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FrozenGate by Avery

Pre-Order: 16.5mm BenBoosts 12$


Jan 14, 2012
Ive decided i will carry the 16.5mm BenBoost drivers at my shop, Ill be offering 9 choices of output current,
--mA means you supply your own resistors and solder them yourself so you can get whatever current output you ilke :cool:

They are 12.00$ during the Pre-Order and I'm not sure if it will stay at that price so take advantage while it lasts :) Im accepting a limited amount of orders for now so its first come first served.
The Pre-Order page is here
And of course I have permission to do this ;)
Any questions let me know :)
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Gotta hand it to you, this will be pretty awesome! Only foreseeable problem is the inability to use two drivers, but hey, It'll be perfect for 405nms! Your new site layout looks awesome, by the way!
Gotta hand it to you, this will be pretty awesome! Only foreseeable problem is the inability to use two drivers, but hey, It'll be perfect for 405nms! Your new site layout looks awesome, by the way!

:thanks: I've just redone it, made it faster :cool:'er ;)

I guess you could stack these, it would make heatsinking difficult I think though I've gotten 3 preorders so far, of I don't hit a certain amount by 1 week I will refund everyone and stock them on my own, just letting everyone know ;)
Are the components the same as the standard Ben Boost driver ?
I asked this because I already ordered some unassembled Ben Boost drivers from cilegray and the round driver may suit the build better.

You sell just round PCB ? You could ship it together with my copper modules. :)
Are the components the same as the standard Ben Boost driver ?
I asked this because I already ordered some unassembled Ben Boost drivers from cilegray and the round driver may suit the build better.

You sell just round PCB ? You could ship it together with my copper modules. :)

Ya it uses the same components, the only thing is the inductor may be a tight fit. If i get the PCB's in time ill ship it with your modules :beer: but only if i get them on time as i dont want to delay your modules ;)
I am not in rush for the GB modules. They are for future build that are not planned yet.
Beside I already have some 3.8mm and 9.0mm Aixiz modules. Not much tho.
I am not in rush for the GB modules. They are for future build that are not planned yet.
Beside I already have some 3.8mm and 9.0mm Aixiz modules. Not much tho.

well if you dont mind waiting then i could do that for you :beer:

Ive decided i won't be taking preorders but i will still stock these in about a month or so, i will also have the bare PCB's. Sorry guys i don't want to be taking payments so much in advance.. ill post on this thread once they are available :beer: Ill get to them right after the copper modules GB i am doing
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Are the components the same as the standard Ben Boost driver ?
I asked this because I already ordered some unassembled Ben Boost drivers from cilegray and the round driver may suit the build better.

You sell just round PCB ? You could ship it together with my copper modules. :)

Speaking of which, they went out today. Should be in your mailbox by end of next week. Cheers!
