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Posting a picture of safety glasses before starting a thread

Your suggestion overall was not a "bad" suggestion, but it was impractical. Also I think (just my opinion) it "goes too far", even if it is well-intentioned.

The U.S. Congress does this kind of thing all the time.

In *my particular case*, I currently CAN NOT meet your requirements for "priviledge". So should I be "excluded"? Exactly WHAT "dedication and effort" do you want of me? Exactly WHAT "work" do you want of me so that I can be "priviledged"?

Hopefully, Garoq will continue to sell products to me (WHEN I can afford them). And hopefully, when and if I ask questions of a technical nature, knowledgable people will provide sensible answers.
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JB: I am sure they will, and when SkyNet becomes self aware it won't be able to find you because your living off the grid ;P
Your suggestion overall was not a "bad" suggestion, but it was impractical. Also I think (just my opinion) it "goes too far", even if it is well-intentioned.

The U.S. Congress does this kind of thing all the time.

In *my particular case*, I currently CAN NOT meet your requirements for "priviledge". So should I be "excluded"? Exactly WHAT "dedication and effort" do you want of me? Exactly WHAT "work" do you want of me so that I can be "priviledged"?

Hopefully, Garoq will continue to sell products to me (WHEN I can afford them). And hopefully, when and if I ask questions of a technical nature, knowledgable people will provide sensible answers.

you seem to be taking this as a personal attack when this was never aimed at you or any other active members who regularly participate. I am talking about those who have no posts or rep and just want to know how to build or buy a 445nm or where to buy a high power green.

This is what I am referring to

I really want one that I can see the beam very easily at night time; almost as visible as the actual dot. I don't really plan on doing anything with it other than pointing it around and having some fun, showing it off. I don't want to spend a ton of money, and I have no idea where to get the best one from for the cheapest price. I am willing to spend ~$40.

I want to have one that I can EASILY see the beam at night time and in low-light conditions. Are there any that fit my criteria?

so im looking at cheaper priced lasers, i want something with a visible beam and something that can burn stuff. im currently looking at these:



100mW 532nm Flashlight Style 2009 Type Green Laser Pointer Pen with 16340 Battery at Laserpointerpro.com

any help would be greatly appreciated!

I was looking to get this.Real 1W 445nm blue Laser torch/waterproof/focusable [OL-1W-445] - $209.00 : Welcome to O-Like.com, Your source for laser products

what do you guys think.is it worth it.does anyone have it and how do they like it?are there any others that are good but still in the sane price range.thanks

So a few years ago I bought a 105mW green laser from Nova Lasers for almost $300 if I remember correctly. Since then I've had some fun with the laser every now and then. So today I was browsing around looking at lasers because I was bored, and I was astonished at how cheap a 1W 445nm laser is these days. So, I want one :drool:

Basically I'm interested in the highest quality/power in the $200 range for a 1W+ laser. I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron and know a good bit about electronics (ohms law and the likes), so building one is definitely within my means, if it's worth it. So.. Should I build one? Or, should I buy one? Either way, what are your suggestions?

These are just some examples I grabbed and they are not even bad ones but it would be nice to know that these people have laser safety glasses before helping them acquire such lasers. However again I am going to let this thread die so I am unsubscribing I just didnt want you to take any offense as none was intended.
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Last but not least:
I have never owned a pair of goggles, I used them at my job in my lab due to the hundreds of spurious beam reflections operating with "covers off" scenarios, but the last thing I want to do is stick my hand in 40 watts of green because I cant see it. I carefully plan beam propagation and take measures to avoid them. I dont recommend that method for others.

if there is ANY doubt of your capabilities...use goggles.

Very well said... :)
you seem to be taking this as a personal attack when this was never aimed at you or any other active members who regularly participate. I am talking about those who have no posts or rep and just want to know how to build or buy a 445nm or where to buy a high power green.

Personal attack... NO, not as such. I *did* use myself as an example, simply because I am easy to use as an example, having joined relatively recently.

But if I am not mistaken, the intent and the tone of the thread implies a suggestion to impose a change in *forum policy*, yes? To reduce a choice, currently made by the sellers, down to a policy whereby someone has to provide a picture of their safety goggles before they can buy lasers... and also before they can ask questions (reminder: the original topic title is "Posting a picture of safety glasses before starting a thread").

A policy has to be implemented universally. If a new policy is going to be implemented, then it SHOULD be implemented / imposed on EVERYONE. OR, if a policy is meant to "filter the newcomers", how do you decide who an "unproven newcomer" is, as opposed to someone who has "proven themselves"? It IS easy enough to determine in MANY cases, but not all of them.

Such a policy change, if implemented, would be made by the owner of the forum, and/or the moderators.

OR, if a call is made for such a policy change, then *ALL FORUM MEMBERS* should have the right to provide input. Anything else would just be "elitist", based on subjective impressions.

AS IT HAPPENS, even though I DON'T take the suggestion personally (as such), the "policy" WOULD *affect me personally*. THAT'S why I spoke up.
JBtexas im sorry if your offended by the idea it was a idea. i tried to provide other ways and obviously they didn't work and that's fine. but i still think we need some sort of safety implemented into this forum.
Hey JB. "I *did* use myself as an example, "
You not have any friends to use ?
Just kiddin.
I'm the one with no friends.

I think you are enjoying this debate (for lack of a better word at day end) a little too much. Your responses suggest that this is a matter of great interest to you, probably for reasons best left alone.
It made for good reading on a break here at work though, so "Thanks !"
And another smiley too... :)

Now if you will excuse me...I think I actually might have some work to do...:eek:
Not that Im a terribly experienced laser opperator...
or an extremely experienced forum member...
So please dont take this the wrong way...
But whats to stop me from posting, say...
This image: laser goggles (after using print screen and saving it on my hard drive)...


There would be no way to track it
No way to stop it
No way of knowing weather I do or do not have goggles.

And if you still dont beleive me, I can find a photo of someone wearing them and post that.

DISCLAIMER: I own several sets of goggles, and the laser is stored in a box such that in order to get the the laser, you must remove the goggles first.
Not that Im a terribly experienced laser opperator...
or an extremely experienced forum member...
So please dont take this the wrong way...
But whats to stop me from posting, say...
This image: laser goggles (after using print screen and saving it on my hard drive)...


There would be no way to track it
No way to stop it
No way of knowing weather I do or do not have goggles.

And if you still dont beleive me, I can find a photo of someone wearing them and post that.

DISCLAIMER: I own several sets of goggles, and the laser is stored in a box such that in order to get the the laser, you must remove the goggles first.

You are supposed to take a picture of them on a piece of paper with your forum username and the current date written on it... You could photoshop it but it wouldn't be worth the trouble.
The exchange of information is unlimited and free. That is the whole point of having a "forum". It is for discussions and exchanges of ideas that work to the benefit of all.

A suggestion for intention or posession of safety related materials is the question for discussion here.

While it is a good idea in theory, the practicality is in question.

As a seller, you are completely entitled to ask for anything you see fit for your own comfort.
The purchaser also has the right to meet your request(s) or purchase somewhere else where they feel comfortable buying.
The more extreme your requirements, as a seller, the less you will sell. The less you want to meet those terms, as a buyer, the less you will buy.

So despite anything suggested here, you are still free to ask for proof of goggles/glasses if you are so inclined.
What you accept as proof (or intent) is completely up to you.

I think to try to adopt some sort of policy here on an informal forum would only lead to more trouble than it is worth.

But kudos to you for bringing up the topic.

I agree..... right now it's up to the sellers. And I think the sellers should take the initiative to learn as much as they can about the buyers.
And until "something happens".....and you all know what that "something" is, this is the way it will remain.
Obviously the "powers that be" who run this forum are not concerned enough or feel far enough removed from liability so as to not require this already.
This may not last forever though.

I think Helios has a good point. It makes me nervous when I see completed class IV lasers going out to individuals we know nothing about.
But that's the way it is. I used to think the members who say "watch ...... the hammer is going to fall", were overreacting.
But now that's exactly what I think. It's just a matter of when IMO.
I'm a bit surprised that some sort of policy is not already in place but I think the reason for this is that this forum is not just here solely for information.
It's also a source of income for some.

I think this forum has a lot quality people.
I have gained a lot of knowledge here and enjoy hanging out here.
I hope the "something" I referred to earlier doesn't happen.
But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.
"You could photoshop it but it wouldn't be worth the trouble. "

Actually, for me and the current configuration of my software/hardware and the type of camera that I own, and the consideration of my skills as a graphic artist and knowledge/experience with photo manipulation software, I would find it much faster and easier to "create" a picture than to take one to submit.
I'm not quite as removed from the grid as JB. I have a digital camera. I refuse to get a cell phone. I don't subscribe to any form of IM.(this forum is the closest thing to that !) I don't even allow my real name to be located on/in my computer. (Personal data is all on removable media, encrypted, or both.)
I DO NOT have any laser goggles/glasses yet. (I don't have any lasers yet either.) But I could fabricate several examples of the type you are asking for in one evening while winding down for bed in front of the computer.
As I commented earlier, while the idea is somewhat valid, the implementation of such would be infeasable.
The onus will have to remain on each seller to meet their own imposed criterea. The benefits of selling to responsible, or at least knowledgeable, buyers would outweigh the consequences of just trying to make a quick buck as anything that leads to the restriction of the products, through governmental regulations or whatever, would directly impact their ability to sell future product(s).
You guys helped me pick out my first laser last week.

I ordered 6 pairs of glasses because i never want to be without them, it worked on me just by a few people pointing it out to me.

Actually i ordered 6 pairs because i know sooner or later there will be 5 or 6 people screwing around with the thing and i didnt want anyone blinded.
You guys helped me pick out my first laser last week.

I ordered 6 pairs of glasses because i never want to be without them, it worked on me just by a few people pointing it out to me.

Actually i ordered 6 pairs because i know sooner or later there will be 5 or 6 people screwing around with the thing and i didnt want anyone blinded.

well thanks for being responsible but there are people that obviously dont have safety glasses i saw a thread where a guy was buying 532nm blocking glasses for a 1watt 445
well thanks for being responsible but there are people that obviously dont have safety glasses i saw a thread where a guy was buying 532nm blocking glasses for a 1watt 445

Don't jump on that guy too quickly.
Most 532nm glasses also block 445nm.
The OD rating will be different though.
fair enough but they were 5 dollar glasses that said green blocking ......:whistle:on eBay
