Barry created this problem and it's going to get worse, in just the last few days he has increased our intake of Syrian refugees.
The US and Russia wanted the HUGE oil reserves found in Syria, these people have been raped, run out of their homes and their families killed.
We are being raped by our crooked government, if they think I will ever register my firearms or give up my rights and be treated like a criminal for their doings then I am ready for the revolution.
I have nothing against LBGT peoples, we are all citizens and need to stand together, but first we need to understand the problem, Barry has been arming Radical Muslims, releasing Gitmo terrorist, and gave 150 billion and a path to the BOMB to IRAN.
Obama is to blame for this, not the honest law abiding citizens guns or their gender preference.
Here's our rainbow, it belongs to the people, not our crooked employees gone rogue tyrants.