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Pulse Laser Gun

How much is 1J of power in terms of mW/W?? this looks awesome! 250hours.. lol must suck for you heheh jks :D
Assuming the pulse-time is a few hundred nano-seconds, the peak power should be around 2MW.

I worked on it for about 1 hour per day...and in the end it was worth the time dont you think?
Nice high speed photo shots.... they look like meteor/comet impacts on
the surface of a planet..

I would have enjoyed seeing more of the internals of the gun...:rolleyes:

Should be in the description that its NOT 9V. The aiming-laser runs on 9V. The energy-storage is charged from 15V (10 AA-batteries)

Thanks laserbee: Was hard to get such nice pics. I have taken about 200 maybe more...
I added a pic showing the guts. Very early stadium of construction...forgot to make another one at the end of assembly before I put the housing on.
^ you don't need to switch the tank-cap block, only the trigger, like in normal flash units.

Probably, he use a microswitch .... can try to guess, if it resemble like the one i made years ago, he's using an oscillator for charge the bank, the bank is connected fixed to the lamp, and then have a little capacitor closed on a HV trigger coil for the fire electrode, and maybe a digital or bar graph voltmeter for check when the charge of the cap bank is at the right level ..... just wondering, i don't have his schematic :)

Edit: just for the fun (and, before you ask, no, i'm not him :p :D)
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I want one. To bad I'm not allowed to own weapons. That thing is definetly a weapon.
Very nice job indeed!

Did you make the optical cavity with the yag rod and flashlamp yourself, or is it something that you got pre-assembled?
Pulsed lasers are very beautiful (and this in particular is amazing) but I think that the continuous ones are much more fascinating :)
