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Problem with Alien Laser

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Dec 9, 2015
Ok, allow me to explain myself. a few months ago, I had a laser bult for my friend(if you still don't belive me about this, ask Virtue Violator he knows firsthand). I a=sked about a good builder, and Alien laser was highly recommended. I sent him a PM Asking him for the brightest laser he could build for $300. I decided to get a 7 watt 445nm laser. It wasn't till the laser was done that he told me that the laser could only do 6.3 watts. I thought i would let this slide. After I got the laser, the first thing that struck me was how tiny the host was for a 7 watt laser. The host was one of those stainless steels from survival laser, and really looks like it is only for lower power class 4 lasers. I was also shocked to learn that the laser ran on two 16340s. The fit was also terrible. He also charged me $30 for the two batteries, what a ripoff. When I received the laser, the focus was not assembled right, and i took it off and fixed it. The laser burned well, but it got very hot after about 20 seconds. lso, I had taken the lens off a few times(I didn't know this could break diodes so easily, though it was outside where there is minimal dust) I got to use the laser for a few minutes before it died. I still do not know what caused it to fail. It is possible the diode overheated in the inadequate host, the driver blew, or dust killed the diode. The failure was instant though, so this makes me belive dust was not the culprit. I contacted alien right away, and he offered to fix the laser if i payed for any broken parts, and he agreed. He blamed the failure on dust. I asked for an address to send the laser to, but he never gave me one. Instead he disappeared for a few weeks, blaming the death of someone he knew and a busy life. Every Time I asked for an address, he avoided me. Eventually, he left me by claiming he was moving to the UK, and was no longer interested in lasers, and was busy. As we can all see this was an outright lie. I posted about it in a thread alien made about new diodes, and told him if he helped my out I would delete the post. I never heard back, and he postive repped me then got the mods to delete the entire thread.
because of my post. I then posted on two threads to day and gave him negative rep. He did the same two me saying "OK !". I don't know what to say, but i hope something gets done. I also wanted to thank Virtue Violator for helping me with this case.


Mar 17, 2006
Re: Alien laser is a scammer!

Hmm. Sounds like a sucky situation all around. Perhaps you could contact pman or somebody and have them fix it for you? You could also try ordering a new module or diode from DTR and fixing it yourself if you're up to it. This is unfortunately one of the risks when buying from private builders. There's no real company RMA or return policy.
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Deleted member 16589

Re: Alien laser is a scammer!

OK sorry to be harsh but I'm not buying into this yet.
First off i ripped on Alien a wile back In a pm for selling a 14 year old kid (green lasers rock) a 7 WATT laser and he told me a slightly different version of why this laser is not going to get fixed . Im not going to get into it hear but maybe AlienLaser can chime in as it was Private anyway.

Back you you. You keep claiming it was for an Adult friend so why were you playing with it. A 7 watt laser is not a toy and IMO high power lasers should NEVER be a first laser for someone I don't give a crap how old said person is.
May 9, 2015
Re: Alien laser is a scammer!

I agree with lazerman, I got my first one watt blue almost 2 years ago and it's still the most powerful one I have today, I would absolutely loooooove a NUBM44 powered laser but I'm still a scared of that type of power, I'm sure I'll have one eventually but my next will prolly be a 3.5W which is still mean as hell!! My point is that I don't wanna even touch a 7 watt laser till I've had a couple more years experience with lasers.


Apr 28, 2015
Re: Alien laser is a scammer!

Really what's the big difference between 6.3W and 7W. You have been around long enough to know that some diode's just do better than others, plus he told you in advance.
When someone buys they usually ask what they are buying, like what host its in and its battery needs. If he told you it was something different then I can see an issue.
I'm seeing that your few uses of the laser was outside which just raises some more maturity issue's. There is a pattern going here as you think you know enough to tear into the laser but not do enough research before buying it. I'm thinking Alien just realized he made a mistake to selling to someone so young.
No one else has had any complaints and lets see what he might want to say. Do you have any chat messages we can see in the buying process.
Its the word scam card your playing that has me going.
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May 14, 2011
Re: Alien laser is a scammer!

Laserman121, richie89, and GSS: I agree, well said. When this all started I PMed Alien and I too got a slightly different story that made sense at the time. Common sense is that 14 year old and a 7W laser are a accident looking for a place to happen especially the part that it was aquired for a "friend", adult or not, who knows nothing about lasers. Totally irresponsible and reckless behavior.

Green lasers rock: You bought a laser, messed with it, and broke it. There is nothing anyone on LPF can do about it. Regardless of whatever the case may be , it is now between your parents who are responsible for you and who they want to buy parts from for you to have a stab at fixing it yourself or who they want to hire to fix it for you.

Your only option may be to fix it yourself. Ask your parents to buy you a diode, driver and lens module from DTR and give fixing it a try, perhaps.
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Oct 6, 2015
Re: Alien laser is a scammer!

so lets get this straight the laser was not build for him it was build for someone else, the laser was sold to his mother since she send the ID and sign for the laser and everything, remember the laser was not for him so i have nothing to say to him or answer to him in anyway , before i ship the laser out he contacted me and ask if i could send him a 5W 470nm instead and its my fault i did not tell him that 470nm is brighter, i told him no its to late the laser is shipped , he ask when i get the 445nm can i send it back to change it for the 470nm 5W i told him no sorry its to late, when he received the laser he did play with it sends me a massage this laser is amazing after 10 minutes of play time ( braking the rules since it was not his laser) he send another massage can i send this one back for a brighter you never told me the 470nm is brighter i told him sorry i can not send you a 470nm 5minutes later i get a massage the laser is broken the lens fell out so he did place the lens back i thing and laser will not turn back on he try pulling it a part i proxy the laser i believe he managed to get the diodeaxis out or ripping the diode from the driver he ask if he can return it i told him no since you already messed with it i ask him send some pictures he refused i ask him to send a video nothing just too see what he ripped out, i was trying to help him but i cant since he did not pay for the laser the laser was purchased for someone else he decide to take it a part and brake it i have a video the laser was working 100% /
at the time my friends sister pasted away very young and i was just hard on all of us friends and her family and i was just leaving to eu
and at the time when i ship the laser i traveled from usa i did move but i do come back to us for 2/3m and go back,
i do builds only for me self nothing to sell anymore in the forum am very limited on time, :)
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Mar 17, 2006
Good title change. Calling somebody an outright 'scammer' in a vague situation like this isn't gonna help anyone. I don't know what to say about this situation. If he didn't sell the laser directly to you, then he's under no real obligation to fix it for you. As for the 14 year old with a 7W laser thing...I didn't get my first high powered laser until I was 19, and it was a 300mw green laser. Even then I managed to do some dumb/potentially hazardous things with it. A 6.3W laser is over 20 times more powerful than what I started out with. Just a little perspective...
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Oct 6, 2015
you can tell people the true i ask you to ask the person getting the laser what host the may like you instant replay i like the small host so i did tell you the laser will heat up fast in this host, so then i changed the driver from 5A to 4A just to be safe, you told me keep the laser on highest 5A for more power , i told you to tell the person positive in first negative on endcap ,i explain too you the host will limit the person getting the laser when it gets hot turn it off its small or keep it on for 40seconds i tested it worked fine did not get hot ,i did proxy the driver and everything so no one opens it or takes it apart you managed to pop out the diode from the driver then you told me the wires are a part, what really happen is or what i believe you insert the batteries in wrong direction or the person and the driver when K/O however got it, you took the lens of or the person did to see whats inside, ( i was planing to help you when i got back but i cant since you made the destitution to do an surgery on it ) but i would still need the person how got the laser and your parents permission with is another story, so if you keep writing all over the place am a scammer am fine with it believe it or not its kinda funny i even told some other members write am a scammer but tare refused ,just too see what people real thing of me and to see the true color, am very sorry but i can not fix the laser or however broke it !
Mar 27, 2011
So, let's see.

1. Laser is purchased.
2. Laser is used by person other than the one who purchased it.
3. Laser stops working.
4. Laser is taken apart by buyer.

That last part is where the story should end. #1 rule of dealing with any sensitive equipment is, don't touch it unless you know what you're doing. As the old saying goes, you break it, you buy it.

(Personally, I would never offer anything except a guaranteed to arrive in working order and not DOA type of warranty on anything laser related. Especially a 6W laser in a c6 steel host, with 30 seconds on/off cycle.)
Dec 9, 2015
Oh, about the friend the laser was owned jointly by both of us. He is paying my parents for it, but i get to use it as I did the research to get it. I find it ridiculous that you still doubt me, guess i will never be able to prove it. I was also in charge of fixing problems because i had the contacts. My acquaintance does not have an account here. I agree that it does sound far fetched, so i can see where you are coming from. About taking the laser apart, I will admit I should not have done this but only did after the laser died. I never actually was able to take it apart though. The laser died while it was being used, so reverse polarity is not to blame. What you did to me alien was dump me because you wanted to sell more poorly done builds to become even richer. Who puts lithium and normal batteries in the same laser? Also, why do yo even put a 3 watt diode in a pen host. That is just asking for problems. Stop trying to defend yourself, your builds are poor, and you dump people rather than helping them.
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Mar 17, 2006
Perhaps it would help if you could get your friend to make an account here and tell his version of the situation. It's not that people wanna doubt you, but you're not giving us much to work with here. This is probably one of the weirdest buyer/seller disputes I've seen in a while. If all of this is true though, I don't believe Alien is obligated to fix it. Sounds like you/your friend took the laser apart and messed it up. Sucks, but consider it a learning experience. If you want a proper warranty then order from jetlasers/sanwu/etc. When buying from a private builder the only guarantee is that it won't come DOA usually.
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Oct 6, 2015
Oh, about the friend the laser was owned jointly by both of us. He is paying my parents for it, but i get to use it as I did the research to get it. I find it ridiculous that you still doubt me, guess i will never be able to prove it. I was also in charge of fixing problems because i had the contacts. My acquaintance does not have an account here. I agree that it does sound far fetched, so i can see where you are coming from. About taking the laser apart, I will admit I should not have done this but only did after the laser died. I never actually was able to take it apart though. The laser died while it was being used, so reverse polarity is not to blame. What you did to me alien was dump me because you wanted to sell more poorly done builds to become even richer. Who puts lithium and normal batteries in the same laser? Also, why do yo even put a 3 watt diode in a pen host. That is just asking for problems. Stop trying to defend yourself, your builds are poor, and you dump people rather than helping them.

i did a 3W build in a pen and gave it to my friend believe it or not its till working today and its bin almost 1year +
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Mar 17, 2006
i did a 3W build in a pen and gave it to my friend believe it or not its till working today and its bin almost 1year +
For whatever it's worth, the 5W 470nm build I bought from you still works great:yh: I'm pretty strict about following the duty cycle though.

Alien isn't out to get rich scamming people. Most people have no problems with his builds. It sucks that yours died, but you shouldn't be putting out baseless accusations like that.
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Nov 4, 2014
OP- you stated the laser died after 10 min use. Was this all in one use? In other words what duty cycle did you follow? That power in that host should have been around 30-45 sec on 90 sec off. Sounds to me like you may have blown the diode.

The one thing I would score a point or two for your side is $30 for two batteries. What brand were they? Also that diode should have been in a host such as Survival lasers S4X host. Its made for >5W diodes. Flaminpyro build a 7W 445 in one of these and he brought it to NWLEM. It had a solid duty cycle.

Other than that I feel you in the wrong claiming scammer. You went about this the wrong way.

Also AL laser never should have sold this to your mom. Thinking this was actually for her naive at best and he dammed well knew you you be using it. Like you did. NO way in HELL a person of your age should have anything near that power. 50mW maybe....6W....wildly inappropriate,

Also, as you now know NEVER start tinkering with a damaged laser. Like any company, a private builder is also going to immediately void any warrenty.
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