I think the problem will mainly be divergence: At the far side of the field you'll be 600 meters or so from the laser, and even with a very good divergence of 1 mrad, the 'dot' would be a circle over a meter in diameter at that point.
You could still be able to see that during dusk and at night, but daytime would be problematic. A 10x beam expander can mitigate this problem, but that increases the cost of the system quite a bit ($500-$1000 or so?).
A different approach could be to use a low (1 mW) laser, and look directly into it through a sight, which can be as simple as a piece of pipe provided its straight. As long as you see the laser, you know the pipe/sight is oriented inline with the beam, and you can proceed in the direction you are going.
Looking into a laser obviously has its risks, and the most important part of it is that the laser is actually low power. At 1 mW there is no change of eye damage though, and it will probably not be overly umcomfortable either: Starting from the far side of the field it will not be that bright, and by the time you get to 50 meters from the laser or so you can drive the remainder of the distance without using the sight.