thread needs more views, any ideas?

Where's Chad? I'd like to ask him to add the link to this thread in the FAQ.
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Sticky Bump!

C'mon we need moar!
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Awesome ;) Added.

EDIT: Grix, you copied the link two times (rayfoss 500 is missing).
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!


Updated! Focalprice added!
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Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Hey Niko,

This thread is a great idea, the best way for doing some research before buying a laser (screw the "Search" button!).

I would be glad to have my two (so far, more to come...) reviews in it:

CNI green 500mw (I believe I will be the first CNI reviewer):

IgorT 121mw:

And here's a suggestion: how about compiling all those reviews into a compact table (in addition to the current format), that can be easily copied/pasted into excel?
I think if it has these columns it would be excellent:
1. Color (Wavelength)
2. Output Power (Advertised)
3. Seller
4. Unit Price
5. Body Type - Pen / RPL / Romisen / Labby / etc.
6. Review Bottom Line - Positive / Neutral / Negative (probably most are positive)

I can think of many many more columns: Has-Photos / Has-Videos / LPM-Tested / Peak-Output / Average-Output / Battery Type / Manufacturer / Diode Type / Duty Cycle / Is-Focusable / Beam Divergence / etc. etc. etc.

And of course the reviewer and a link to the actual review...

What do you think?

Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Ohada, thanks for the links, I'll add them right away.

Regarding your suggestion: Yes, at first I wanted to make a more specific format where more details could be found but after thinking about it I reached the conclusion that it would be better to make it as it is right now, where the reviews are just ordered by company and colour (ordered by power, ascendent) because this thread should be for a fast first search and then the specific search should be done by reading the reviews. Although I like your idea I think it'd be a lot of work, since making the .xls sheet would mean having to reupload the sheet for every update. Many columns would be blank since not all reviewers provide all the information you wrote (for many reasons, for example not everybody has a LPM).

BUT here's my idea, it would be really cool if the xls sheet was created because it would set parameters for a review. For example any member can download the sheet and just follow the columns and complete what is needed. I mean, besides writing the review, you can use the sheet's columns as bullet points to follow so we can set a new standard for reviews.

If you'd like to handle the Excel sheet I'd have absolutely no problem in updating it on the first post as you send it to me via PM or email.

EDIT: Added CNI Category :)!
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Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Updated, we need moar, guys!!
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Edited my review! ^^ It should be much better now.
Re: Review Recopilation - All reviews in just one thread!

Update: If people are wondering, I write the measured power of lasers on metered reviews, not the advertised power.
