That's very cool astralist, + 4U when it will let me. :beer:
I also thought that would be right at threshold, but I wonder about at a little higher current through a pair of orange laser safety glasses if the scope can focus through them and not on them, the scopes lights won't be needed so that may help, also a pic of the beam exiting the can window of a NDB7875 would be interesting to see, it would be fan shaped but tiny at the high intensity exit....this could also explain a lot of the overspray, I am now thinking about a diode face mask.
I would mount a diode against a large heat sink to draw heat out the back and try to get a pic from underneath if no can or a slightly reward angle if canned.
I am inspired to order a new scope, I do wonder if this is the reason for that shadow we see? Also the wide wash of overspray.