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Polls to Ban Members Now Discontinued

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Taken straight from the Forum Rules....

6. Registration

You must register to use certain portions of the Website. You will be asked to expressly agree with this Terms of Use when you register. After you have read the Terms of Use, you must both click the checkbox indicating your agreement with the Terms of Use and complete the registration process in order to enjoy all the privileges of being a registered user. If after you have read the Terms of Use you do not agree to comply with the Terms of Use you must discontinue using the Website. The Terms of Use applies to all uses of the website; therefore, if you disagree with the Terms of Use discontinue use of the website. The Terms of Use also applies to any and all prior registered users of the Website.

It is not a right to be a Member here..... You are allowed to become
a member on LPF...
We as members have legally have no right here... we have not paid
for the rights nor has any Government given us those rights..
This Forum belongs solely to the Administration... and as such can
ban any member it deems fit... :cool:

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Has nothing to do with arguing...
It has to to about being factual....
and trying to present some proof...:cool:

there is no arguement, the rules are the rules. now from what i have exerienced in my time here is that cold is a very understanding person. He is constantly making the forums better and listening to comments. and like all things there are grey areas. and some areas surrounding banning, and the rep system are included. If the majority of members came up with a solid plan we all know cold would listen. There is no conspiracy here. After all cold wants as many members as possible, it is a business after all!!!!

interesting discussions here =)

just want to let u guys know, regardless of whether there are ban bolls or not, it is my goal to try and have a peaceful environment here .. if there is someone causing problems, just email me with evidence and if possible try and get other people to agree with you.

people violating terms and causing unpleasant scenario will be banned

i usually give ppl a 2nd chance unless they did somethinig downright horrific lol

enjoy the forum guys
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