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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Post a picture of yourself!

You won't let him will you? Because you know at this rate he'll be there in a month.

Hopefully before then >>:banned:

I don't even think anyone would give him the password. lol.
lol, I didn't think anyone would notice that. I "rubber stamped" some of my hair out cause it was frizzy. Apperently I did a bad job cause you noticed it, lol.

lol, wasn't a bad hair day, there was just some stray hair strands that where lit up by my monitor...

This is what happened. I changed the background of my photo to include the my whole computer in the picture. (Its really hard to take a picture of yourself if you cant see the view finder, if you know what I mean). That's it. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal. BTW, at this point it may come as a suprse but i'm actually a very honest person.

If you were an honest person, you would not have lied to begin with. These statements together prove that you are NOT honest. You have lied at least twice in this thread alone. You keep trying to make it sound like nothing happened. However, you lied about what you are trying to say is not a big deal.

What we are left with is -- If you are willing to lie quickly and without remorse about something you say is trivial, how can anyone trust anything you say?

Your veracity was already being questioned based on the "story" in the deleted thread. With your responses herein, it is clear that you believe that dishonesty is no big deal. That is not just a difference of opinion. That is a character defect.


P.S. Why don't they learn to just shut up?
Here's a day at the dentist, getting a cavity filled. You wouldn't imagine the technology now-a-days to hold your mouth open:


and here's a serious one, senior picture:


another swell picture, a typical day hanging with the MENZ:
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Interesting. Haven't seen a rubber dam used for a filling before. (I assume that's what it is. LOL. I'm a dental assistant)
^ But that apparate is not mainly for help the patient keep the mouth opened ..... is for avoid that, when the doctor hit a nerve with the drill, for the pain you close the teeth for reflex and cut out him a finger ..... :p :D :crackup:
^ But that apparate is not mainly for help the patient keep the mouth opened ..... is for avoid that, when the doctor hit a nerve with the drill, for the pain you close the teeth for reflex and cut out him a finger ..... :p :D :crackup:
I suppose that's one use for it. LOL.

We usually use it to protect the patient from anything all into the back of their throat.
Here's the face of the skinney old drunk looking at the world through rose colored glasses. This time without the 45 Cal Peacemaker!
Damn, I wish it was still warm here :scowl:


