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FrozenGate by Avery

Recieved my DL HU 400mw

I´m going to post this into the Facebook forum of Dragonlasers..
Hi there DJNY,

Your message got attention on the facebook ''forum!?"

They actually say and claim that it's an issue they need to work on ?
Cosmetics vs output as you will.

My dragon u400 has the output but the beam is a big fail...

My suggestion to you all:
If they claim that it's on all there 400Mw (green hulk ultra) output models (Stay away from it is my suggestion)

Now for some good news...

Sinds im not satisfied with the hulk ultra from dragon lasers after a replacement (shipping etc... etc.. Took 2 months) i did get a 100 dollar coupon for my next purchage. So i ordere another 1W blue spartan from them with some diffraction gratings. (yes i will have two of them then) (sinds they have nothing else im intrested in couse i allready have all of them except the orange sparten)
*Note* All there other lasers i recieved are fine (Spartan range) they are great!
To bad the spartan Green 200 mw is out of stock and will not be in stock again sinds that would be my second buy. :(
Same goes for the beam expander......... People keep asking for it when it will be released again... Nothing as of yet! (how many years ?)

Now for the good news:

i'm about to order the Laserglow hercules:
With a tripod and beam expander!

Hercules-700 (Depends on how quick they ship
Hercules-750 (Also depends on how fast they can ship)

750 is my target :yh:

I think i should have done that in the first place!

When it arrive's i'll try to get some info to you guy's!

Greetings Smeerworst.

All i wanted was the best :(
Dragonlasers couldnt deliver that in the green department for me for the price they ask for it.
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Yes it got attention. But he also told that TEM01 is normal for the Hulk.

Honestly, haven´t seen many much worser beams than with yours. And you paid a premium price :(

I can also suggest you JETLASERS, you can get a 700mW green and a beam expander in less than 10 days up from ordering. There was also a member hitting 1W of 532nm with her 600mW 532nm (reginak). Here are the prices, for direct orders just add $20.

If you´re interested in the DL beam expander with all the extra adaptors, I might have a package for you here:
Yes it got attention. But he also told that TEM01 is normal for the Hulk.

Honestly, haven´t seen many much worser beams than with yours. And you paid a premium price :(

I can also suggest you JETLASERS, you can get a 700mW green and a beam expander in less than 10 days up from ordering. There was also a member hitting 1W of 532nm with her 600mW 532nm (reginak). Here are the prices, for direct orders just add $20.

If you´re interested in the DL beam expander with all the extra adaptors, I might have a package for you here:
Ahh too late, i allready ordered the hercules 650 with tripod and laser expander and power suply for wall outlet and adapter ring for the tripod.
Takes 2 a 3 day's to ship.

Ahh too late, i allready ordered the hercules 650 with tripod and laser expander and power suply for wall outlet and adapter ring for the tripod.
Takes 2 a 3 day's to ship.


Make sure to post some shots :)
Make sure to post some shots :)

I will when i got some time :)

Q: Do you still sell your laserbeam expander for the spartan DL ?

If so, im intrested. Just as of now i removed all the front caps with succes on my 3 spartans (#4 is on it's way to me)




DJNY, i payed you with pay-pall, contact me with pm.
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Well, yesterday i recieved my 4th Spartan laser (blue) 1w with some diffrection gratings (they actually gave me 3 instead of 2 :)

This spartan seems to have some updates over the older ones.
Like a plug that you can screw on the front cap so dust is not comming in.
(seems like the plug is alluminium as tiny as it is wich is nice so it doesn't wear out over time.
Also the battery logo on how to insert them is better readable and is nicly centered between the tail cap and the rest.
(Old ones covers this logo half when you screw the tailcap on)
Frontcap is also thicker then the older ones.

Now all i have to do is sit and wait for my Hercules 650 from laserglow to arrive :drool:

Can't Wait! 10.000Mah D cell Battery's from Tenergy are waiting to pop in.




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Tell DL that you will post a negative review over their facebook and over LPF if the dont do something with your laser

Honestly, the o-like 400mw has a much nicer TEM00 beam/dot for 200 dollars....
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Tomorrow im getting the package from UPS :)

Laserglow Hercules 650 :D With optics and all.

But the sad thing is that i have to pay 419€ to UPS so i can have it :(

O well,


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The beast is here.... It's Awesome!

It works! Nice tight beam!

Hercules 650
Substained 650-699mW
Peak ~ 750mW Class IV

Tested Avg Power: 711.3 mW
Tested Peak: 777.8



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Looking good, i think i have to pay you a visit some day:drool: ghehehe

And the 419€ is that customs cost? Holy crap....

Btw thats a really strong mini tripod you got there holding that huge laser!
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Looking good, i think i have to pay you a visit some day:drool: ghehehe

And the 419€ is that customs cost? Holy crap....

Btw thats a really strong mini tripod you got there holding that huge laser!

Hi there, thnx for the kind words..
Maybe you can pay a visit some day ^^ (im from Noord-Holland)

The 419 € is indeed custom costs. (no biggie if you order one of these)
The mini tripod is from vanguard VS-52 and yes im surprised aswell.

This laser is freaking huge! it looks like a machine gun :crackup:
I really lovve this laser...!

props to laserglow!

All i want to do is shout to dragonlasers and praise to laserglow!

they ship it in an aluminium case, and dragonlsers ship it in a carton box with some poped plastic.

i don't mind paying customs...!

Dragonlasers try's to sell as many as they can with there misleading advertising youtube video's and send it to you as a gift... (for customs sake)
People start throwing those boxes around the place (packaging is BAD) (damaged lasers) (or there service ?)

Laserglow comes with a nice casing and firmly packed...

Goodbye Dragonlasers..

hello Laserglow :)

You saved me allot of trouble! and believe.
It may cost a few 1000 dollars, but im all in on you!

Even with the beam expander X10 on the laserglow hercules with the beam starting as a massive beam from the start and ending up on a nice tight dot over miles away, makes me wanne puke over the dragon lasers hulk ultra 400 mW that starts with no beam expander and throws 2 lines @ me over 1 meter.

HELLO DRAGONLASERS WERE IS YOUR BEAM EXPANDER ? 2 years out of stock or more now ?
Orange lasers being underspec ?
I think we all can start saying again that dragonlasers is @ the beginning again for those who understand.

quallity is Dragonlasers wants to zip it! - YouTube
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Today i Recieved my new Dragonlasers Hulk Ultra 400mw replacement, and it's working perfect.

No rattling head or anything :yh:

Now my collection has bin growing sinds then..

I also have the:

Spartan Series 300mW Violet Handheld Laser
Spartan Series 100mW Red Handheld Laser
Spartan Series 1W Blue Handheld Laser, Rectangle Beam

I also bought a new flashlight (kinda puts out a laser beam ^^) ''Olight SR90 Intimidator''. 2200 Lumen.

Happy day's :bowdown:

I thought all green DPSS lasers hard a "warm up" phase. My WL E3 starts off low and unstable and after a couple of minutes it reaches its fullest glory.

Hi there,i am kinda new to laser pointers and i have ordered the spartan 1W(447nm) and i own a fake 300mw...i bought that for 150 euros!!(stupid move...i regret it so bad!!)and i don't think Frank really cares for the spartan...i have asked him a lot of questions before i make the order and he answered them immediatly....also i have asked him how much the shipping would take...he told me 5 or 6 days...so i ordered the laser in 19th of October and the order status has changed to Queued in 24th of October!!(wtf??)and it's still remains Queued...from 19th of October until today i have sent him a lot of massages and none of them were answered...then i sent him a massage from an other e-mail account i have and he answered immediatly!!!(is he a jurk??)i mean does he ignore my e-mails in purpose??

Oh and how are the red spartan 100mw and the violet spartan 300mw??are their beams visible??do they burn stuff??
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Hi there,i am kinda new to laser pointers and i have ordered the spartan 1W(447nm) and i own a fake 300mw...i bought that for 150 euros!!(stupid move...i regret it so bad!!)and i don't think Frank really cares for the spartan...i have asked him a lot of questions before i make the order and he answered them immediatly....also i have asked him how much the shipping would take...he told me 5 or 6 days...so i ordered the laser in 19th of October and the order status has changed to Queued in 24th of October!!(wtf??)and it's still remains Queued...from 19th of October until today i have sent him a lot of massages and none of them were answered...then i sent him a massage from an other e-mail account i have and he answered immediatly!!!(is he a jurk??)i mean does he ignore my e-mails in purpose??

Oh and how are the red spartan 100mw and the violet spartan 300mw??are their beams visible??do they burn stuff??

Hi there and welcome.

It's sad to hear that you are still waiting for your spartan laser, and weird that they don't reply you back... (keep asking)

The 100mW red laser is not good for burning sinds you cannot focus it.
The 300mW purple laser doesn't burn that good either.

Now i do have the old beam expander from DL (Thnx DJNY ;), but you have to be lucky if the beam shoots out straight from the spartan host or you will end up with half a dot from the beam expander (wich is no good)

My bet is that with the Beam expander on the red 100mW you can burn when focused, but im not gone bother testing it (today or this week) sinds im not into burning stuff.

The beams are visable in the night, but not as bright as a 5mW green laser would do. (but a little bit fog outside does magic)

The purple laser is more a laser that can light Fluorescence stuff, traffic signs etc.. (not that im doing that)
I do use it to shine on Minerals (rocks) so it will light up some strange colors.

Not my picture, but to give the idea.

Anyway's... it's a shame that you didn't recieve your laser yet.
Good luck with it :)

I would say the 1W spartan is the best blue laser for it's money you can get from a company.
The other spartans are not so special sinds you can get higher powers from other company's.

On the bottom you see the lasers with a bit of fog.

Greetings, SMeer


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