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Recent Haboob: Good and Bad

Jan 14, 2011
Hey everyone. Don't really know what to make of this topic, but I figured it was worth talking about.

Has everyone heard about all the haboobs recently in Arizona? If you don't know what a haboob is, here is what one of the ones this summer looked like in Arizona:


Basically, it's a huge duststorm that literally eats the city - that particular one was 60 miles long and 30,000 feet high. Really, they are huge.

Anyway, onto the topic at hand - yesterday, there was another haboob. It's quite frightening, when you go outside, the sky is brownish-orange, and you can only see a good 200ft in front of you (at best). But, I realized that, in a town like Phoenix, we don't get fog or mist that lies low to the ground, so this would be my best chance to have fun with my lasers where the beams are clearly visible in the daylight!

So, like any stupid laser enthusiast would do, I brought out my lasers. I was acutely aware of the damage that the fine dust particles could cause to my lasers, but I figured I would keep them in my pocket face-down, use dust-caps, etc.

When playing with them outside, it was incredible - it was bright as all hell, yet the beam was still clearly visible. There was so much particulate in the air that you could barely see the dot of my 150mW green 200ft away or so.

Unfortunately, when I got back to my dorm, I realized that, despite my safety precautions, two of my lenses (of course, the two most expensive I have - two glass ones) were the ones that were damaged. I tried cleaning them, but they are 3-part lenses, which screwed everything up when I soaked them in 91% rubbing alcohol! Anyway, I lost a good 20mW of power output on one and 30mW on the other, but after a couple hours of cleaning, I finally got 'em mostly clean.

Anyway, lesson learned - don't take your lasers out during haboobs!
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thats crazy, i never heard of a haboob before, my buddie just moved to arizona like 30 miles from the boarder of mexico, i wonder if he had any haboob experiences yet, lol, he has been there for about a year,

sorry to hear about ur laser lense, that sucks big time.
Hmm, this is getting filed in my brain under dust storm. I've experienced one like this when I was a kid... visibility was not even 200ft. More like 50 feet, but it passed very quickly.

For next time, get yourself some plastic lenses to cover the actual lenses... I find using lasers when it's humid or raining is incredibly fun:D

Plus with everyone keeping their heads down, no one but me gets to see the show;)
Eh. plastic lens/covers = good idea.

But, everyone was outside, so actually, everyone was getting the show! It's a college campus, and the middle of the day, so people still had classes! I got lots of "Ooohs" and "Whuts?" from many peple! Was fun!

But, on a regular, handheld build, how do I attach the plastic lens?
There is really no good way... and you will have some power loss no matter what you do. I just try to be careful with lasers. The ones I use outside are waterproof to begin with.
Power loss is fine OUTSIDE. I just don't want permanent power loss from the dust that gets on the lens :P

I mean, I suppose I could just make an attachment that encases the laser....
O wow never seen anything like that O_O

Usually i hate living in Holland, but after seeing stuff like that my hate seems to just fade away :p

Hmm, this is getting filed in my brain under dust storm. I've experienced one like this when I was a kid... visibility was not even 200ft. More like 50 feet, but it passed very quickly.

For next time, get yourself some plastic lenses to cover the actual lenses... I find using lasers when it's humid or raining is incredibly fun:D

Plus with everyone keeping their heads down, no one but me gets to see the show;)

Should see your lasers outside after fireworks, like 31 dec or 4 jul:eg:
Well, see the problem is, with more powerful lasers, if you're adding a cheapo piece of plastic you're also reflecting light right back at the ld window.

You can probably just take on a lens for a short period... i mean for a few minutes of lasing.
Yeah, it reminds me of Tatooine.

@Infinite: Tape on a lens you mean? Yeah. I think I actually have some glass lenses from old CREEs.... I should find those and use those are protectors.
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Yeah, it reminds me of Tatooine.

@Infinite: Tape on a lens you mean? Yeah. I think I actually have some glass lenses from old CREEs.... I should find those and use those are protectors.

LOL, Yeah I meant TAPE not take. Doing 3 things at work as we speak:tinfoil:

You can epoxy on if you want it there permanently...
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lol!! :tsk: yeah... a friend of mine lives in AZ i saw some pics she posted of the most recent one....its kinda gnarley...well for being in the states that is! im an american living in Kuwait... so i know all about the Haboobness. over here sometimes duststorms can last for DAYS!! however....i dont think i would ever take my lasers out in one......although....it does sound fun.....:eg:
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So, i was checking out the haboobs below in the pic.

They look uh,,,,Very nice!
Just get a zip lock bag and seal your laser inside. Pull a bit of the plastic infront of the laser aperture flat so it doesn't distort the beam, and you can still press the button thru the bag.
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Can we get some pictures of these lasers in the haboob by chance? Just be cautious with any cameras :P
Well, the haboob yesterday ended about two hours after it started, and didn't get any pictures (couldn't find my camera!). And there was a smaller one tonight, but I was inside for most of it (college clubs and all). If another happens and I find my camera during it, I will be sure to take pictures though!
