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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Radim's laser painting

Jan 29, 2014
...I was thinking also about multiline behaviour of 589 nm Spartans, but the temperature was not that low, also about Fresnell's diffraction, but the shape of the pattern is not corresponding to it, or there might be some internal reflections in optics (beam expander), but the intensity and shape of this pattern does not seem to be corresponding to it. Any other ideas?

If the Spartan 589 was moving, it is probably from the pulses, they pulse the output to produce a higher peak power which appears brighter. But if I read your post correctly, this wasn't a moving beam, so not sure.


Aug 17, 2016
If the Spartan 589 was moving, it is probably from the pulses, they pulse the output to produce a higher peak power which appears brighter. But if I read your post correctly, this wasn't a moving beam, so not sure.

I thought only Auroras were pulsed. Spartans should be CW or not? Anyway it was static beam. There are three more dots shown each has this secondary diffraction.

Edit: I did not noticed any pulses when I moved my Spartan earlier. I think it might be used for Auroras only due to small host and heat sinking which might be insufficient for higher powers of pump diode needed.
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LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
The Spartan doesn't appear to be pulsed like the Aurora. It is possible that it could be but at a much higher rate but I don't think so. The Spartan's heat management is adequate enough to allow CW operation so there should be no real reason for it to be pulsed.


Aug 17, 2016
I agree, Oliver. And I really do not think it is pulsed, I did not noticed any dim areas in light trail of the dot. Although I use it as static beam in my current artworks but I did enough light trails shots with it to notice it.

It is not really difficult to measure frequency of electricity network from sodium lamps with camera. Just move it when taking pic of the lamp and calculate it from exposure time and number of short lines in light trail you get. I did it long time ago. The same might be used to measure potential pulse frequency of laser. Maybe I try it but I doubt I get something else than just single line.


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
Maybe I try it but I doubt I get something else than just single line.
I doubt you will either. I tested mine again and no pulsing was visible.

Very nice pics again Radim. I really like 'The fallen star'. 589 is beautiful enough as it is, without it emulating a sodium star. :beer:


Aug 17, 2016
Thanks, Oliver. 589 nm is just awesome. I wish I had some 50 W beast to get real sodium star on my paintings next to the light of stars hundreds and thousands years old. ;) Still that could be nice idea to think how to get it projected somehow on sky with my Spartan. I need to think about some trick how to do it. Thanks for the idea.


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
No problem Radim. :) Wow, a 50W LGS in your shots would be amazing. :whistle:


Aug 17, 2016
The weather is bad here. From the spring turning into full blossom and temperatures of 22 degrees Celsius it returned back to winter again with layer of snow, snowing, raining, strong winds, temperatures around zero and below. And forecasts are saying it will be worse (however I know how crystal ball works). Definitely nothing my lasers would enjoy. Especially my new 473 nm "Sky Beauty", who likes it a bit warmer and I would like to use her for a very special meaning in my artwork I'm working on right now.

The weather could be basically summarized with the joke I've read somewhere:
Me: "I bet you cannot fit all four year seasons into one week!"
Nature: "Hold my beer for a sec..." :D

But I do not waste my free time and develop and test new techniques of laserpainting and as mentioned I'm working on another artwork to be painted when the conditions will be better. I still have the nice effect discovered during my latest laserpainting attempts in my pocket plus studying much more effects theoretically and practically. I also study color meanings and their combinations more deeply and draw some potential schemes and work flows for the coming artwork. I think about it and what I would like to express with it a lot now. It is just being created in my mind.

For example I was playing with some diffraction gratings recently, here is my favourite effect:

It's mobile camera test shot just to capture the effect to be studied later, without any precision. I just thought you might enjoy it. I'm about to use it in the coming artwork likely.

I still have so many ideas and a lot of inspiration, every day something new appears in my head. Definitely more stuff than I have time to turn into artworks. But all of that is such a fun and enjoyment for me.

With my latest artwork "The Surreal World" I gained a very nice feedback and 100 likes on instagram (that's a lot for me :D) even from various artists and galleries, what I appreciate a lot. Also a lot of people I meet is being interested and ask me for at least small prints. When I think about that my dream and maybe a long term goal would be to create enough good laserpaintings to find some gallery to host my first exhibition. ("Haha!") Maybe... Maybe... But that is something really out of my current capabilities yet, I think. More improvement, work and nights spent in the forest is needed to be good enough.

Just saying this thread is not going to die anytime soon. Maybe it will sleep for a while as some time is needed for finding intersection of good laserpainting conditions and allocated time to move the art from my head to real photo.

Thanks for your support also here and stay tuned for more... :)
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Aug 17, 2016

The Portal

How do I see the way into surreal world? The essence of reality is interaction, the collapse of in quantum mechanics so called wave function. When particle is not observed/measured - therefore no interaction occurs, it remains in the surreal world solely. Do you remember Schrödinger's cat? This is exactly how all my artworks are done. I step out of the reality and move into surreal world, where I'm not observed. The only measuring device is camera where reality is captured on the sensor to be observed by viewer later. I therefore seemingly break this, but still that is real photo just capturing light coming through camera lens and hitting sensor. Therefore only history of events not observed by anyone. What happens there remains there untill measured. However still my body moves in reality (as perceived by particles), I breath, my heart beats, but my mind is not there, it travels through the portal to observe the surreal world by not observing it in deed. I feel the vibrations, I meet the souls of trees and entire forest there and time and space just vanish in infinity. In these moments art is created and you can see what I saw there. The artwork is the result of measurment of my thoughts and mindset - like openning the box with Schrödinger's cat.
Take a tour release your mind from usual perception of this world and open the door, once you do it, the door cannot be closed again. But be carefull do not forget your body is still there in real world with all its biological needs and do not go too deep to loose your way back to it. The surreal world is infinitely deep labyrinth and no Ariadne's thread is long enough to go through it all without loosing the way back. A little visit of surreal world is just enough to understand the reality is only an illusion and uniquely perceived by you. It's your own reality only. And this is the main meaning of this artwork.

Real laserpainting photo, absolutely no computer graphics. You can click on the artwork for higher resolution.

Behind the scenes

This artwork is exactly how I imagined it to be, it is a great feeling for me to know I'm improving and able to find how I can capture my idea by real composition and laser painting techniques. I'm happy I'm learning feeling by intuition how much exposure is just enough. I spent two night trips in the forest to get this artwork. One was on Monday and second on Saturday.

As I mentioned in my post above the weather was really bad and unpredictable here. To ilustrate this - weekend before the weather was just able to fit all 4 year seasons into just one day! And since Tuesday till Saturday morning it was one continuous rain with one stop for snowing. In addition I've had very hard and busy week at work what with combination of no sunlight was extremely exhausting for me.

It was great I was able to go out on Saturday and relax with nature, lasers and just myself. I went there before sunset to prepare composition and all the stuff during the remaining daylight. Then when everything was ready I just waited for about 15-20 minutes for darkness to cover the forest more and make better conditions. I perceive night darkness as black canvas to be painted with light. It was absulately calm in the forest. Just nearby creek was bubbling as a lot of water was flowing in it after long rains. Than I started. I took 2 test shots with some techique I was not completely decided to use and one without it - the final shot as I originally imagined it and as you see it here. This one was also the best of all three taken that night and I'm quite proud of it.

Yes, the techique I mentioned in my post above - see the 589 nm and how it is shaped by the sphere also notice the little yellow stars reflected and refracted on it. Very preceise composition settings is needed for that and especially right exposure time estimate for the yellow beam as such a composition is very overexpo sensitive. To get the beams and main yellow star in better brightness ballance I used also one special trick, which you can notice also somewhere else. I'll let this on you to find out. You may guess in comments. ;)

There is more behind and I had to follow carefully prepared work flow steps to do this artwork - on one hand to get it exactly as I had it in my mind and on the other to be sure I remained safe. I still improve my techniques and even processes how I compose and use lasers and optics. A lot of little hacks is helping me a to manage more complicated laserpaintings.

When I returned at half past eleven I was really exhausted. But happy as I saw the final shot processed and I was just amazed by that. It was a surprise for me as I spent processing time of this last photo by packaging my stuff and let the camera do its job while I was leaving and let the first view of the result when I was home.

Another time till about midnight took me to get lasers unpacked and ensure they are protected from potential condensation - good is to use silicagel bags (do not throw them away as they say, they are useful) for that and keep them in closed case, where they can change temperature slowly and without access of flowing air from outside carrying water in it. With this tip applied I had no problem with humidity.

I hope you enjoyed this laserpainting artwork as well as I did while creating it.

As usually in my mind has been born another idea for something where abstract and realism just meet and the artwork cannot decide what to be - depending on obseration, as usual for my artworks. ;) Let's see if that would be my next project or I'll come with something else...


May 14, 2011

Real laserpainting photo, absolutely no computer graphics. You can click on the artwork for higher resolution.

Behind the scenes

This artwork is exactly how I imagined it to be,

I took 2 test shots with some techique I was not completely decided to use and one without it - the final shot as I originally imagined it and as you see it here. This one was also the best of all three taken that night and I'm quite proud of it.

There is more behind and I had to follow carefully prepared work flow steps to do this artwork - on one hand to get it exactly as I had it in my mind and on the other to be sure I remained safe. I still improve my techniques and even processes how I compose and use lasers and optics. A lot of little hacks is helping me a to manage more complicated laserpaintings.

When I returned at half past eleven I was really exhausted. But happy as I saw the final shot processed and I was just amazed by that. It was a surprise for me as I spent processing time of this last photo by packaging my stuff and let the camera do its job while I was leaving and let the first view of the result when I was home.

I hope you enjoyed this laserpainting artwork as well as I did while creating it.

As usually in my mind has been born another idea for something where abstract and realism just meet and the artwork cannot decide what to be - depending on obseration, as usual for my artworks. ;)

Excellent laser painting artwork/image--you put in a lot of work time and effort to enhance and perfect your ability---you keep getting better and better over time at creatng/expressing what you see in your mind's eye --this one shows the progress-
The effort to went into making something different of excellent quality--paid off. Nice to see your artwork as it is evolving.

Very nice job. +rep
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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
A stunning image indeed! Great work Radim; glad to see artists and galleries showing interest in your art work!

In the meantime, keep the "Portal" safe, I wouldn't want to lose access to the surreal world as it's beautifully depicted by your work here! :cool:

:gj: and :kewlpics: +rep sir!


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
+rep when I can Radim. :beer: Your images are always so fascinating to 'observe'. :p


Aug 17, 2016
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate your feedback. ;)

I was able to only rep BowtieGuy so far. Still spreading limit.
And do not worry, I believe everybody open minded might enter it via his/her mind. However the path is not as straight as the sky blue beam on the artwork, important is not to loose the way back - at some point it is unfortunately very easy.

Let's be philosophical a bit:

Human brain is the most complex structure in known universe AFAIK, it contains more than 86 billion of neurons and each neuron is cell with very complex structure from biological level through thermodynamic level and its "random" noise to quantum mechanic properties. Here I refer to quantum biology and quite recent studies basically proposing a hypothesis that the random thermodynamic noise is not as random as it is considered by conventional opinions now (or luckily in the past). I believe this noise is influenced by entire cellular structure and its environment and responds to inputs given by the structures. Therefore there is complex communication some kind of interconnection between quantum and macroscopic worlds. Not only this, I believe it can store and read information in it. Here I believe the essence of consciousness is. In quantum or how I call it - surreal world.

I believe elementary consciousness or soul is property or every particle. And the brain is nothing else then incredibly complex system of particles. As the systems become complex enough they are becoming to be able to self reference and realize themselves. We still have not created AI with consciousness even we simulate it with neural networks. I think it is on one hand because these networks are not complex enough (low number of neurons) and on the other side no quantum mechanics is involved - such a neuron is just a function defined partialy by its inputs and giving output to other neuron. It lacks further levels of complexity.

BTW I really like the thoughts from GEB (Gödel, Escher, Bach) book. Even it is still in my to read list, I've read some parts of it already. Also great books are from Penrose on human mind and consiousness. However some critics has been raised on them (especially about system of quantum coherence in microtubules). Also I have read some first pages from Robert Lanza's biocentrism bestseller. Regarding complexity and systems look for Nassim Nicolas Taleb's Antifragility and Black Swan for example. (Antifragility was our textbook in Managing Complexity at my master's degree in San Francisco with amazing teacher Mark Esposito - many thanks to him for showing me another world perception and Taleb's works). From here and many others (e.g. Hawking, Einstein, Thorne and so on) I get my opinion of my philosophy how I see the world and what I say with my artworks.

It took me a lot of time (years) to decide and find some way how to express my opinion to the others. I see the Surreal world as very fascinating and able to explain our real world fully. Even I do not understand it completely. Maybe that is not even the point, I think the point is to explore it. Still my own personal experience changed my mind and showed me how deep this world is some time ago. I know it might be extremely scary, far beyond the death, but it is concurrently infinitely beautiful and amazing... It is impossible to describe it, it is power of life, nature and essence of everything... You can find it in your mind if you leave your brain and constrains of reality - which is just an illusion. But if you take it only as illusion you might hit it hardly very soon. Difficult to impossible to explain it with words as I mentioned already, that's why I try it with art with sometimes (often) lenghty captions. Nothing can show more than direct experience with it.

I think lasers and their precise characteristics creating various effects (even these known in quantum mechanics) are ideal as my tool for this kind of art. Bringing them meaning with for example laser grain (how I call interference based patterns, speckles and so) is awesome. What I like on this artwork especially is complete lack of other than coherent laser light. Entire scene is brought to existence through lasers. And yes although it is a real photo (really no computer graphics - just post processing from RAW as usual) the scene is completely from surreal world, what is mind bending even for me every time I look at this pic. Just try to think about the beams shown, if you understand optics a bit you will soon realize there is something really wrong with them - that's the point. ;) My intention with my artorks is to make others think out of the box. ;)
Sep 20, 2013
As I have watched your laser paintings from the beginning here, it is obvious that your technique is improving. Thanks for sharing them here. + rep.


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
I agree with everyone else. :beer:
Radim, I get to enjoy them in two places at once. :D (LPF and Instagram) :na:
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