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Radim's laser painting


Aug 17, 2016
Thanks, Alaskan. :)

Well, I'm also surprised I got so many reps in so short time. As LPF community gave me a lot in the past (and is still giving me now) before I even registered here, I'm trying to return it by being (more accurately - trying to become) a valuable member and sharing not only pics, but also a little experience and knowledge I got so far and try to help newcomers, where I'm able to etc... Maybe this got noticed a bit? I don't know for sure...

However if I rep someone, it express my opinion his/her post is valuable somehow. It might be something what educated myself, something interesting, beautiful, new, good discussion point or even a kind of touché point etc. Many reasons but I give reps not for free (there has to be some value behind the post itself or it relates to). So, Brucemir, if I give you a rep, I mean it seriously. :)

Also I'm happy to get reps, I appreciate it much more from valuable members of LPF (and I'm almost sure they are all much longer here than me) as I believe this has some meaning why I got it. Anyway I think these are vast majority of cases of mine reps, what I've seen. Not sure how it is with the others.

But to be honest, it is just a number. It cannot capture the value of individual person or member. The measure of this is much more complex than simple number and includes all life of that person. If you go deeper and study that person and his/her posts, you can get some relevance but even this is not nearly comprehensive...

Maybe some tip & tricks thread for rep giving would be usefull to solve this? Not sure, if some thread like that exists...


Aug 17, 2016
And my recent experiment with sphere, well not as advanced as Brucemir's artworks, but it's outdoor! :)

Souls of trees are immortal

Real photo, no computer graphics, just laserpainting, for higher resolution click the image.

Warning: Laser safety has to be strictly followed for picture like this one. Proper protective eyewear is absolutely necessary. Shining high powered laser on reflective surface, sky or into uncontrolled area might be extremely dangerous.

It is guite hard to find a nice composition and being safe together. Before turning lasers on I carefully observe surroundings and sky with additional using FlightRadar app (Android and iOS) to find a window in air traffic (planes are incredibly fast by the way). I discussed the app in this thread earlier and highly recommend using it as an ADDITIONAL assistance for outdoor beamshots, where aircrafts might be hit.

For setup of 589 nm and 532 nm beams hitting the sphere I adjusted them carefully to use as much as natural beam d.u.m.p.s (like trees, terrain... BTW: Why is that word being censored by LPF engine?) as possible, of course safety eyewear for each wavelength is absolutely necessary as it is extremely easy to hit your eye with reflected beam from sphere just by a very very little movement of laser - without them, I would be blind now. In addition it is necessary to cover camera lens before laser composition setup and to make sure no beam will hit the lens after the cover is removed. During exposure I had to be extremely carefull not to cross static beams with my head or something what might reflect it, when moving around the scene in complete darkness. It is even more difficult as terrain is complicated by itself, it was wet and in addition there is a lot of branches, plants and other forest stuff, over which you could stumble and fall in the beam. So, I'm proud of this artwork as I managed to be safe, keep whole procedure safe and get some more experience with outdoor laser painting with sphere as a unique optical element. :) BTW I used 6 lasers in this pic.

And for LPF one more pic from behind the scenes:

You might notice I did not get proper clamped tripods yet. :D Anyway, I use bubble wrap to protect 589 nm laser (on tripod) from being too cold and accidental fall (it was quite warm that evening, so more because of fall on this photo). Also black matt paper is used to eliminate contamination of lens of beam expander attached. 532 nm (behind the stump) is fixed by a bit of duct tape to keep beams continuing direction of missing trunk - it was not needed to wrap it completely as it was not freezing - there is also a protection cap over the difraction gratting so no dirt could get inside optics and in addition it reduced number of beams to keep them more controllable.

Do you have more advanced or favourite methods how to protect your lasers outdoors from low temperatures, humidity and mechanical impacts you would like to share?

Just to add a comment to the question: If there is a risk of humidity or temperature change potentionally incurring dew on/in laser I use silicagel bags and after I return back home I really fast put them in storage case together with silicagel to balance temperature slowly and prevent condensing water. I noticed it is very effective as I used this method earlier for camera and other stuff sensitive to humidity.


Aug 17, 2016
It was a windy night and the forest was singing its chorals and applauding with branches...

The tree dancing in the wind

In my eyes trees are magical creatures - trees are beautiful, trees are full of colours all year, trees have souls, trees give life, trees communicate, trees have their rituals, trees are dancers in wind...

Real laserpainting photo, no computer graphics, for higher resolution click the photo.


Apr 23, 2016
As always, a pleasure to check out your photographs. A real pleasure, awe inspiring. Thanks for sharing. :drool:
Jun 22, 2016
Nice work Radim! A+ :yh:

Forgot to mention that best thing is when you live near to military shooting area like I do, all flights over and nearby is highly prohibited. Even military flights.
Fits perfectly to my lasering hobby :na:
Last edited:
Apr 6, 2014
Radim, I've been admiring your photos for a while and just wanted to say that they look awesome.
Thanks for sharing.
+Rep for you.




Aug 17, 2016
Nice work Radim! A+ :yh:

Forgot to mention that best thing is when you live near to military shooting area like I do, all flights over and nearby is highly prohibited. Even military flights.
Fits perfectly to my lasering hobby :na:

Thanks, ArcticDude. :)

So, you are lucky outdoor laser beam shooter. :D It is also not that bad on my place, the airport is not very busy and I identified the coridors already, therefore it is easier. :)

Radim, I've been admiring your photos for a while and just wanted to say that they look awesome.
Thanks for sharing.
+Rep for you.



Thank you too, RB astro.

And also to Alaskan for a commented rep. BTW I really love quotes in your signature with your conclusion: "Each of these three rabbit holes go deep, ending up in the same place." That place is exactly the same place where the deep essence of my artworks lays.

In general thanks again for all feedback, I realy appreciate it a lot and it is a huge motivation for my further artworks.


Aug 17, 2016

Along the beam the trees show their souls

Real laserpainting photo, no computer graphics, for higher resolution click the image.


Aug 17, 2016
And here is a pic I like a lot - my Saturday's work. There is a lot of my philosophy behind, so if you enjoy thinking, this photo might bring you deep...

One world - two perspectives

Real laserpainting photo, no computer graphics, for higher resolution click the image.

Well, there are many perspectives. However this artwork talks about two special ones. The perspective how majority perceive the reality we live in and the other world where all time is happening in one moment and space is infinitely small and infinitely large together. This is the world where the souls come from and where they return (not only) after death. These two perspectives - worlds are united and reflect each other in the form we are being amazed by. Without accepting them both we cannot find the answer to the great question of the sense of life or why are we here.

The viewer may switch between these two perspectives on the photo, choose which is one is one world and which is the other. The viewer might also notice that even she/he sees more in one, than sees just a part of the other. Another perception might be through real and surreal/abstract feeling from the objects. Each viewer has her/his own way how to see them. As mentioned above all perspective options are united in single picture.

You might want to see my other pictures and read the captions to understand more of the meaning of my art, however not nearly everything I write in the captions.

Aug 3, 2012
Hey Radim,
I think this is your nicest photo yet. What I like about this one is the whole picture is not covered in color. With all of the "black" in the photo, it is more tranquil to look at and examine all the details. And the blue above the glass sphere and its subsequent inverted image in the sphere look great!!


Aug 17, 2016
Oh, thank you guys a lot. I'm very happy you enjoy these photos. And as I mentioned several times - I'm still learning with every photo I take and I feel huge improvements in such a short time. I have much more ideas in my mind (which will carry significant investments into equipment as well). I would like to focus more on in space light objects to include it to light projected on real objects. Therefore I'm about to get some proper basic tools for light painting - however I plan to use lasers with them, which will be another experience. In space objects are very dangerous for camera with lasers as you need to direct the beam near to camera lens, so I experienced some very painful moments when I was not sure if I hit the camera or not.

Hey Radim,
I think this is your nicest photo yet. What I like about this one is the whole picture is not covered in color. With all of the "black" in the photo, it is more tranquil to look at and examine all the details. And the blue above the glass sphere and its subsequent inverted image in the sphere look great!!

I love this photo and also the second one in opening post of this thread. Both are taken at very magical spots in my forest not far from each other. However, as you wrote, the picture with sphere is somehow special because of the black areas and blue illumination of trees - that was intention to bring there more depth, contrast and to express there is a lot hidden in black and in the meaning of this artwork. I was lucky that weather conditions were quite good = low sodium lamp light pollution. If you compare it with the second pic in opening post (The Laser Sun) for example, hovewer in that one I used the light pollution creatively to get daylight part in the pic and to underline 589 nm beam and the dot partialy hitting edge of the trunk - the sun.


Excellent work Radim.


Thanks to you too.

Just amazing, Radim. I can't fathom how you came up with this. Very well done and the text is truly uplifting.

Thank you.

Well, as probably a lot of members here are often asked by „non-laser people“, why they buy expensive lasers, optics etc. and what is their practical use I was even asked, what return of investment is on my laser hobby. :D I heard these questions many times. However seldom somebody understood that just looking on laser beam and dot is amazing and once you fall in love with lasers, you cannot resist and collect your rainbow, without even knowing what practical use it will bring. So, I started to experiment with taking some photos of laser light with my mobile (to save space in backpack), as I main purpose was riding my mountain bike in the forest to keep fit and enjoy nature and terrain. What I really love. And during pause times I took photos just for fun and to show how beautiful light sources lasers are, when someone asks me. Once took my digital camera with to have more time for exposure as my mobile was able to take maximum of 10 seconds. And that it was how it all happened - I just joined my passions for lasers, photography, art, nature and I put there my life philosophy as well. Therefore I found some way how to tell things I have looong time in my head by my own way. It is interesting I was looking on internet for some tips and tricks and some artworks to get ideas, but I did not find anything like I do. However some nice photos can be found. But here on LPF a lot of beautiful pics can be found.

And also thanks to Crazlaser for a rep and others viewing my artworks.

I hope I'll get more time for further art soon, as I have a lot of work and deadlines to meet, so I'm exhausted in the evenings. :D


Aug 17, 2016
So nice Radim, any ideas where I could get a glass sphere?

I just realized, I forgot to answer your question. Brucemir recommended me company Amlong (through Amazon). But I got mine in local store - here.
