I had a PayPal account years ago and cancelled it (security concerns).
I only recently established a new one just so I could buy through this forum. In fact, I was reluctant at first to get a new one... you can search my posting history (back through June or so), and find traces of that reluctance.
Okay then... the first hi-power laser that I had decided to purchase was a 200mw 532nm from a Chinese seller. But I needed reliable goggles.
I purchased my first set of safety goggles from a member here in the forum. This was BEFORE I got a new paypal account. We agreed (through PMs) that I would send him a check, and I remember saying "Of course you can wait until the check clears".
So there is NO paypal receipt for my first set of goggles. I suppose in this hypothetical situation that I could get that other established member to vouch for me and to declare to the forum that I purchased goggles from him.
But putting myself in the mind of a new forum member, who has to "prove myself with goggles", I can see how the frustration and annoyance levels might already be growing.
I just logged onto paypal. I tried to *download* my entire purchase history via a PDF file. That didn't work... it's glitched. I specified a RANGE from 1 January 2011 to the present (16 August 2011). The downloaded PDF *ONLY* contains transactions in August. I tried twice more, making VERY SURE that I did it right. No joy.
Okay... no problem... so from within PayPal I just specified the display of my entire order history this year. Okay, that worked. What I get is a clickable list of all of my transactions.
Looking at that order history, I COULD click on a specific order from Radiant Electronics, and THAT record DOES contain a reference to "Radiant Shades"; my 2nd pair of goggles. (That does NOT constitute a ** RECEIPT ** though. More on that later).
Also another record from Survival Laser, where I ordered the Survival Laser "R" 660nm parts *bundle* with *accessories*. Which includes goggles for red lasers, although the *PayPal record* doesn't specifically say that. To constitute "proof", you have to go to the Survival Laser website and verify the contents of the bundle.
At any rate; I could copy the two relevant orders into a text file, or take a screenshot, whatever; removing all personal information; thus "proving" the existance of my 2nd and 3rd pair of goggles.
BUT... see where I am going with this?
WHAT did I have to go through to aquire that information?
AND those were not RECEIPTS... so you mean the emailed receipts that I get from PayPal? What if I deleted all those some time ago and I have no record of them?
What if a new member jumps through all of these hoops, DOES provide a textfile, screenshot, etc., thus "proving" that he has goggles, and successfully purchases a laser. BUT by the time he figured out how to do this for the forum or for a seller on the forum, he was very frustrated, and does not remove ALL personal info from the aquired PayPal data? Maybe he says "To heck withit, I just want my laser" and doesn't bother removing anything. And the SELLER is less than honest?
"I joined a forum, but they wanted me to go through all this stuff with my PayPal history, I gave the seller what he wanted, and THEN he hacked into my identity and ripped me off! THAT FORUM STINKS!"
See where I am going with this?
Also, any record of a paypal transaction could be FAKED. Granted, most people wouldn't bother. But what if a person wanted a *particular* laser REALLY BAD, and he *felt* that the only way to get it would be through this forum. Then a light bulb clicks on over his head... in just a few minutes, he can "fake a PayPal receipt".
What if a person *already has some experience* with lasers, and *already has goggles* when he joins the forum?
"I want to buy a laser from you."
"Okay, send me PROOF that you have goggles!"
"Send me a picture of your goggles!"
"MODS: Please delete my account from this forum immediately!"
As I said, *I* don't have a camera or a digital phone. I shouldn't have to buy either just to participate in this forum (asking questions, buying things). What if I never NEEDED a digicam or a cameraphone before I joined this forum? If *I* don't have either of them, it's reasonable to assume that *others* won't have them.
It doesn't matter if "well... MOST people have them...". It's still exclusionary and disenfranchising. NOT directly because of laser safety, because a person doesn't have a camera or a phone.
It's been suggested "well, if you don't have a camera than we could take that into account". Okay... how? why? If a forum wide SYSTEM is going to be imposed, a security or safety policy, demanding proof of goggles, then it has to be UNIVERSAL. You can't make exceptions. That's true of any security or safety system.
OR, we could just do what we do now. Leave it up to the sellers. Aren't they intelligent enough to make their OWN decisions?
Are they not? Okay, if NOT, then which ones? Do YOU want to be the one that posts a list... "Do NOT buy from these people because they do NOT demand proof of goggles!". Hmm... smacks of a police state.
Don't get me wrong... *I* am safety minded. So much so, that I STILL might not bother buying a 445nm laser (when I can afford it) (it's a trade-off between "what would I DO with this 1W+ 445?, versus the potential danger of it). I have 3 sets of safety goggles now. I was in the military for 22 years, in the Security & Intell field, doing all SORTS of things, and that translates well into safety-mindedness.
But, no matter how well-intentioned a particular idea might be, it might also be completely impractical. TO BEGIN WITH.
And I am fundamentally OFFENDED by this idea. There is something about it that smacks of a "police state". At some point, you just have to trust people. If they lie and misrepresent themselves, then so be it. To DEMAND proof of goggle ownership is VERY offensive.
It is perfectly fine for a *seller* to go "through a process" and to try to determine things about buyers and make a decisions regarding whether to sell. Hopefully, through a reasonable process of questions, though, and through that buyer's posting history... NOT "Send me a picture of your goggles!". Do you REALLY want to take it out of the hands of the sellers and adopt a *forum policy*?
Be reasonable. *IF* a policy was established whereby members had to provide pictures of their goggles before they could ask questions or buy things, don't you think that would cut down new membership drastically? Perhaps END it? *I* consider myself mature, rational, safety minded... but if I had been asked to provide credentials to that level (giving in to a demand of proof of goggles), I would have asked the mods to delete my forum membership. Scratch one otherwise-OK member.