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FrozenGate by Avery

Pocket LPM from Laserpointerstore?

May 9, 2015
Up to 15 watts? Who builds this thing? Is Tommy responsible for this? If so, that's just awesome. I know it says limited production so far. If it's pretty accurate than I would love to see this product as a regular item on the site.

Build quality looks questionable, though for the price it's not too unreasonable.
Build quality looks questionable, though for the price it's not too unreasonable.

Very true. I would have figured it would be hard to make one go to 15 watts and looks to be rechargeable for 80 bucks and still make money :thinking:
Nice find Richie, I haven't looked at his recent products lately but he sure seems to be adding a variety..
I would think a review by a experienced member would the best bet to see if this little pocket LPM can live up to it's claims.
Durability seems to be questionable like Diachi mentioned..

Edit: Iv'e noticed Tommy hasn't been posting new products to the forum like he used to considering all the new ones he has added.
Could be his ebay is doing well enough or this pocket meter just might not cut it??:undecided: I don't know how else to word it..
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Who's willing to be a guinea pig and test one of these out? :thinking:

Maybe Jerry could put it to the test?
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I wonder how accurate this is, especially holding it in your hand? I don't think I'll be pointing 15W at it while it's in my hand! :eek:
Lmao! My luck I would slip and burn my hand.

Nice find Richie, I haven't looked at his recent products lately but he sure seems to be adding a variety..
I would think a review by a experienced member would the best bet to see if this little pocket LPM can live up to it's claims.
Durability seems to be questionable like Diachi mentioned..
Yeah you're def right, even if it could read to a max of 5 watts, and accurately I would be happy. Thanks BTW.
I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Assuming there is a thermal sensor in there, it's going to need some thermal mass attached to it or active cooling of some sort to get enough response time for reading powers in the Watt range.

Optical LPMs can be very accurate and tiny like this, but they only work for specific wavelengths which probably wouldn't work out for most LPF'ers.

If somebody does buy one, see if you can open it up to have a look.
Who's willing to be a guinea pig and test one of these out? :thinking:

Maybe Jerry could put it to the test?

Jerry is probably one of the best choices, anyone else with a high quality calibrated LPM and several high powered sources would be suitable though.
I suspect there will be many deficiencies with this unit, especially with the claim of 15 watts.
memory failure?
the Hyperions have been tested & proven.. $150 reads ~20W-but you can get a $75 version (MUST be the correct version) and later easily upgrade to 20W for a second $75..(no need to send your LPM anywhere BTW)

PM if you have more questions
edit & update'''

First time for me to visit LPStore..I see they offer the Hyperion & ship FREE!! woot? .......no woot

for 2W version $150
for 20W $240
wait/what?? (they better free $hip!!)
IMHO I think they do not have any actually in stock. drop shipped instead would be my guess..
and although is tried to process my order of 10 pcs I am doubtful that they have 10==nor does the maker/seller..until he gets more
I must==after seeing this up my reselling prices for now..(if I had any to sell.)..
Those prices in threads are FORUM/PROMO ONLY.. and no telling if any more will come and the cost at 'new' pricetag.
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In the video it said to turn off the room lights and he did not run the test until the pointer topped out and/or declined any amount, I wonder if it could be within 10% or even 5% accuracy?

There's not much detail on it and the build looks hand made, also it said " some place may not be perfect " are they talking about the fit and finish because I can see the digital read out is a tiny bit out of square and the usb port looks a bit over cut out at the bottom where they fitted it as well as the sensor hole looks hand cut with the penciled on round hole marks still partially showing, but if it's reasonably accurate and repeatable to even 10w I would be tempted, but it says nothing about the usb port or what else it may or may not do......it could be a diamond in the rough, but that's just me being hopefully optimistic.
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