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FrozenGate by Avery

Pulse tragedy

Barry created this problem and it's going to get worse, in just the last few days he has increased our intake of Syrian refugees.

The US and Russia wanted the HUGE oil reserves found in Syria, these people have been raped, run out of their homes and their families killed.

We are being raped by our crooked government, if they think I will ever register my firearms or give up my rights and be treated like a criminal for their doings then I am ready for the revolution.

I have nothing against LBGT peoples, we are all citizens and need to stand together, but first we need to understand the problem, Barry has been arming Radical Muslims, releasing Gitmo terrorist, and gave 150 billion and a path to the BOMB to IRAN.

Obama is to blame for this, not the honest law abiding citizens guns or their gender preference.

Here's our rainbow, it belongs to the people, not our crooked employees gone rogue tyrants.

May the families of those killed at the Pulse find peace and may we all stand together in the coming days, there will be more bloodshed now and we need to start fixing the problem, but first we must understand it.

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Barry created this problem and it's going to get worse, in just the last few days he has increased our intake of Syrian refugees.

The US and Russia wanted the HUGE oil reserves found in Syria, these people have been raped, run out of their homes and their families killed.

We are being raped by our crooked government, if they think I will ever register my firearms or give up my rights and be treated like a criminal for their doings then I am ready for the revolution.

I have nothing against LBGT peoples, we are all citizens and need to stand together, but first we need to understand the problem, Barry has been arming Radical Muslims, releasing Gitmo terrorist, and gave 150 billion and a path to the BOMB to IRAN.

Obama is to blame for this, not the honest law abiding citizens guns or their gender preference.

Here's our rainbow, it belongs to the people, not our crooked employees gone rogue tyrants.


Thank You!!!!!!!!!
The truth always shines through.
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so crazy. I hate that the bodies arent even cold and it's getting politicized. gun control isnt the answer IMO. I think it's interesting to note how they cite all these shootings as reasons for needing more gun control, but they never bring up some shootings, like kent state. who was the perp in that one again? how about the ludlow massacre? what about wounded knee and all the other native american slaughters? what about fast and furious? it's also interesting to note that while mass shootings are becoming more common, overall gun deaths are decreasing. well, there has been a bit of a spike last year, but it's been on a very downward trend for over 20 years




it's ok when the government does it, just trust that they always have your best interest at heart, and will protect you for you, so you don't have to. I personally think it's criminal to train people not to defend themselves, and to be reliant on others for protection. now there's talk of banning people on the terror watch list from getting guns, though that wouldnt have stopped this as he wasnt on the lists anymore. there's also this constitutional thing about not taking away rghts without due process and I'm guessing one doesnt need to be convicted to be on one of these watch lists. I also suspect plenty of totally innocent people are on them. horrible

I couldnt help but wonder why the people at pulse didnt bum rush the guy. he had 30 round mags from what I hear, not a 100 round drum like the aurora shooter. (that one jammed on James holmes though thankfully) he might have gotten a few of them but it's hard to imagine 300 people not being able to overpower one person quickly. 'course I wasnt there so can't say for sure what I'd do.

and I don't have a tribute worthy rainbow shot, so sorry for that
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Hi TM,

Im surprised the Bucimir didn't show some of his awesome rainbows for a tribute. Ill getting some in to this weekend buddy.

Its all government conspiracy to take peoples guns away, just like hitler did in germany and in china, USSR + other countries have done it back in time, to depopulate the population,
Interesting all videos have bin confiscating from the club and outside cameras none worked at the time !! , i thing its another cover up, just too take peoples guns away, !!! new world order ??
-.> http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/homeland-floats-national-security-as-excuse-to-take-guns/
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I though this was a memorial. Why are people trying to politicize it? Keep the Rep/ Dem thing off here. It's a tragedy and we need to morn, not be lectured toward someone's view of the next election.
Well, it's kind of hard to follow a brucemir photo, but here is a mini RGB rainbow of my J/L Ti-B's. :)

I though this was a memorial. Why are people trying to politicize it? Keep the Rep/ Dem thing off here. It's a tragedy and we need to morn, not be lectured toward someone's view of the next election.

It's not an election viewpoint, if Obama can stand on the dead bodies before they are buried and push his agenda then there is a need to understand why.

Airplanes, truck bombs, box cutters....it's not the base ball bat that the criminal or the brainwashed religious zealot bashes someone's head in with that's the problem.

If I am butchered in public and potus stands on my corpse to push tyranny I want people to denounce it at any and every given chance, it's too important not too, besides I will already be dead, nothing will change that.

p.s. If the Supreme Commander in Chief of the United States of America can talk about it front and center before the bodies are in the ground then it's no longer off limits, Obama already decided that it's not too soon and as they have not restricted my freedom of speech yet I can talk about what the President does and at the wrong place and time just like the President did.

I am sick and tired of the good people biting their tongues and playing by the rules while the leaders exploit every chance to advance their control agenda, Obama already decided it's not too soon, Obama already tied this together, now it's part of it, now our mourning of these people is tied to Obamas control agenda.
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It's not just an Obama thing. We're at war with an almost entirely corrupt political body on both sides of the isle. Politicians on both sides of the government who don't respect our basic constitutional rights. It's up to politicians to remain calm after tragedies such as this, and remind people that we shouldn't rush to any knee-jerk bad decisions. Instead, the ghouls started calling out for more gun control before the bodies even got cold.

The whole idea of government serving the people has been lost in this country. Now the people exist to serve government. Law enforcement has gone from protecting and serving to revenue collection and oppression. The war on drugs and the war on terror have collectively been used to shred the 4th amendment, and now these shootings are being exploited by those who'd like to see the 2nd shredded. There are even those who'd like to see the first amendment restricted in the name of stopping hate speech(they'll claim it incites violence).
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Raise your voice at a TSA agent who pats you down with a hard on and you can be on the no fly list, people must have recourse and a day in court to contest anything that infringes our rights.

Obama knows dam well this is an open door to a 2nd and 3 kind of list, an aggressive person list.....had a few speeding tickets, your on the list.

How about a dangerous speech list, complain online about government corruption.....your on the list.

This is stupid, a bomb would have killed more people in that 1 door death trap, and this shooter was already a permit holder, the list would not have stopped him.

This list jazz is not what's being presented, and Obama stands there asking if we have the courage to do something while he coddles radicals, barring our officials from using terminology to identify them, this is a sham that will be perverted to infringe peoples rights, anything that strips a citizen of their rights must first go through due process, it sounds like a good idea but it's not, it would not have stopped this shooter and it's not Constitutional.
