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FrozenGate by Avery

Pulse Laser Gun

Well...I wouldnt recommend making a Nd:YAG completely yourself. Because its way too complicated to align the mirrors and so on.
The charger is kinda easy to make. You could use a ZVS-like charger...or a simple NE555, selfwound transformer needed in both cases.

Since its all handmade, with nothing but a 2D drawing at the beginning (no plans or what not) the housing needs craftsmanship and some imagination (hope thats the correct word)

Self-Winding Transformer


Yeah, I have some homework to do. And I doubt with no experience I could do anything other than the housing (don't have plexiglass -if that's what you used for it), which might take me long enough! But yes imagination is the word
Well...actually its made from plexi, copper, aluminum and brass. But you need mind-balls to make a gun like this from nothing xD

Like I said: All I have at the beginning is a 2D drawing. Check out my newest video...2W CW lasergun...the last part of the video "Way of the Gun" shows the "process"...and the beginning. Thats how it always starts....with a 2 dimensional drawing...
Well...actually its made from plexi, copper, aluminum and brass. But you need mind-balls to make a gun like this from nothing xD

I hardly doubt that, myself :p

Like I said: All I have at the beginning is a 2D drawing. Check out my newest video...2W CW lasergun...the last part of the video "Way of the Gun" shows the "process"...and the beginning. Thats how it always starts....with a 2 dimensional drawing...

Oh, righto
You should give it a try. My first pulse-laser-gun wasnt as impressive. Same effect, but the housing was not even half as cool ;-)
But I have no knowledge of building lasers yet... do you really think I have what it takes to build that now?
Well...you have to start somehow...and if you want a laser-gun, why not start making one? Thats how I started. No pointer-shit...real mcCoy right from the start ^^
Well alright... :D
But it will take some time to gather resources and tools. And a somewhat substantial amount of help ^_^;

I will post a thread dedicated to this.
Would be easier to help you out with advice and resources, if you would live next door!
;-) but you cant count on my help for sure.
I don't think laser technology is at a point yet where what you want to do is available, let alone cheap. If you don't mind having something fairly long and an invisible beam I suggest CO2. Either RF excited or a CO2 tube. Either one will need lots of battery power and the tube will need water cooled and a High Voltage power supply. And it will still cost around $500 bucks and have a very short range.
I will make a CO2 rifle next. 550mm long...holding a 7W tube...1L of water (not much I know)...can fire 30min using LiPo-accu.
Will blow you away. Eff. distance should be a few meters. Depends on what you call effective.
I'm building a backpack with an umbilical cord to the laser tube, but my tube is a meter long.

I wish ZnSe lenses were cheaper, a beam expander would be amazing!!

1L should have enough thermal capacity to run it for a while, are you going to use a radiator or just the water?
I would rather make the beam tighter...make it wider to focus it afterwards would be kinda lame. The raw beam has to burn like hell!!!

1m tube? Must be 40W...mine is only 30cm long ^^
Dont have a radiator. Thats why the accu last 30min xD A few tight copper-tubes work as heat exchanger. At least I hope they do. The rifle will be kinda compact and cool looking...as always.
I'm sure the thermal capacity of a liter of water will work fine, just make sure the input and output of the tank are separated by a baffle or on opposite sides.

Where did you find a 7W tube? I wish I could find a short tube like that, mine is a 40W 1 meter long monster.

I was thinking a beam expander that you could turn, if you mark the focus distance on the turning part you could focus on the fly. Say you had marks for every meter of distance then you could focus for every situation. The raw beam of a CO2 laser is rather large, about 1cm squared. They burn so much better focused.

Keep me posted on your build, you have some creative cool looking stuff. I'd like to see what you can do with a tube!
