I have 2 Chihuahuas and a cat. Somehow I'm not allergic to this cat. I usually have a pretty bad reaction to cats. This guy is special. The dogs are little characters.
I grew up with a patio full of reptiles.
Box turtles, iguanas, every variation of rat snake and king snake that can be caught in FL, chameleons, black and white tegu, golden tegu, Nile monitors, an alligator for a few days, an indigo snake for a few weeks ( released it back into the glades). I'm sure I have e left some out. One thing I would like to mention is a cannot stand to see birds in cages as pets. The thought of existing in this world as a creature with wings only to be trapped in a cage can get me in a bad place. I love animals and some are really tasty but birds belong in the air or on a plate, not in a cage for my entertainment. But I totally get it for all the bird keepers. Some make great companions.
Edit: got carried away and forgot to mention a few. A Jack Russell terrier, lab mutt, 2 Rottweilers, yellow lab, labradoodle, 3 ferrets, an African Grey in no particular order.
But I am done with pets for a few years after my current 3 go the way of all things living.