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FrozenGate by Avery

RB Astro is OK...

Well ....there is that, but I also want to get to one of RB's famous BBQs! :yh:

I forgot about RB’s BBQ’s! I mean I like RB, but the Barbies. Well, we’re talking food, a mans got to have priority’s. :crackup:
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Hi RB,
If your reading the forum tonight, i went out for my B Day and i had Skippy ( Kangaroo) for dinner . Boy its like a great price of steak you wouldn't know the difference . Its awesome it was a toss between that and Python.

He will turn up when/if he does.
RB didn't announce he was leaving nor did he give up his LPF moderator status or say he was not going to be available to do mod work any longer----is really unlike his LPF persona---a mysterious type unusual case. I would think he would say something.

Maybe he was abducted by another forum :crackup:

Hopefully he will return and give us a quick summary overview of what happened.
Hi RB,
If your reading the forum tonight, i went out for my B Day and i had Skippy ( Kangaroo) for dinner . Boy its like a great price of steak you wouldn't know the difference . Its awesome it was a toss between that and Python.


Haaa “Skippy for steak” RB’s gonna chase you down down Rich! :crackup:
Hi RB,
If your reading the forum tonight, i went out for my B Day and i had Skippy ( Kangaroo) for dinner . Boy its like a great price of steak you wouldn't know the difference . Its awesome it was a toss between that and Python.


Hey Rich, Happy Birthday! Have a good one! :beer:

Besides he’s got a really nice laser collection. (I was hoping to score a couple of them in the future) :D

Arctic, I’m up for a trip down under, on a “search and rescue” mission for Laser Dundee. :crackup:

You can sign me up for a seat on the plane too, I'm up for a search! :wave:
You can definitely count me in for the RB's famous BBQs!

Ok, we have now Mac&Cheese, a Cat with the Hat and Iceman. That would be one heck of rescue crew to see IRL...:crackup:

-Plus, Iceman would have probably melted before he gets out of the plane. :D

Hopefully he will return and give us a quick summary overview of what happened.

Yeah, just quick summary would be enough for me. Just would be nice to hear from him self that everything is OK. :o
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Hi Arctic and BM,

Thank you for the B Day wishes , i took the day off yesterday to get a 3 day weekend . Today is my actual B day. I don't know RB ever had Skippy to eat before being he resides down under i would assume somewhere they would have it on the menu. Well spring is almost here fire up the barby for some skippy ....

He will turn up when/if he does.
RB didn't announce he was leaving nor did he give up his LPF moderator status or say he was not going to be available to do mod work any longer----is really unlike his LPF persona---a mysterious type unusual case. I would think he would say something.

Maybe he was abducted by another forum :crackup:

Hopefully he will return and give us a quick summary overview of what happened.
It was Aliens I tell you...:whistle:

Yeah.. it doesn't seem like the MO of the Andrew
I've come accustomed to here on the Forum.

I sure hope all is well down under...:(
Been quite a while with no word..
Hope he gives us an update soon... at least to
put our worries to rest.

It was Aliens I tell you...:whistle:


I'm beginning to think you guys are right, an alien abduction is a very real possibility, especially with his interest in astrophotography; I'm thinking he may have gotten a little too close and personal with some of his space pics! ;) :crackup:

Seriously though, I hope we do hear something soon.

Hi RB,
If your reading the forum tonight, i went out for my B Day and i had Skippy ( Kangaroo) for dinner . Boy its like a great price of steak you wouldn't know the difference . Its awesome it was a toss between that and Python.


Happy B-Day, Rich! :beer:
Yes, Happy Birthday, Rich. Andrew will show up if/when he decides to and there is not much any of us can do about that, unfortunately. Sure been gone a long time.......or so it would seem. :(
Hi Arctic and BM,

Thank you for the B Day wishes , i took the day off yesterday to get a 3 day weekend . Today is my actual B day. I don't know RB ever had Skippy to eat before being he resides down under i would assume somewhere they would have it on the menu. Well spring is almost here fire up the barby for some skippy ....


Happy birthday you old fart. (Wait a minute I’m older than you.) Never mind. :D
Hi Every one ,
Thank you so much deeply appreciated you guys are wonderful. Maybe thats why i been around her for so long tons of great folks.

A belated Happy Birthday Rich...

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Hi Jerry, actually today is the day i took day on Monday to extend my weekend . So you are right on the money pal.
Thank you so much awesome..

