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Problem with Alien Laser

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Dec 9, 2015
ok, ill talk to my friend today. Oh, I never used it for more than 30 seconds, though maybe I should have let it cool down a little more. This is not what upsets me, what does is the fact Alien Laser lied about quitting his hobby to get rid of me.
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Apr 28, 2015
Oh, about the friend the laser was owned jointly by both of us. He is paying my parents for it, but i get to use it as I did the research to get it. I find it ridiculous that you still doubt me, guess i will never be able to prove it. I was also in charge of fixing problems because i had the contacts. My acquaintance does not have an account here. I agree that it does sound far fetched, so i can see where you are coming from. About taking the laser apart, I will admit I should not have done this but only did after the laser died. I never actually was able to take it apart though. The laser died while it was being used, so reverse polarity is not to blame. What you did to me alien was dump me because you wanted to sell more poorly done builds to become even richer. Who puts lithium and normal batteries in the same laser? Also, why do yo even put a 3 watt diode in a pen host. That is just asking for problems. Stop trying to defend yourself, your builds are poor, and you dump people rather than helping them.
What in the world does your last edit to this post have to do with your build. Just when I thought you were turning the corner, your lack of maturity shows itself again. Buyers buy these leadlight pen builds knowing well the lack of just about any duty cycle at such high output but its their choice and they "follow" it. Strange as his mix of batteries was, it was a set up he came up with and was with a resister to mostly power the LED power on light. Stop reaching for insults, just stop cause your 14 years are showing. Wow:whistle:
Then you say "I never actually was able to take it apart though"
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Mar 24, 2016
Green lasers rock it's not even your laser.. Stay out of it.. You're 14 years old and obviously not mature enough to have a 6 watt laser in the first place.. Plus just so you know I have a 5 watt laser in that exact same host and I left it on for 2 mins straight once... It started to flicker because the batteries but still didn't kill the diode... Don't go around calling people scammers cause you broke someone else's laser.. It wasn't your laser to be messing with in the first place.. In all technicality it's your mom's laser. I'm kind of glad it broke cause it probably saved someone their eyesight being a 14 really shouldn't be playing with a 6.3 Watt laser.
Dec 9, 2015
It has to do with the thread because people want proof that my friend exits. I don't feel I should bother though if people just want to attack me. Does anyone really have nothing better to do than forget about the past?
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Feb 22, 2008
Does anyone really have nothing better to do than forget about the past?

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


Also ... damn, talk about compression losses.

Gotta say GLR, I gave you the benefit of the doubt at first, but it seems like AL is in the clear here. From what I can gather you broke a laser that technically didn't belong to you, tried to open it up and then got upset/mad when the builder refused to do anything about it being broken - which he's well within his rights to do given the situation.
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Feb 16, 2016
Guys, stop feeding the drama. We have a better idea of what happened now, and it really seems to just be an unfortunate situation that left GLR upset. Drama threads like these push members away and leave people with a distrust of the forum.

Alien Lasers could have handled the situation a lot better and probably should have avoided the sale. Not a bad guy or a scammer, but he could have been more straightforward.

GLR might not have handled the laser or situation correctly either, but he doesn't deserve the attacks on his age and responsibility.

Frankly, I'd rather have a bunch of laser-interested kids on the forum than everybody new seeing conversations like these and ignoring such a great resource. High power lasers are dangerous, but they aren't that hard to get a hold of. If a kid really wants one and has access to a bit of money, he'll get one no matter what we say. Better to encourage safety than accuse and berate people.
Mar 24, 2016
I have a 1.4 Watt 520nm that will be here in about a hour from Alien Laser... Imma assume it's a great laser like everything else I've purchased from him but I'll let you know if it's a cheep Chinese knockoff. Don't hold your breath
Mar 27, 2011
Guys, stop feeding the drama. We have a better idea of what happened now, and it really seems to just be an unfortunate situation that left GLR upset. Drama threads like these push members away and leave people with a distrust of the forum.

Alien Lasers could have handled the situation a lot better and probably should have avoided the sale. Not a bad guy or a scammer, but he could have been more straightforward.

GLR might not have handled the laser or situation correctly either, but he doesn't deserve the attacks on his age and responsibility.

Frankly, I'd rather have a bunch of laser-interested kids on the forum than everybody new seeing conversations like these and ignoring such a great resource. High power lasers are dangerous, but they aren't that hard to get a hold of. If a kid really wants one and has access to a bit of money, he'll get one no matter what we say. Better to encourage safety than accuse and berate people.

This would be a very good note on which to let this thread end.


Feb 22, 2008
Alien Lasers could have handled the situation a lot better and probably should have avoided the sale. Not a bad guy or a scammer, but he could have been more straightforward.

Need to agree with that ... Looks like AL is in the clear (i.e. not a scammer), but certainly could have handled the situation better IMO.

No problem with a 14 year old handling a high power laser (I was 14 when I started out after all, and handled several Class IV lasers back then) - IF they can show maturity - which GLR hasn't done a great job of yet. Not terrible, but not great either.

I know many a 14 year old that can show more responsibility/maturity than some folk I know in their 40s. But at 14 that trust/proof of maturity needs to be earned, it isn't assumed like it is with someone older. Young teenagers are assumed to be immature and earn that trust with their actions, "adults" are assumed to be mature/sensible and lose it with their actions - in my experience anyway. Which is an entirely sensible way to handle that (again, IMO).
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Mar 17, 2006
ohh i forgot to tell you the driver is a pot so you can adjust it to any amp you like :whistle:
How would I go about doing this without ruining something? If we've learned anything from this thread, it's that one shouldn't take something apart without knowing what they're doing. I wouldn't mind turning it down by around 1.5A for a better duty cycle.
Dec 9, 2015
I want to apologize to you Alien because my acquisitions were a little harsh. I agree that the laser breaking is my fault.The only thing that really upset me was the fact you were dishonest about moving and being out of the hobby. Why did you say this? I was going to pay you to fix it.
Mar 24, 2016
Green lasers rock that was very mature of you.. Takes a big man to admit when he is wrong.. I'm sorry about your situation.. But Alien is not a scammer.. If you wanna see a real scam try buying a laser from Sci-fi lasers. : )
Dec 9, 2015
that is funny because when i first got my friend into high powered lasers, he asked me where he could get a good one. He also said could come over and use it(I was so exited). I sent him to Sci Fi(no joke). He first got into lasers when i showed him a 303lol, and he asked em where to egt a good laser because of my greater knowledge. He ordered a 3 watt $300, and Has not gotten it since. I went looking for a replacement for the laser for him because i figured it would be easier and he was going to let me use it so i did the leg work. I didnt realize this setup was so controversial, and now that i look back on it it does sound suspicious, like an excuse for me to get my own high powered laser so I totally see where you all are coming from. Tomorrow I will talk with him and have him make an account so any future dealings no longer go through me. Ill ask him to post on this thread to clear this up once and for all. I didn't realize this set up was so controversial on the forums I apologize. I should have realized how suspicious it sounded. And sorry about the acquisitions and arguing, I admit these are problems I have.
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Jun 24, 2010
About taking the laser apart, I will admit I should not have done this but only did after the laser died.

The problem with this is that it makes it hard to determine the cause of any failure which is why most warranties are void on products if they are disassembled. Also then leaves speculation as to if the failure was actually caused by taking it apart or if the unit had something that could have been easily fixed but now needs more substantial repairs.

There must be something about the people that buy lasers as I hear the "I only disassembled it after it stopped working". Most people that buy a commercial product and it seems to stop working will contact the seller to get help or have it warrantied but with lasers seems quite a few decide for some reason to play repair man themselves before getting help from the seller.
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